The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1208: Who asked her to come?

Lu Ya is outstanding in a political family. He is familiar with this set of games. He is not afraid of Ding, but Qin Hou behind Ding.

Just a few months ago, an explosive news spread, and the first Chinese power minister Yan Mu was assassinated by Qin Hou!

Counting on the scene where Gu Hongchun, the son of the ancient deputy government, was executed in public in Wu'an County, Lu Zheng and his son came to a conclusion that at least the South is now completely surnamed Qin, and anyone dares to fight against the Qin gang. Defeat, must die.

Lu Zheng originally wanted to do something practical for the Xiangnan people. He activated Xu Guangwen to remove the black, but Xu Guangwen was bitten by the people. Lu was aware that as long as the Qin Gang was not destroyed, the whole South was destined to be shrouded in the darkness.

Shonan is the world of Cheng Yuanzhi, Ding Da, etc. This is already a matter of nailing.

Therefore, this is the only way for his son Lu Yajie, a bureaucrat who is rooted in a red-haired bureau, to bow down to a bandit.

Fight, but then bear, ask for it!

Lu Jia is also helpless.

"Ding Shao, please divide the cake." A middle-aged man wearing gold glasses, handed over the knife for cutting the cake, smiled.

His name is Liu Da. He is the secretary of Luzheng. It is also a cadre at the department level. The level is not low. He nodded to the son of a street vendor. It was a face.

"Lu Yajie, are you so please?" Ding Mo stood by, plucked Liu’s hand and sneered.

Lu Yajie’s cheeks trembled a little, but soon the face was unpleasant. He took the knife in the hands of Liu’s secretary and personally held it to Ding Mo. He respectfully said: “Ding Shao, the following people don’t understand Rules, please!"

Ding Mo spit out a thick smoke on Lu Yajie's face and saw that he was still full of smiles. He took the knife and shouted at the media under the slogan: "You are blind to your eyes, you want to eat it, hurry. Shoot it."

The media reporter in the hall, this time came back to God, quickly took out the camera and took a picture of Lu Yajie's respectful knife.

Lu Yajie's heart is bleeding, just like a second-class boy who once had a dog, so he rode on his head and **** his urine, and his heart and lungs were blown up.

But he had to smile and hand over the knife. Ding Mo picked up the knife and tied it in the cake, and rushed to the crowd. "Everyone, I recently had a Xu Guangwen, everyone is very troubled. Unpleasant, since the road to give me the face of Ding Mo today, the past things will be written off."

During the conversation, Ding Mo pulled a piece of cake, put it on the table with a plate of arrogance, and then a cigarette butt, the ash just fell on the cake, the black ashes and the snow-white cake in stark contrast.

"Hey, mistakes, mistakes, you won't mind, or will I cut you a piece?" Ding Mo was surprised.

Anyone can see that Ding Mo is deliberately degrading Lu Yajie.

That's right, Ding Mo is what it means. As the lowest level person in the society, he has taken off as a top-level big and small. His greatest pleasure is to step on these real big and small to get the alternative happiness, to vent the envy, jealousy and hatred in his heart.

In Shonan, there is nothing more fun than putting Lu Yajie under his feet.

Lu Yajie calmly picked up the cake, and even did not blow it. He took a few forks and took a few mouthfuls. He took a cake with ash and smiled in front of everyone.

"Thank you, Ding Shao!"

After eating, Lu Yajie took a wet wipe and wiped his mouth, and smiled lightly.

Looking at Lu Yajie's extravagance and elegance, Ding Mo's heart is no longer a taste. He prefers Lu Yajie's mad slap in the face, and does not want this guy to be so calm, so that he will only appear to be silent. Very no move, very unpretentious.

The officials at the bottom were completely stupid with wine glasses. They were afraid of Dingjia, and even many of them were umbrellas behind the Ding family, but Lu Yajie was the son of No. 1 and the face of the official road.

Seeing that he was so humiliated by Ding Mo’s bandits, everyone was silent.

“Everyone is doing something, eating cakes, drinking, dancing!”

Lu Yajie shrugged and said easily.

Everyone has come back to God, and each other’s vain chat is like nothing has ever been born.

"Qin...Qin Ge, have you seen it? That is our first major road in Xiangnan."

"Oh, I really didn't expect Lu Yajie to endure this bad smell. I used to say that he wants him to eat a cake with ash. He just talks and rushes, and he wants to get out of here."

Xu Cheng pointed to Lu Yajie and sighed.

He is the real rich businessman in Shonan, and Lu Yajie is the same person. The relationship between them is not comparable to that of Ding Mo.

"You have to think that he is a waste, and that is a big mistake. He is much smarter than you. It is a talent that can be made."

Qin Lan picked up the teacup and turned his eyelids. He swept Lu Yajie and licked his lips.

The three said this, which made Ding Dagui even more stunned. He snorted and went to Lu Yajie.

"What kind of wine to drink, what cake to eat, Xiaomo, here someone here deliberately can't go with our family, let's go quickly, the province has hindered people's eyes."

The atmosphere has just eased, Ding Dagui raised his glass and squatted on the ground mad.

"Uncle, what's wrong? Who made you so angry?" Ding Mo asked.

"Yeah, Mr. Ding, you are the most distinguished guest here today, let's talk, who is rushing to you, no matter who he is, I must ask him to give you a satisfactory answer." Lu Yajie said.

Today, this banquet is white, it was opened for the Ding family. He just sold his low profile and made a ugly move. Now it’s hard to tell Ding Jiabing about it. Whoever wants to find something at this time, then he’s working hard. The bird is not all in vain.

Lu Yajie is absolutely not allowed to be destroyed, and he has a peace talk with Ding Jia.

"Who? You look at it with big eyes, who is that?"

"Xu Jia and Xu Jia openly joined the face of Lao Tzu at the reception. You are the host. If you want to give a statement today, this is not over."

"I assure you that it is not something to eat soot in the future."

Ding Dagui is a monk on the Tao, and he talks about the smell of a child.

Lu Yajie followed Ding Dagui's finger and saw Xu Cheng and Xu Yiyi.

"Secretary Liu, how did Xu Yiyi come? Noisy, who asked her?" Lu Yajie's eyebrows sank, cold and cold.

"I don't know, the invitation is written by myself. I promise you and Mr. Ding that I have never asked her." Secretary Liu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Don't ask, they are Xu Wannian deliberately looking for it. Lu Shao, I just released a message with Xu Wannian. Xu Ding is incompatible. The surname of Xu is not out of the way. Our uncle will never stay here."

Ding Dagui said.

"Yes, that Xu Yiyi, stinking maidens must be looking for ideas by virtue of their looks, she wants to sell a pen to save the father, no way." Ding Mo spit, spoke of foul language.


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