"That's the case, but it will be a big event. Someone has to nod in Nishikawa."

Zhang Yi knew that there would be people who opposed it, and that he would not be ill.


"Who is better than your Zhang general manager in Nishikawa?"

"Is it the iron pipe that you want to eat?"

Han Yuanqiao asked.

"Year Fengxian, Shen Jun, Qin Hou!"

Zhang Yi slowly reported three names.

"The grown-up is the former general manager. His position in Xichuan does not need to be said. The grown-up is a resourceful person. What is even more rare is that only when he comes out can he call on more fellow brothers and truly make a response. ”

"If he does not support Han Yu, it is difficult for you to really mobilize the power of the Nishikawa martial arts community. Don't forget that most of the people in Shen Junfu are going with the grown-ups."

"What do you think?"

Zhang Yi mouth corners showed a gloomy smile, cold and cold.

He is the most sorrowful of the death of Fengxian, but one thing is that Fengxian is a gentleman, and Zhang Yi’s self-question is a good deal. At the beginning, he was able to force the year to Fengxian, and he would be forced to leave him again later, but Han Yu’s Qingcheng faction was about to rise, and Shen Jun’s status was declining. His general manager became a display in the future.

It is also a last resort to contain Han Yu in the year of Fengxian.

"Well, if the grown-ups are still there, we are still better than what? He is going to make a decision, I am waiting for it."

"The adults are resourceful and conscientious, and they are pure and heroic. We are naturally obedient."

"The League is a big event, and it is really necessary to consult him."

Ge Xianmin and others have agreed from the overall situation.

Han Yuanqiao’s brows are sinking, and there is nothing to say. Fengxian’s prestige in Nishikawa is the highest. Under the hand, there is a group of experienced people who can co-ordinate Xichuan’s talents, especially with Tangmen. He wants to nod. Han Han is also a white point.

"Good, it seems that everyone is smart."

"As for my family Shen Jun, then there is no need to say, no matter who is the lord, she has to nod her head and then inform Hou Ye."

"Well, I will discuss this today. You will go back to your place to rest first, and let the young man and Shen Jun make the final decision."

Zhang Yi stood up and waved his sleeves and walked into the temple.

Killing such a pass, accompanied by two lives, Zhang Yi has undoubtedly become the biggest loser here!

As soon as he left, Han Yuanqiao and his disciples under the door were relieved. Today, this wave of twists and turns, but tossed everyone.

"Miss Han, if the adult can nod, I will have no objection!"

"Yuanqiao, I will wait one step ahead and discuss it tomorrow night."

"Miss 嫣嫣, will meet again."

Ge Xianmin and others retire to the public.

Han Hao is tired now and is about to collapse. He is also anxious to rest, and then look at Qin Lan, but he has disappeared.

Qin Hao did not immediately return to the museum to rest, but looked around the magnificent Shen Junfu.

When the time was dark, the vast internal and external government had already turned around.

In addition to the bone-building team, Shen Junfu has weakened a lot of strength, and the remaining guards are uneven, and the discipline is extremely poor, while the inner government is a big feast, and the silk is sweet and extravagant.

Seeing is believing, Qin Hao had to admit that it was a fact that he did not take Shen Jun as a rule. It is a wrong decision to let a woman without ambitious and righteous control.

After a walk, he went to the courtyard on the northeast side.

At the door stood two guards wearing full-length special robes. When they met Qin Lan, the two left and right reached out and stopped: "This is a forbidden place. No adult, Shen Jun’s order is not allowed."


"Call your head to see me!"

Qin Hao took a hand and the token was thrown over.

The guard took the token and looked at it. Then he looked up and looked at Qin Xiao, and the eyes burst into a strange light. Without saying anything, he flew into it.

There are 81 people in the bone-building team. There are not many people, but they can evolve various methods according to the number of ninety-nine, and cooperate with the power of the bone water to fight with any master. It can be said that Shen Jun The most elite defense team.

The guardian's name is Tang Feng, who is a direct disciple of Tangmen. In the beginning, Tang did not train this group of people. He feared that it was difficult to control in the future. He chose Tang Feng, who was loyal and loyal, to come to the home, assisting Fengxian to unify Xichuan, and protect him and Shen Jun. Security.

It was only after the resignation of Fengxian in the year that Tang Feng was not subject to Zhang Yi’s management. It was inevitably left out of the cold, and the bones team could only sit idle in the government and wait to die.

Today in the hall, Tang Feng originally wanted to make some effort to prove the value of the bone team, but unexpectedly emerged an insider, which made him arrogant and also slammed Zhang Yi.

At this moment, Tang Feng was drinking a lot of wine, and he was extremely depressed. He knew that Zhang Yi’s villain was in the heart. This is afraid that it is not easy. It is time to find a new way for the brethren, or else everyone will be crazy sooner or later. .

"The Tang team, come... come."

The guards came in and nervous.

"No one knows, if Zhang Yi, let him get out of the way, he said that Laozi is not waiting."

Tang Feng did not have a good air.

"Not Zhang, it is..."

"Yes, you still have to see it yourself."

The guards trembled and put the gold posts on them~www.wuxiaspot.com~Tang Feng looked at the guards and took over the gold posts. He didn't have a good air: "When shaking, what is evil?"

During the conversation, his eyes fell on the gold post and instantly became dignified.

This is the Qin Bang post!

In Xichuan, even Shen Junfu and Fengxian are not available because they are not Qin gang people. However, Tang Feng is aware of it, because Tang Tangmen has one Tang.

Tang made a cannon and gave a rainy pear flower needle to Qin Hou, Qin Hou cited as a guest, deliberately made a silver post, with the respect of the lord of the church.

Jintie, there are only three in the whole world.

One in the hands of Qin Hou’s father, the other is himself!

Originally there was a Qin Gang who helped Chen Song, but after Chen Song was executed in Yunzhou, there were only two left.

Tang Feng carefully opened it and looked at it. After taking a sigh of coolness, the slamming sound closed.

"Fast, fast, call your brethren, come with me."

Tang Feng wiped his mouth and quickly ordered the people to pack up the leftover wine on the table and rushed to hold the post and ran out.

"Everyone, collection!"

Tang Feng went to the yard and took a scorpion.

The players haven't seen their captain's spirit for a long time, and they quickly gathered and looked at him with contempt.

"Brothers, tell everyone a good news, Nishikawa is going to change, and the days of you, me, and the grown-ups are here!"

Tang Feng looked at everyone, and he was excited with a fist.

"The Tang team, what... what do you mean?"

A team member asked inexplicably.

"Tell everyone a good news, Hou Ye is coming!"

"All his mother's spirit to Laozi, don't lose the face of Tangmen, the grown-up."

Tang Fengdao.


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