The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1201: Nothing is wrong with him

Shanan City is the old city of the city. In those corners, there are still low-lying black tile flying bungalows in the south!

In a narrow, wet alley, one of the gates is closed, and the doorway is always closed during the day or night!

If you are not a person with a heart, you will never live in this old house that has been abandoned for a long time.

In the room, there was a candle at this time. Xu Yiyi and his mother were wearing faint lights, and tears were stacked with gold paper. In the basket around them, they were already full of a basket of gold ingots.

Since Xu Guangwen’s accident, both the mother and the daughter have gone through all the relationships that have been able to go. Among them, there are old friends, colleagues, students, and teachers who have been in the past. They seem to be intimate on weekdays. Afterwards, none of them gave their mother and daughter a good look, and even blasted them out of the government compound. If there is still this old house that Xu Yiyi has left, the mother and the daughter are not even in the ground.

Even the background of Xu Guangwen, the first leader of Shonan, is not to be asked.

The indifference of the cold, after all, is to let the mother and daughter despair, the only thing they can do is to stack more gold ingots, to see off for Xu Guangwen.

"Mom, Mr. Lu still refuses to see you?"

Xu Yiyi squinted at the corner of his mouth, wiped away the tears in his eyes and asked softly.

"This time I asked Secretary Liu to say a few words to me, saying that your father is a multi-person, multi-agency organization, and he can do nothing."

Feng Junzhen calmly said, she was disappointed, she was used to it.

"He is an excuse. It was his order. He said that he would fight against the evil forces in the underground. His father became the pioneer. Now that his name is Ding’s father, he has hid..."

Xu Yiyi slammed his head.

She also thought of another person, who is a man who can turn the tide and save his father with only one finger and a finger.

But what about the results?

Is he still as cold and ruthless?

Xu Yiyi believes that she has written so many blood-seal books, and one must have fallen into the hands of Qin Yu. With his wisdom, it is not difficult to launch this is her letter of help.

However, from September last year, to the present year, she hoped that her heart was broken, and she could not wait for any good news.

In the end, he really forgot her.

After all, when I was young, I was a little ignorant of love, and I was worth a few cents in the face of reality.

When she was in Zhangzhou, she missed him and failed to recognize each other. Since then, she has already become a stranger.

Why did he open this mouth and save her?

Until the father was tried and executed last month, Xu Yiyi thoroughly understood this reality, so she never wrote a letter to Qin.

She can see that this world can not believe anyone, can only rely on themselves!

"Yiyi, have you been looking for Xu Cheng? He is the son of our big sand family, there should be..."

After Feng Junzhen was silent for a long time, he knew that it was impossible, but he asked more.


Xu Yiyi shouted at her and the tears fell again.

Xu Cheng likes her, but the road is not dare to go out, he even wants to help is also powerless.

In fact, when his father was still not framed, Xu made many reminds to her, but his father did not listen, and Xu Cheng gradually alienated her.

What I like or dislike, in the face of the Xu family, it is worthless.

Feng Junzhen asked this, undoubtedly sprinkled a handful of salt on the daughter's wound.

"Yiyi, sorry, Mom shouldn't ask." Feng Junzhen said silently.


Xu Yiyi suddenly plunged into the mother's arms, and the mother and daughter huddled together, crying and crying.


Weeping, there was a knock on the door.

Feng Junzhen screamed: "Iyi, is the Ding family looking up?"

The residents in the vicinity have basically moved out, and they are deliberately concealed. No one knows that they live here.

"It is not a curse, it is a curse."

"Mom, maybe a friend of Dad?"

Xu Yiyi pondered.

If the Ding family was afraid that a bunch of people had already knocked the door open, they couldn’t make such a gentle, gentle knock on the door.

The other party has been knocking, indicating that they are sure they are here, hiding is not hiding.

Xu Yiyi got up and went to the yard and opened the door.

In the moonlight, a figure stood outside the door, the thin figure was pulled long, and the handsome face was somewhat familiar.

"It's me!" The man raised his mouth and looked up and slowly spit out two words.

Compared with when he saw Xu Yiyi in Zhangzhou, Qin Yan’s face changed a lot. With the improvement of his cultivation, his physical body was constantly refined, like Wen Xueyu. People who are with him may not feel it.

But for Xu Yiyi, who has not seen for a long time, if he is not familiar with the sound and feeling, he is categorically unafraid to recognize it.

"Qin, Qin Hao!"

Xu Yiyi couldn't believe his eyes.

"There are still three days, you are still there, I am not too late."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Three days, you know? I have waited for you for many days and nights, I thought you really forgot me, again..."

Xu Yiyi's grievances turned into tears, and he burst into the arms of Qin Yu and cried.

Qin Lan held her, did not move, let her tears wet the clothes.

"You won't keep me hanging out here, don't you ask me to sit in? I'm a classmate." For a long time, Qin Xiaoxiao asked.

Xu Yiyi wiped away his tears, and his face showed a long-lost pale smile. As long as he came, his father would be saved.

"Fast, fast forward, my mom can't recognize you."

Xu Yiyi took Qin Hao and entered the house.

Qin Hao secretly called a headache. Before he secretly loved Xu Yiyi, he often deliberately went to the vicinity of her home for a weekend, and there was no shortage of Feng Junzhen's embarrassment. This time, I remembered the severe Feng mother, who was still a scalp.

When he entered the door, Feng Junzhen saw a woman with a smile on his face and walked in. At first he thought it was Xu Cheng. When he saw it nearby, he was a strange boy, and he couldn’t help but wonder.

It’s hard to know the truth, no matter who this person It’s already good to be kind and to talk about love.

"Yiyi, this is..." Feng Junzhen asked curiously.

"My name is Qin Xiao." Qin Yu shut down the gates of memories, calmly said.

"Mom, don't you remember him? When we were in Wu County, the son of Song deputy magistrate, my Qin Xiao at the same table."

Xu Yiyi introduced.

"It's the little stream... It's Xiao Qin."

"I haven't seen you for so many years. You are so high in a blink of an eye. Auntie can't recognize it. Is your mother still okay? She is a clean official. My family rarely admire people. Your mother is one."

When I saw the old man, Feng Junzhen had a little smile on his face, but when she mentioned her husband, she couldn’t help but stunned.

"Feng Auntie, the list of people who may be troubled by you may be listed." Qin Hao opened the door to see the mountain.

"That can be more, there are Xiangnan courts, public inspection law, and there are all in the province." Feng Junzhen frowned.

"No hurry, you think slowly, don't let go of any one."

"Yiyi, throw these things away, I am coming, this set of things is free."

Qin Lan sat down and did not urge.

Xu Yiyi originally wanted to take the initiative to ask for it. When he saw him talking, he knew that everything was under his control. He immediately said, "Mom, you hurry to list, I’m going to throw these suffocating things, let’s get ready to pick up my dad. Go home."

"Yiyi, you, what do you mean, can Xiaoqin save your father?"

Feng Junzhen asked with joy when he was surprised.

"Of course, there is nothing wrong with him under the sun, my dad will be fine."

Xu Yiyi said with pleasure.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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