The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1217: This man is not good

Under the leadership of the two guards, Peng Ze came to the guardian's office in the second district. Yan Jun had already cocked his legs and held cigarettes waiting.

But when anyone comes to a prison to see Li Yuesheng, he will ask, because Yan Jun will not tolerate someone changing the current prison order.

Xu Guangwen wants to change, so he fell.

Now the captain of the Jiangdong General Military Department is no exception. Yan Jun has his own set of methods to deal with him.

"You are Yan Jun?" Peng Ze asked when he entered the door.

"Yes, I am, who are you?" Yan Jun took a smog and looked down on his face.

"This is my military officer's card. I want to see Xu Guangwen." Peng Zeliang printed the documents and opened the door to see the mountain.

"Sorry, a prisoner is under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department. You have no privilege in this document. Unless there is a letter from the judicial summit, I have no right to let you see the prisoner." Yan Jun glanced at him and lost his return to the arrogant road. .

He saw the Jiangdong Daqinjun oo4 number and knew where Peng Ze came from. But what about it, the so-called Tiangao Emperor is far away, he is not a military system, there is no need to give this face.

On the contrary, if he refuses, there is also a law to follow, and there is no fear of Yan Jun.

"Do you know who our chief of the Qin army is? Do you understand the rules!" Peng Ze iron fist, a anger.

"I know, but you Qinhou is not the most disciplined? Why, when I am here, can you not follow the rules?"

"Regulations, there are written on the wall, you have to read, A Bing, you explain this sentence to the military."

Yan Jun flew a cigarette butt, looked up at the ceiling, and spit out a long smog.

He never allowed someone to take Xu Guangwen away. Ding Mo has already said very clearly that Xu Guangwen is likely to turn over the case, so that it is the safest and the last killing in prison.

Once Xu Guangwen turned over the case, the official named Xu changed his position. At that time, Yan Jun had to move his position and moved to the cell from this comfortable air-conditioned room.

Xu Guangwen’s life is the life of his strict army!

Even if Qin Hou came personally, Yan Jun would have to fight for it.

"Give your face to a shame!"

Peng Ze saw that the right words were not heard by Yan Jun. When he was on the scene, he came up with a sigh of relief. Yan Jun is proud of it. I didn't expect this guy to dare to work on his site. When he got on the scene, he got a solid knot. Even the person with his chair turned over to the ground. Half of his mind was numb. When he was angry, he couldn’t help: "Mom, dare Playing Laozi, brothers, did him."

The guards at the side returned to the house, rushed into the back room, and took out the shotgun at Pengze.

"Your Majesty, otherwise Lao Tzu will let you go to see the prince!"

Yan Jun used a gun against Peng Ze and said evilly.

"Dog stuff, are you addicted to play?"

Peng Ze was originally an acute, tempered young master. Seeing that Yan Jun did not learn a long way, the tiger looked at it and the red fists burst into flames.

He practiced Qin Qin, which was improved according to the boxing method of the "boxing god" Charlie in the past. This set of boxing methods is extremely powerful. If the speed is fast, the power is overlapping and heavy.

Yan Jun only felt a flower in front of him, and several guards under his hand were like sandbags. He flew out and fainted to the ground without any movement, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

"You, don't come over, me, I really shot." Yan Jun knew that he had a good hand and swallowed.

He was originally scared by Peng Ze, and he rushed away. He really wanted to shoot and kill the captain of the Da Qin army. Yan Jun couldn’t eat it, but he didn’t expect Peng Ze to be so ruthless. He said that he started to do it.

"I will say it again, I want to see Xu Guangwen!"

Peng Ze pinched the barrel and twisted it into two halves.

"Cheng, I will take you to see him now."

"He is between number 77!"

"Come, come."

Yan Jun threw the gun and retired a few steps. He opened the door and shouted outside.

Immediately, a guard came in. The man just wanted to talk. When he saw the house fell to the ground, he was scared when he was scared.

"With Peng, Peng Shangyu went to No. 77 to see Xu Guangwen!"

Yan Jun trembled.

"Hey, it’s not like this soon, why bother?"

Peng Ze took a picture of Yan Jun’s face and smiled. Then, accompanied by the guards, he went over to the 77th.

As soon as he left, Yan Jun took a sigh of relief and at the same time secretly stupidly stupid: "Is there a place where people can go on the 77th? Zeng Yong, the **** is a butcher. It is a good thing that this kid is going to die." Why are you stopping? You are still slap in the face."

Taking advantage of Peng Ze’s not yet on the 77th, Yan Jun went to the monitoring station and ordered the nearby guards to say: “There are new people who want to enter No. 77. Listen well, let the people in the number make an idea and eat hot. ”

He said a whisper, meaning that Zeng Yong and others killed Peng Ze.

This is even an accident, and Zeng Yong and others are backing the pot. He is at best a guard.


Gate 77 was opened again.

The guard knows Pengze’s hegemony and walks a few steps away from him: "You are looking for Xu Guangwen, he is inside."

Peng Ze nodded, and at the same time squinted at the culprit who glared at the iron gate and smiled.

He is not handsome, but the perfect muscle line and burly figure are absolutely "the most beautiful" for the murderers.

There is no woman in a prison.

No. 77 is also a fierce and wicked person. They have strong energy, and the way to quit is often a new prisoner.

In order to take care of the butchers, Yan Jun will vote for one or two young newcomers every month for them to "drill."

"The third child, this is a good thing to come back. The last time I didn't play for two days, it was abolished."

"On this board, we can enjoy a month."

"Say first, don't grab one person a day."

Several murderers began to discuss the guilty.

Peng Ze knew what these guys were thinking at first glance, and he thought that he could clean up the beasts.


The innermost iron gate was opened, and Peng Ze took a step and walked upside down. Then the door closed and the guards yelled at the outside: "Yan Ge said, you have to take care of the newcomers, do you understand?"

"Do not worry, keep the proper care of the care."

The third child’s screaming laughed.

After that, several people looked up and circled Pengze around, and two of them still poked on his chest and back, and said with great joy: "I am awkward, hard muscles, strong enough!"

"Who is Xu Guangwen!"

Peng Ze asked aloud.

"I, I am."

Xu Guangwen coughed up **** and stood up from the corner.

"From now on, your safety is my responsibility. After eight o'clock, I will take you away."

Peng Ze glanced at the watch, ignoring Zeng Yong and others, and walked over to help Xu Guangwen.

"Oh, it’s time to protect the old man. It’s no wonder that the strict head will take care of you."

"Kid, let's talk, what's coming, so rush!"

Zeng Yong waved his hand, and the flies-like younger brothers immediately tightened.

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