The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1193: Are you sure I lost?

"Saint Shao, this gambling tool was the father of your father who had opened the law in the past. It is the heirloom of the boss. The rune and seal above, you are more familiar than anyone. The whole world is only one pair. It should be fake." Qin Risheng asked suddenly.

"Yes, Hemou can make a name in the secular world, and it is all thanks to the gift of the former Sun Zongzhu!" He Dazhong thought that the benefactor, Sun Zongzhu, the father of the tiger, could not help but be embarrassed.

When this pair of gambling tools came out, Sun Wuji had no nonsense, and he could not even believe in the things that his father had opened up.

"My father has been opened, and naturally it is impossible." Sun Wuji shouted.

"Well, then I announced that Qin Hou and Sun Sheng Shao's life and death gambling, the last one, a game of life and death, can begin."

Qin Risheng stared at everyone and condensed.

Sun Wuji took the jar, and the rune above was the rule of the Taoist sect. The aura was full and it was indeed the father's handwriting. As a result, he is simply a tiger. As a top talent in Kunlun Mountain, he can naturally control the dice, and Qin Yu wants to break the seal left by his father. It will never be as easy as before.

He thought about it. Once he had set the dice, he immediately started the game and did not give Qin Qin any breathing space.

He even suspected that Qin Hao had done the opportunity to chat with He Wenxi and Li Fang, and he would never turn the boat twice in the same gutter.

It’s about life and death, it’s about thousands of people, and it’s about the safety of the island.

For a time, the vast silence of the Great Victory Plaza in Aosheng, only the sound of Sun Wuji’s shaking of the dice, everyone is holding their breath, staring at the situation, looking forward to the moment when the answer is revealed.


The dice created in the bones of the ancient beasts of Kunlun Mountain screamed wildly in the jar.

Sun Wuji heart, God, and hands are completely and highly consistent. The whole person is integrated with the dice, and the clear eyes are full of absolute confidence.

This is the one he will win. No one can ask for his life.

Because he is Sun Shenghao!


The jar was heavy on the table!

The tight heart of the crowd was slammed by the drums, and many people stunned directly from the chair.

"Open the can!"

Instead of waiting for Sun Wuji to speak, Qin Hao first spoke.

Sun Wuji hesitated a bit, and his heart was guilty. This is Qin’s name. Every time he plays, he can’t expect him. If he wants to change his dice, don’t he need time? Why is it so rushed?

Thinking of this, Sun Wuji suddenly drunk Qin Risheng, who was coming to open the cover: "And slow, before I opened the can, I have to ask clearly."

"Oh, Sun Shengshao seems to ask for a lot, please say." Qin Xiao smiled.

"Since it is the size, if the dice are gone, is it big or small?" Sun Wuji blinked and asked.

What has not been seen in Qin Risheng? Shaking the dice is very common in the martial arts world. It has long been a custom, and immediately smiled: "The gambling dice has always been based on literal points, the dice are broken, then there are no points, when small Count, this is also the majority of people who choose small points in life and death. St. Shaoguo is really an expert."

Sun Wuji laughed and laughed. He leaned forward and looked at Qin Yu’s words: "I want this sentence. I won this game. Qin Hou, from the time you choose to start, you are doomed." Can be a loser."

"In the last game, you said this, the result..." Qin Hao shrugged and smiled boringly.


"I see how you die!"

Sun Wuji took a table and screamed.

"In order to show fairness, Sun Shao is the master of the banker. It is better for you to designate people to open it. Qin will not intervene."

At this moment, the jar was completely wrapped in the method of the Taoist dynasty. Qin Risheng could not see the doorway. In the face of this shocking situation, no one could get too deep into the brain.

In case Qin Hou won, Sun Wuji died, and Sun Tianyi was angry. He could not escape. On the contrary, Qin Hou is dead, he will come to the bureau, and there will be no trouble.

If it is not a request, he will never come to participate in this gambling.

Sun Wuji thought it also makes sense. In order to ensure foolproof, he patted his chest and said: "If this is the case, Ben Shao personally came to open."

During the speech, he no longer hesitated, and slammed the can lid.

When everyone looked at it, it was nothing but stunned. The dice inside were all turned into white dust. As a result, there was no idea. According to the rules of the martial arts gambling world, Sun Wuji should have won.


Huang Zhiren and others sighed at the same time, and all stood up and gave Sun Wuji a thunderous applause.

"Nie Ye, how, this time your master lost, convinced orally?"

"He, I am going to deliver it, more than 13 billion, hey, thank you for the friends on the table."

Huang Shiji sneered.

Nie Binghe's brow is locked. He never dreamed that Qinhou would lose when he dreamed. But looking at Qin's appearance, it doesn't seem like a disappointment. Can you still have articles here?

No matter what, in the face of everyone in the world, losing is losing, this is a fact of iron.

No matter what means is used to confiscate it, it is a great damage to popularity and prestige.

Yes, Qin Hou will not do this stupid thing, it must be finished!

Nie Binghe has strengthened his own ideas.

"Father Who are you doing this?"

He Tianci asked in a whisper.

He Dazhong’s sullen face, with the character of Sun Wuji’s must report, Qin Hou was defeated, and they feared that they would be robbed.

"Heavenly, we will still lose the gamble after all."

"Wenxi is estimated to be unable to go away. I will stay with your older brother. You should go back and hide, so let us give you a root."

After He Dazhong sighed, he quickly told me.

"I do not go!"

"Mad, die when you die. Maybe Hou Ye’s remorse directly kills the surname of Sun. Whoever has a hard fist in this world is really winning."

He Tian raised his throat and slammed his teeth.

Gaming table!

Sun Wuji was also a sigh of relief, and immediately laughed at the extraordinary smile: "Ha ha, Qin Hou, saw it? Broken, no point, I won!"

"Qin Hou, this is the rule that Mr. Qin has just set, but you admit it."

Li Fang followed the reminder.

"It's good to say, the rules are like mountains, no one can change."

"But people who seem to lose, not me!"

"Wenxi, you tell them, what is this?"

Qin Lan is waiting for the two to be beautiful, and this is not a bad thing.

At the beginning, He Wenxi was also half-hearted. He listened to Qin Yu’s reminder and fixed his eyes. But when I saw the jar, the dice were broken, but they all became a small round plaque, arranged in regular order.

"Hey, one two three... seventeen, eighteen, is eighteen points, six colors." He Wenxi turned and said great.

"What? Six colors!"

Sun Wuji screamed and his eyes fell back into the jar.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

End of this chapter


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