
The crisp slap sound resounded throughout the audience!

Sun Wuji’s face hurts and the whole person is paralyzed.

From small to large, everyone respects him as a god. Whoever does not treat him as a prince is so good that his father and mother have never been willing to touch him.

Today, in front of so many people, he was actually fanned by a dust scorpion.

What is even more hateful is that an hour ago, the woman was still a pro-husband in bed, dear, and in a blink of an eye, she became the executioner who erased his last self-esteem.

Sun Wuji’s heart is like being torn apart. This kind of pain is ten thousand times stronger than the physical injury. He wants to cry.

At this time, he did not even have the strength to fight back. The arrogant temperament in the past could not be made.

"Bad scorpion, you, you dare to hit me?"

Sun Wuji wants to roar, but in the end he can only make a weak and sullen voice.


"Hit you, such a brazen little man like you, it should be a thousand, you forced me to go to bed with you, intimidate my father-in-law to do the game for you, God has eyes, you lost to Qinhou, that is you The price of doing these scandals."

Li Fang gave him a mouthful and merciless, and he said it.


"I am letting them do the game, but aren't they also tempted to make money?"

"And you, clearly, you are willing to be my bed. When you are happy, why not say that I am forced?"

Sun Wuji asked for a tooth fang.

"Sun Wuji, you are less in this letter, what do you say when you got on my daughter?"

"Yes, there is a thousand-year-old Guanyin from my family. You said that you took it away and took it away. What is the difference between it and the robber?"

"And my old Liu family's widows, you too..."

Not to wait for Li Fang to argue, the Australian businessmen in the past who are like pugs in the past are scrambling to blame.

Even some who did not have much to deal with, but also fabricated a bunch of evidence that Sun Wuji bullied them, and for a time roared, completely drowning Sun’s resistance.


Sun Wuji angered and attacked the heart, and the seven scorpions smoked, and the ventilated mouth vomited blood, and both eyes turned over and almost did not faint.


Qin snorted, He Tianyang and He Wenxi quickly supported Sun Wuji to sit down on the chair, poured tea, and beat it, finally sighed with relief.

"All his mother shut up!"

Nie Binghe took a table and roared.

Huang Zhiren and others quickly shut up and dared not speak again.

"Hou Ye, these people are willing to separate the line from Sun Wuji. Did they give them these accounts?"

He Dazhong asked in a whisper.

"Give them 60%, I account for 30%, 10% for you, after all, layout and repair of this venue is also a huge expense."

Qin Yudao.

Then, turned to Sun Wuji smiled and said: "Is it? This is human nature, this is the prosperity you see, the world is far from being as simple as you think. Sun Shao, even today you defeated me, if you can not see this The world is prosperous, and after all, there will be a day when it will fall."

Sun Wuji turned and looked at the merchants who were dressed in suits and full of luxury, as well as the distorted charm of Li Fang. At this time, all of these people became a fierce, fierce, eager to swallow.

This subversive deception makes him feel more fearful than death.

Because he is now, the original world is totally different from the beauty he imagined.

The tears in Sun Wuji’s eyes could no longer restrain it.

He suddenly wanted to go back to Kunlun Mountain, where is the real pure land, where is the life he should have.

Here the tiger leopard and the wolf are rampant, he is afraid.

"I, I want to go home." Sun Wuji's mouth squirmed, with a subtle mosquito-like voice.

He said very little, but Qin Hao heard it clearly.

He originally wanted to kill Sun Wuji, but today Qiankun let him realize that the cadres have certain value for him. Sun Wuji has many problems, but like a child who makes mistakes, the lessons are far more meaningful than the end of death.

Killing him, Qin Lan did not get anything, but instead kept it, laying the foundation for him to be on Kunlun.

"You must think that Kunlun Mountain is cleaner than this. It is a big mistake. Your brothers and sisters, those who flatter you more, will be more savage in the future. Everything you do is stepping on." What you got on your father's shoulder, if one day your father is paralyzed, those knives will be tied to your heart."

"The struggle there is a hundred times more cruel than this. Your father doesn't tell you. I told you today."

"If you want to go home, go back."

Qin Hao raised his hand and handed him a medicinal herb.

"You, you don't kill me?" Sun Wuji held the medicinal herbs in his hands, tears like rain, and could not believe it.

"In my opinion, you have been killed before, not me, but they."

Qin Hao finger Huang Zhiren, a group of businessmen, smiled a bit: "Seeing their ugly faces? They are like disgusting bugs. I hate them, but they can't kill them. Because they are human. One of the people, there are countless such people in this world, you can’t kill them, you only have to be above them and control their destiny!"

"Thank you for your advice, the grace of rebirth, no memorable, if it is useful to me in the future, Sun will be the liver and brain."

Sun Wuji respectfully gave Qin Qin a smash ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then did not look at Li Fang and others, and under the help of his men, slowly went.

Looking at the back of his far away, Qin Yu's mouth appeared a hint of helpless smile.

In the same year, he suffered from betrayal and framed in hell. This is a thousand years of experience. If Sun Wuji really understands it with his heart, he will continue to die in the hands of Sun Wuji.

"Hou, congratulations, you are gambling, otherwise the island is afraid that it is not peaceful."

Chen Aimin greeted him and laughed loudly.

"Chen Major General Chen, you think too much, there are tens of thousands of great military towns, and the sky can't collapse."

"Mr. Zheng, go back and tell Chen Zhengsong, Qin is also considered a half-businessman, the treasure of the island of Ao, how can I be willing to ruin it?"

Qin Hao smiled calmly, and his mood was exceptionally good.

In this battle, he earned a lot of money is secondary. The key is to establish a firm foothold in the island. Since then, the islands of Hong Kong and Xiangdao will continue to inject capital into the Qin gang, and only continue to enrich the treasury. With the Daqin base and the sea team on the other side of the sword island, it can be better maintained.

After all, this is a world of money.

"Hou, the money has already been retired. How do you deal with this group of people?"

Nie Binghe asked.

"Give them a few rules, let them have nothing to do with back, who should dare to block the road and kill innocent people."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

Solved these chores, Qin Hao returned to the elegant home of He Jia, this time in addition to Qin Hao, the biggest winner is He.

Although the casino is gone, but the world has been rumored that Qin Yu and He Wenxi are good, based on this relationship, the future can really rest easy.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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