The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1188: Who lost the wife and the soldiers?

When Huang Shiji heard it, he suddenly became jealous. This is to let himself put the wife into the house and not to say that even the money is not earned.

To say that the market gambling wins, everyone can earn hundreds of billions, according to five or five points, that is, five hundred million, spread on the head of each rich businessman is not more than 500 million earned, everyone can follow the Huang family mixed It’s just running the money.

Now it’s good, one swallows 90%, and one person divides it into tens of millions. With this profit, Huang Zhiren’s father and son can’t really explain to the people.

Moreover, Sun Wuji said that it is easy, he is desperate to fight, but the wealthy businessmen who are not holding the price is fighting, in case he wants to lose, everyone can have to go bankrupt, and there is no difference between losing their lives.

"St. Shao, 90% is really a little too much, can you slow down again, Sanqi, how are you seven of us? After all, everyone is doing their best to make this gamble." Huang Zhiren could not sit still. I bowed my hand and asked.

Sun Wuji came to Australia to go through such a circle. It can be said that everyone’s family has a little value. As long as he looks at it, he is stripped of empty space. Huang Zhiren’s loss of only one daughter-in-law is light, and the value of several wealthy merchants is Ten million national treasures also fell into the pocket of Sun Wuji.

In turn, Sun Wuji did not go to the extreme, and did not look at everyone as a person. He should teach everyone how to live forever, but until now, even Huang Zhiren did not know what the so-called "Family House" was. .

When I asked my daughter-in-law, I couldn’t tell you why it was a mess, and there was no letter at all.

Originally, everyone just thought that the opportunity had not arrived, but now it seems that Sun Wuji is really embarrassed, really did not take everyone seriously.

How can a person who does not let a little bit of money teach them how to live forever?

I thought that Huang Zhiren was half-hearted and had a feeling of being pitted, but he could not say anything.

"Give you a lot of money. You guys are all in the eyes of money. I will go back to the Kunlun Mountain Taoist Temple and let my father pray for you personally. It is your life for a hundred years." Do not come for the blessing." Sun Wuji said.

"St. Shao, then, what do you teach us about the longevity? I asked Li Fang, she said that Saint Shao did not teach." Huang Zhiren lazy to listen to him said this fart, asked directly.

"You take this book, slowly fix it, and slowly practice it. The longevity method you want is all inside."

Sun Wuji took a secret from the small space implements that he carried, and threw them in front of Huang Zhiren.

Huang Zhiren opened it and saw that there was a picture of a male and female play, with some meridians and notes on the side. It looked like that was the case.

“Thank you for being holy.”

"Nine achievements are 90%, and I will discuss with the people of the Chamber of Commerce immediately."

Huang Zhiren was overjoyed and bit his teeth.

Sun Wuji secretly sneered a sneer, how precious is the secret method of the Taoist sect, that is, the most common disciple's cultivation method is also hard to find in the world. He said that there is no blasphemy in Lang Lang's bulk, and that there is something that must not be handed over to Huang Zhiren.

This is just a boring reading that his lascivious brother gave him privately. Anyway, he has eaten fresh meat now, and it doesn't make much sense to keep it. He just used it to deceive Huang Zhiren.

Thinking of this, he was so uncomfortable in his heart that he felt like a **** on the top, playing with these ants, until they squeezed their interests and values.


The handicap was opened after zero, and the opening of the market, the wealthy businessmen from Australia and the mainland excitedly poured into the casino to bet.

Since the market is only open to famous businessmen, He Dazhong specially placed a fine banquet in the hall, and everyone gathered to watch the changes in the funds of the electronic screen pool.

Because there are gambling on both sides, there is no such thing as odds, that is, the winner, and take all the money from the loser.

Sitting on the left is Huang Zhiren's network of people, supporting Sun Wuji's businessman. On the right is the Hongbang and the wealthy businessmen in the mainland, and both sides are full of bets.

The dealer took the electronic device of betting and shuttled through the crowd. The funds on both sides of the big screen were like snowballs, and the more and more crazy.

Although the two sides are divided into two parts, but because of the different cultures and positions, the eyes are extremely unfriendly. The shopping malls are like battlefields. Many people are all supporting their own homes. For a time, the hall is filled with richness. The smell of gunpowder.

With the people of Hejia and Nie Binghe deliberately smearing and ignoring the Qin dynasty in the underground and business circles, when it was a little while, Sun Wuji’s handicap had reached nearly 200 million, and there are still people who are looking for a relationship. The friend went to the money.

On the other hand, the Qin dynasty's handicap, in addition to Nie Binghe's financial atmosphere is roughly two billion, the mainland to come to the confidant, other bets are not positive, the total amount is also one hundred billion, less than half of Sun Wuji.

However, there are a lot of dividends of one hundred million yuan. Most of this game is considered to be the handicap of Sun Wuzhi. It is like a pie falling from the sky. Don't be white.

The funds of Sun Wuji’s handicap are still rolling up in a crazy way, and they simply can’t stop.

Of course, Huang Zhiren, who is sitting on the inside, is very incomparable. He didn't dare to tell everyone that only 10% of them came back.

He is not stupid, the big guys in the mall are not the main ones to provoke Sun Wuji wants to swallow, he will swallow, this pot will not be back.

On the contrary, the deceitful Huang Zhiren secretly bought hundreds of millions of funds in the Qin dynasty's market. Why, intuition tells him that a greedy person can hardly become a major event, and this holy person can't deal with Jiangdong Qinhou. It’s an unknown number.

"Nie boss, I heard that you have been running around the island in the past few days, like someone looking for it."

"Why, if people don't find it, and if they have the heart to open this, they are not afraid to go back and lose a good light?"

Huang Zhiren got up and walked to the side of Nie Binghe, and sneered a little.

"General Huang, you are quite well informed, but I have also heard that some shameless people have given their daughter-in-law to the sake of the hypocrisy. Is there such a thing?"

Nie Binghe deliberately raised his voice and asked with a big laugh.

When I was on the scene, I laughed loudly, especially when Huang Shiji’s face was green and green, and the sorrowful Li Fang opened, and it was a shame.

"Last name Nie, you!"

Huang Zhiren was speechless and didn't expect the scandal at home to spread so quickly.

"Hey, Nie Binghe, wait for Sheng Shao to win this game. When you fell down on the mountain and lost your wife and lost your troops, don't blame me for not reminding you. Ao Island is not your Xiangdao. It is really not what you want to come. Come, I want to go and leave."

Huang Zhiren became angry and angered.

"If Qin Hou won, then did you lose your daughter-in-law and lose money?"

"Huang Boss, I will say a little more, I am Hong Gang, and in today's world, no one dares to play with me."

"You have kind, I appreciate you very much!"

Nie Binghe raised his face in a tough smile, his eyes were cold, and he was filled with murderous murder.

(End of this chapter)


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