The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1244: Qingcheng younger brother who is not afraid of death

"Teach Zhang, you don't sit down, too low-key!"

"Let's do this, except that Zhang Zhang teaches you all here, whoever wants to feel it, you can choose it."

Silent and muddy, respectfully respected an old man in the corner wearing a gray robe and a gloomy face.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, I really can't find a suitable candidate for a time.

Everyone has the idea of ​​being the leader of this league. After all, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once it is established, it will be famous in the future, and the martial arts status will undoubtedly add a layer of golden light.

But no one is very embarrassed to recommend themselves!

"Mr. Han Yuanqiao of the Qingcheng School of the old sensation is the most suitable."

"Oh, let me hear."

"How is Mr. Han suitable?"

Zhang Yi put down the tea bowl and was not happy.

"Mr. Han is a disciple of the direct sect of Qin Hou. He is a high-level cultivator. He is a good person and has a good reputation. It is most appropriate for him to come to the ally."

Round sense.

"Yes? Mr. Han can be so big, then you come to be the leader?" Zhang Yi was cold and stunned, his eyes filled with sinister killings.

Han Yuanqiao did not expect someone to choose him. It was a dilemma at one time. What he wanted most was to earn a name, but Zhang Yi obviously would not be as he wished. After a slight consideration, Han Yuanqiao said: "Han’s ability, this position I really don't dare to sit, you still choose another brilliant."

He is very awake. This is the site of Zhang Yi. His own few pounds will not be seen by everyone. The master of Yuanjue is not bad, but other people may not be obedient in his eyes.

"Mr. Han is still a smart person. Who else is willing to be the ally?"

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded and asked.

"Zhao is not talented, but it is to fight for a fight!"

A middle-aged man in the crowd stood up and shouted.

"It turned out to be the owner of Zhao. I heard that your Taiji power has reached the master's fire. Some time ago, I went to a foreign performance with a big man in China. Why, you are not in Beijing, but come back to join in the fun."

Silent smile asked.

The Zhao family is called Zhao Beifeng. He used to be a high-ranking person in the Wudang Mountains. This person is a bit savvy. A Tai Chi supernatural power has been cultivated to reach the realm of tempering. In addition to the martial arts savvy, Zhao Beifeng is more adept at running his own reputation and brand.

He first broke away from the Wudang faction. In the area of ​​Suining and Mianyang, there were dozens of Guangwu Pavilions, and the business was in ruins. Not only that, Zhao Beifeng often promotes his Zhao Taiji on various TV programs, and the students have made his Zhao’s Taijiquan a hot spot. Zhao Beifeng’s reputation has increased dramatically. Last time he accompanied a deputy political leader. The delegation sent the country to a great show on the international live broadcast of Tai Chi, and defeated three Western boxers in succession. It made a name for itself and made a fortune. At one time, the disciples from both home and abroad were in constant stream.

But in the martial arts world, everyone knows that what world-class boxing champions Zhao Beifeng defeated are all vulgar, and few people really take him seriously.

Zhao Beifeng got a Baodan some time ago, and he cultivated and enlightened some of them. He intentionally came to the martial arts world to compete for the title. Seeing that Zhang Yunsong’s position as a leader is going to be nailed, Zhao Beifeng can’t sit still anymore and jump out to compete for a high or low level.

"Zhao is honouring the country for the sake of the country. It is an honour. Now Xichuan’s old family is enchanting, and my generation has been generous to death and is duty-bound."

Zhao Beifeng was upright.

The words are so grand, everyone is screaming at Zhang Yunsong, and many people are secretly congratulating.

"As a leader of the League, there must be some effort. Since Mr. Zhao is so confident, how can we be in the same place?"

Zhang Yunsong stepped forward and asked with sneer.

"That would be more respectful than death!"

Zhao Beifeng was incomprehensible, and the two entered the hall.

"Everyone, everyone is the same person, so don't hurt."

Silence reminded me.

Both of them are bent on winning the throne of the lord. When they meet, they are all trying to make each other die.

"Wild horses!"

Zhao Beifeng has two hands and one point. The two black and white qis are counter-rotating, and they are attacked by Zhang Yunsong. The power of these two cyclones is above 10,000 jin, and the qi and yang are the same, like the two methods of ice and fire, they must be resisted by common law. One must be one.

This is the great thing of Zhao Beifeng, yin and yang, and no success.

"Oh, this set of juggling on TV also wants to offer ugliness here?"

"The old man will let you remember for a long time!"

"Golden light!"

Zhang Yunsong laughed and laughed, the palm of his right hand was gently raised, and a golden light flew out like a fierce sun. Everyone screamed and screamed.

Zhao Beifeng is right, the eyes are burning and the pain is normal. The yin and yang cyclones should be broken by light, and the heart is secretly screaming badly. Knowing the meaning, the flying body will blindly retreat.

However, Zhang Yunsong will not give him this opportunity, sticking out sharp black nails like a sharp blade and slamming Zhao Beifeng's chest!


Zhao Beifeng snorted The chest was worn by a hole, fell on the ground and twitched a few times, spit foam, no movement.

When everyone saw the black blood flowing in the wound, they knew that Zhang Yunsong’s nails were hidden in possession of poisonousness. When they were shot, they were going to kill people. The means were so vicious and horrible.

"The means of good poisoning, isn't it just to say that?" Yuanjue master read the Buddha number and screamed.

"I can't help it, everyone, the old man missed his hand and missed it."


Zhang Yunsong laughed and shook hands.

"Well, who still wants to be the ally like Zhao Beifeng, just stand up." Zhang Yi raised his hand.

Zhao Beifeng is also an introductory master. He was poisoned by a trick. Everyone knows that Zhang Yunsong’s reputation is not good. He has always been a slap in the face. Everyone is here to make a name for himself, but whoever dares to do it.

At that moment, no one dared to show up.

"If you don't have any opinions, I will see that the Xichuan 18th Allies will set up a Zhangjiao!" Zhang Yi laughed.

Just as Zhang Yi and his son were proud of each other, a lazy voice came over: "I want to ask, is it that the cultivation is high and the ability is big, can you be the lord?"

No one dared to touch the edge of Zhang’s family. I don’t know how to be good. I saw someone coming out, and at the same time, I saw the past. But see this young man's sword eyebrow star, as a long crane, arrogant, like some skill.

However, when he saw him and the Qingcheng faction mixed together, thinking that he was a disciple of Han Yuanqiao, he could not help but shake his head at the same time and secretly disappointed.

The Qingcheng faction is not even the first-class echelon in Xichuan. Even if the elder elder Han Bingzhen is coming, it may not be able to fight Zhang Yunsong. A small disciple can turn up the wind and search for "book flag" ,!


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