The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1241: Fallen Shen Wangfu

Chuandu Shenwangfu, the king of Xichuan martial arts, has ruled Xichuan martial arts for many years, and is known as Shen Wang.

Until these years, the Shen family fell, and was replaced by the children's family. After Qin Xi entered Xichuan, he helped the Shen family to regain the position.

As the Qin dynasty code was waiting, Shen Wangfu was changed to Shen Junfu, but people in all parts of Nishikawa used to get used to the name of the past.

Qin Yu has been away from Xichuan for more than a year, and once again revisited the place, Shen Wang House has changed a lot. Compared with the past, it has expanded more than twice, gardens, rockeries and pavilions in the mountains. They are all made up of the finest old woods of the mountains. The whole house is full of glory and there is indeed a certain king.

At this moment, the disciples of Shen Wangfu in front of the door were all dressed in silk-colored five-color gowns, and they greeted the guests from all walks of the United States with their noses and arrogance.

"This brother, we are from Qingcheng, my name is Han Yuanqiao, and I am a great elder..."

Han Yuanqiao took out the meeting and respected him, and bowed his hand.

The voice did not fall, the reception deacon waved impatiently: "Go, go, stay inside, wait for the concierge to announce, and say so much nonsense?"

At this time, a luxury car came out of the door. One man and one woman walked down from the car. Many guests greeted each other.

The deacon went out and hurriedly walked over. He smiled and said: "Hey, Li, and Mrs. Gan of Xiangbei have arrived, fast, please come inside."

The people who came here are Li Bu and Gan Ping in the north of Hunan. Although they are not martial arts people, the niece Wen Xuexuan is the sage of Qin Hou. With this relationship, the martial arts world has to admire the seven points. But every big event is definitely inviting.

"Mr. Erye and Mr. Zhang have been waiting for a long time in the inside, blinking their eyes, bring two guests inside!"

After receiving the compliment from the disciples, I rushed to the side of a younger brother.

"You're welcome."

Li Bu nodded slightly, the couple did not see Qin Hao, and went straight into the shoulders.

The deacon of the reception saw Han Yuanqiao and others waiting to beside him. He said that he didn’t understand the words. "I don’t understand what you guys are saying? Stay inside, wait for Mr. Er and Mr. Zhang to arrange, understand?"

"Which they can enter, we have to wait here." Han asked with anger.

"Why? People are Miss Wen's relatives, I am the guest of Shen Junfu, you count?" Deacon yelled.

"I, we are still teaching Qinhou, is it more noble than that?" Han Hao was asked by this question, and he answered very uneasily.

"Ha ha!"

"Qin Hou used the name of Yang Wu Tian Shi to fight against the collapse of Taiwan. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a dojo on the Qingcheng Mountain. Who knows the bottom of the day? Is this god? Don't hit the swollen face and fill it with fat, let's stay inside."

The deacon waved his hand impatiently and lazily took care of them.

"Slow, what is your name?"

Qin Lan grabbed his collar and asked coldly.

"Kid, you listened, my name is Wang Cheng, why do you want to scatter in Shen Jun?"

"Give me a favor."

That deacon.


"Your master has a good dog!"

Qin Hao released his hand, and the deacon couldn't help himself. A fart fell on the ground and screamed: "You look at me, give me this kid."

Han Yuanqiao saw the more serious things happening. He quickly lifted the deacon and pulled it to discourage the good words. This calmed down.

"Go, stay inside."

Han Yuanqiao’s sullen face was first to go inside.

Inside is a large living room, dozens of people sitting in a gloomy face, Han Yuanqiao is a part of people, and quickly greeted.

"Yuanqiao brother, we are not waiting to see, even if you are educated in Qingcheng, but the lord of the Shen family, can you marry the bird?" A bald monk did not have a good air.


Han Yuanqiao nodded.

"Hey, it’s really a worldly day. When the boy is here, everyone can still have a face. At least there is a cup of tea at the door. This is a good time for Shen to regain the right. Let’s go to this alliance. People take us as a fart, I go to his ancestors."

Someone is dissatisfied next to him.

"Last year they wanted to rebuild Shen Junfu to raise money for everyone. If we didn't agree with Gejiabao, we wouldn't wait to see it. Instead, those merchants who gave money became the guest, and now Shen Junfu is completely I am going to the Chamber of Commerce."

"This time the league will demonize the demon. We are also looking at Hou's face. I think that Shen Junfu can shout and shout, and some have made achievements. Now it seems that it is by the money from the head."

"Oh, the martial arts world has become like this, and I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse."

"There is no way to go to Xichuan, but not even a Qin Bangtang." It is really a tall emperor, and we have fallen down."

"When the adult is in the middle of the country, Nishikawa is still quite amiable. After the last time in his brother-in-law in Xiangbei, our Shen Jun borrowed this from the head and gave him down. Now this two-year-old and surnamed Zhang come up and do the Nishikawa. Black smoke is suffocating."

"Who doesn't know that the surname Zhang is Shen Jun's..."

Others have followed the arguments, and you spit out the sour water with a word. The Gejiabao who said this, someone looked at him next to him, and quickly closed his mouth.

Everyone said that this is a bit of a sigh of enthusiasm, and the brain's anger has collapsed. Han Yuanqiao is also very depressed. Last year, Xichuan Shen Jun lived, saying that he wanted to celebrate his birthday and invited most of Xichuan and Xiangxiang. The martial arts are all people, and they want to rebuild the house.

The Qingcheng School has always had a strong incense, and there are no wealthy and wealthy disciples. Naturally, there is no good gift. Just a piece of jade is offered as a gift. Originally, the name of the teacher was in front, but I did not expect it. It is also so cold.

Han Yuanqiao’s grievances in the hearts of several people are ten times stronger than those in the room, but he still has some cultivation, and he dares not to dare.

"Xiao Qin brothers, since you are coming, there are some rules I still want to remind you."

"Shen Wangfu is not allowed, although I Yangwu Tianshi is a noble person in Xichuan, and there is a re-creation of the Shenwangfu, but after all, Shenwangfu does not belong to the Qin Gang directly. This Xichuan 18th Road Buddhism, they have to say the finale. ""

"The eyes of the people are very high, but we can't speak with the Qingcheng faction. Therefore, we must be cautious when we speak, and we must not care about it, so as not to get into trouble."

Han Yuanqiao was afraid that the Qin dynasty would be in trouble again.

"Shen Jun, you said, is Shen Yunuo?" Qin asked, frowning.

From the anger of the people, he is not difficult to hear that the Xichuan martial arts world is not peaceful, which is contrary to the original he let Shen Yu Nuo re-enter the main Shen Wangfu.

It was only that he did not give orders at the beginning, and he returned to Shen Wangfu, so Shen Yunuo was the only one.

What makes Qin Qi even more surprised is that Feng Xian has resigned from his post. Qin can believe that this is a loyal person. He should not abandon the overall situation because of the small incident in the last Xiangbei.

Coupled with the gossip that is rumored here, Qin Hao can't help but frown, and Shen Jiazhen has fallen into this Search for "book flag"!


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