The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1195: I only want your life.

Sun Wuji secretly sighed, how to forget this 茬?

Thinking of this, he used internal strength, hidden cold sweat on his forehead, forced to calm down and laughed a few times: "There is a saying that the waves of the Yangtze River are pushed forward, the rules are set by the predecessors, Hou Ye, you and me are emerging. People, since we are gambling, we should set our own rules, why should we stick to the past, you say yes."

"Well, it's reasonable, but the rules are all set by the strong, it depends on whether you have this qualification?"

Qin Lan agreed.

"No one in the world is more qualified than me. Without anything else, there are two people in my hand!"

"Don't forget, your mother and cousin are in my hands!"

Sun Wuji came close to the front, and the probe rushed to the Qin dynasty and sneered.

"Well, it's really a good card, what do you want?"

Qin Yu calmed.

"I am very curious, are you not worried about their safety?"

"If I remember correctly, you should have received Song Jie's finger."

Sun Wuji did not ask.

"I don't worry at all, you don't say it, she is the basis of your qualifications, so you should give them as an ancestor, don't you?"

Qin Yu faint.

Sun Wuji's eyes are half-squatting, and the cold and cold looks at this opponent. This is a person who has no weaknesses and is terrible to impeccable.

"Then I will say it straight. I am here to want to have a trick with you. I will win one game for you and me. I will tie you with you, and you will find a solution. How do you feel?"

Sun Wuji thought about it, but decided not to provoke him, and retired to the whole body.

"If you gamble with me alone, I earned these three hundred million yuan, I can give you a chance to tie, but you kidnapped my mother, it is doomed to have no tie!"

"You want to leave this table, there is only one way, admit defeat, and go out."

Qin Xiao sneered.

"This is a child of the Kunlun Holy Trinity. It is your blessing to fight with you. It is enough for you to make a name for yourself. You can also let your mother go. You still don't know enough. Do you dare to move you? ”

Sun Wuji has never seen such a faceless face, he does not believe, Qin Qi even his cadres are not in the eyes.

"Hou Ye, St. Shao said right, this gamble is the best result, but also think twice."

Qin Risheng rarely inserted a mouth.

He knows the strength of the Three Saints of Kunlun Mountain, but it is a horrible existence above the martial arts. Today, there is only one Yan and nine days in China, and it is barely enough to qualify with the Three Sacred Mountains. Although Qin Hao is strong, it is also absolutely It is not the opponent of Sansheng.

"Are you afraid?"

"The rules are all strong. I will say that this is big now. You must recognize it and you will recognize it if you don't recognize it."

Qin Hao did not give any feelings.

"Well, surnamed Qin, you are not seeing the coffin, no tears, and ironhearted to be an enemy with me."

"Three eyes!"

Sun Wuji's finger waved, and a green light rose up in the sky, forming a black gossip in the air, and the glare outside the blank space.

This is the signal he agreed with the three eyes!

However, to his disappointment, the three eyes did not appear!

"Three eyes?"

Sun Wuji once again oozing cold sweat on his forehead, did he also betray himself? It shouldn't be!

He roared again and another signal.

"Don't be busy, he won't come!"

"Mr. Fang!"

Qin Hao patted the palm of his hand.

"The house is repaired!"

With a clear drink, a slender figure came out of the crowd, and everyone saw him as a ghost, and they consciously let out a road.

Fang Xiu carried a **** beast head in his hand and strode forward. He took the head to the table at a few steps.

The animal head looks like a bird, full of buckets, and an eyebrow with an adult slap in the eye.

"A three-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand eagle slain slaves in the district, but also dare to be mad, Sun Sheng less is too much to put my worldly beings in the eye."

The room repaired a cold sigh, and the sleeves were proud.

Some people may not know, but thought it was the head of a weird beast, but Sun Wuji was like a lightning strike, and his heart was desperate.

This is the head of three eyes!

The three-eyed eagle is a eagle eagle of six thousand years. It was made in the main road, and it was made into a human body and a Leifa. It is also a rare war slave.

Three eyes are dead, Sun Wuji does not have much heartache. After all, there are also war slaves who have been raised by the Taoist patriarchs for tens of thousands of years.

But this means that his wishful thinking of taking Song Rujun as a chip is collapsed. If he wants to gain the right to speak in Qinhuang, he will only have a battle!

war? Sun Wuji is not sure, and he said that Qin Zhen, this room repair, does not seem to be a good one.

On the occasion of Zheng, Li Fang said: "St. Shao, you are the top person in the world, you can't admit defeat."

"Yes, I am convinced that the Holy Spirit is unparalleled and cannot be lost."

Huang Shiji and others also eagerly pleaded.

"Qin Hou, since you know that your mother is safe and innocent, why bother to die? Do you really give me my father and the Taoist sect?"

"I have three thousand six hundred and six hundred disciples, and the worst is the master of the master class. The power of the combination can break the mountains and rivers, the stars!"

"I only want to have a match. In order to show sincerity, you can open any conditions. I will give them all the way."

Sun Wuji has a hard scalp and is almost pleading again.

He has never been so afraid of anyone. Qin Lan was the first person to completely destroy him from the heart and will. Sun Wuji did not have the courage to fight with him. This is also the effect that Qin Hao wants. Sun Wuji has a very high talent and has a Father. The real power is to fight with him.

But Sun Wuji's biggest shortcoming is arrogance. He has never suffered setbacks in his life. When such a person goes down the wind, he is high on the top. Once the wind is up, the state of mind is paralyzed.

A fearless and invincible war must be honed between life and death. It is by no means a high-level law, a brilliant master can change.

"I don't want any conditions, I want your life!" Qin Yu refused Sun Wuji's last request without thinking.

"Then you are doing the right thing with me, killing!"

"watch out!"


Sun Wuji sees Qin Qin's stubbornness, knows that there is no chance, only one war, simply take the first move.

The main cadre, the Lord has always been dominated by law, Wu Weifu!

Sun Wuji repaired the highest level of Qiankun 诀 诀 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The body is sanctified and the soul is formed.

This method has always been the lord of the lord, and it is extremely secretive to be secret. Sun Tianqi is said to have touched the third paragraph quickly, and repaired it on the 18th Heaven, while Sun Wuji has used his father’s various tempering and service. The genius treasure, the cultivation of the strong mention of the peak of the early days of Xianqi, for the immortality of the Tao, but only to the first paragraph of the seventh heaven!

This is the case, in the Kunlun Mountains Wufa crown, the younger generation, there are few people rival, and Duan Muquan tied for the Kunlun two holy, to see the overbearing mystery of Qiankun.

Ps: Today's update is complete, from tomorrow to resume three times a day, friends, good night!

End of this chapter


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