The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1204: This is the world of money

As soon as I got on the bus, the broken car hit the fire several times.

Xiao Hu is impatient: "Cheng Ye, Ding Ye said that today is Guan Shengdi Xianchen, everyone is waiting for you to go to the top of the incense, why do you waste time on these ordinary people, now Xiangnan is you And, this sideline, I am guilty of your grievances for Cheng Ye."

"What do you know? The sky above us is not awkward, the Lord is not good at serving, this signboard on the bright face, the word of mouth of the people, is your best amulet."

"Moreover, my family's little master is inherited from Hou Ye's incense, and in the future will be divided into half."

"I can't break my own business, Hou Ye's words should be heard, good people should be."

"Of course, like you said, you can't grieve yourself, haha!"

"Mom, I will wait for Ding Da’s little nephew to give me a good head. I have two oils in three days, and I’m so bad.”

Cheng Yuanzhi Ma Li replaced his old clothes, put on a brand-name suit, a big gold watch, and turned into a change, Qingtian became Cheng Laoda.

The car stopped in a hidden alley in the middle, and a beautiful woman wearing a cheongsam was already waiting by another commercial car.

"Cheng Ye, why are you so late, people have been waiting for a long time."

The beautiful girl is smugly licking her mouth.

"Baby, can't I come here?"

"Xiaohu, that Xu Guangwen, the sooner the better, the better. Let the court do enough to make the evidence. This person has a bit of a reputation among the people. I am afraid that it will be prolonged. I am in trouble." But a person who can't be sanded, be careful."

While Cheng Yuanzhi comforted the beautiful woman, he also gave way to the driver of the old car.

"You can rest assured that the day after tomorrow, the policeman is also ours. The king of heaven and the king can not save the surname." Xiaohu nodded.

Cheng Yuanzhi nodded with satisfaction, and got on the bus in a hurry. He kissed the big girl and kissed them. The two went to the Ding family.


Inside the Ding House.

In the lobby, there is a worship of Wu Shengguan. At this time, the statues are enshrined in front of the statues, and the servants are scented with golden scent. The servants are burning gold paper and gold clothes. Although the doors and windows are open in the lobby, it is still inevitable. Some flaws.

In front of the statue, three people were squatting. The old man wearing a black and coarse cloth horse was wearing a long white shawl. The eyebrows were gloomy, majestic and wide. Even though he was over 70 years old, he still looked pretentious.

This person's name is Ding Fengshan, a master of the Shonan gods. God hits a technique, which is mainly popular in the area of ​​Hunan and Jiangxi. With the help of the method and the blood, please ask the gods to get a certain strength.

Of course, this method cannot be compared to the Western beliefs and the sacred shackles, and it is extremely depleted, and the energy that is invited is extremely limited.

Therefore, please ask God to walk only in a narrow range, can not get on the lobby, often used for the gods and sticks, is often shameful by the martial arts.

Ding Fengshan is the only person in this line who is famous in the martial arts world and can rank up. It is because his devotional skills have been cultivated to the peak of the peak and have a strong fighting power.

Following Ding Fengshan is his two nephews, Ding Da, Ding Dagui, and Ding Mo’s son Ding Mo.

At this time, Ding's father and son were red-faced with aromas, and their looks looked impatient.

"Mom, the current score of the surname is getting bigger and bigger, is it still coming?" After waiting for nearly an hour, Ding Dagui, who was fat, couldn’t help but complain.

"That is, a sericulture in the deep mountains of Miaojiang, is the soil bun really taking it seriously?" Ding Mo dissatisfied and grinned, completely forgot a year ago, he was only the son of a street vendor, Even the computers in the university are reluctant to buy the poor silk.

"Cough, give me some attention, this farmer's finger is thicker than your waist, don't forget, his brother, yak is forced, and there is a Prince in his hand."

"We can have it today, it is all the credit of this farmer's dumplings and uncles."

"So, you all give me a convergence point. After seeing Cheng Ye, I will be ten times respectful. Whoever dares to be as scornful as it is now, will get out of my house."

Ding Damei's brow is tight and his tone is harsh.

"Yes, Cheng Yuanzhi is my apprentice. In a way, you are also a self-family."

"In the end, we all got his light, Hou Ye's light, everything should be low-key."

Ding Fengshan didn't talk much, but when he talked about the majesty, like Taishan, the three people who were pressed could not breathe.

"Yes, uncle, uncle!"

The three quickly took the lead.

Cheng Yuanzhi walked in quickly, and several people naturally did not have a chill. After the worship of the Emperor Guan, he was in front of the statue, Ding Dawei issued a black card and handed it to Cheng Yuanzhi: "Cheng Ge This is the dividend of this year, the deposit is the Swiss bank, Ding Mo personally went to the foreign office, using your son's foreign account office, absolutely safe. The money is not too much, ten billion, you don't want to be less ""

Although Cheng Yuanzhi is the owner of the Qin dynasty, but in the past year, the rights are there, but because of the rules on the bright side, there are not many real gold and silver, and suddenly it came to a billion, as a mountain. The silkworm farmers who came out are also somewhat wrong.

However, he quickly smiled calmly: "The family, still so polite, not very good. Master, your old man said yes."

"The distant ambition, the brothers have to be settled, without you, Ding will still drink the northwest wind on the street."

"Listen to Master, take it."

Ding Fengshan ordered a pot of old smoke and took a breath.

"Oh, then I will accept it. Recently, Li Jia of Xiangbei Province, that is, the masters of Jiang Dongwen, Li Bu and Gan Ping, both intend to follow the Yunnan-Zhejiang economic circle and build the Dongting Lake New Economic Zone. The project is at least one hundred Billions, Jiangdong Wen, Wan Wan have already agreed, I recommend you Ding Group, as long as Houye nods, this sale is yours."

Cheng Yuanzhi voted for Tao Dao.

"This, this is a good thing. But Cheng Xiong, you also know that I am selling roasted sweet potatoes. Such a big project, Hou Ye will certainly personally ask, can you say that I can do it?"

Ding Da was excited and nervous.

"Hou Ye’s day-to-day plan is to sign a word. Besides, the Li family can do it, and you will pay for it later."

"It’s done, the light is enough for you to make a name for yourself. When you are there, you dare to take a nap."

"Xu Wannian's gang is afraid that you will be the president of the Chamber of Commerce and please you."

Cheng Yuanzhi slightly embarrassed Of course he knows that Ding is a waste. If it is not the face of Ding Fengshan, whoever he carries, will not carry this hawker selling sweet potatoes.

"Yes, I understand, brother, Dagui recently got on the line with a friend from Jinshanjiao. He wants to do the business, you see..." Ding took the opportunity.

"White noodles, you want to die, Houye is the most hated thing."

Cheng Yuanzhi looked around and whispered.

"But this is a quick money. I have calculated that I can get through, and the annual net profit is billions."

"Cheng Ge, Shonan is not a word for you? Hou Ye has so many prosperous places in Jiangdong, Yunhai and Yuedong. Do you think he will stare at this small business?"

"If you don't have money, isn't that stupid?"

Ding Dagui put his hands in his pockets, biting cigarettes and shouting.

"Let's say so much nonsense, Cheng Ge, come to the point, the risks, costs, etc. are all carried by me, how do you divide 50% of the stocks, how?"

Ding Da opened his fingers and dominated.

"Cheng Ge, I have to say something, my little nephew is red, but I have been pregnant for three months."

"The 80% of the current children are going abroad. It is the embarrassment of going abroad, not your grandfather. It is real money."

"Buy a passport, go to school, medical care, what kind of money is not, do you want to be happy and your child is suffering?"

"Moreover, your son just went to study in English last year. I heard that the big sister can spend a lot of money."

"Cheng Ge, you open your mouth, do you not?"

Ding further advised.

Cheng Yuanzhi hesitated for a long time, trembling, and finally spit out a word: "Good!"

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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