The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1301: I want to play dogs.

Huang Jun, Ou Qiang and others look at me from each other. I look at you. I still have some unsettled faces. When I see Sun Hao, I am safe, and I am somewhat tempted.

Ou Qiang and Sha Hu are the most difficult. They don’t wait for the two to take the lead. A heroic voice shouted: "Mad, give me a bite."

When everyone saw it, the second one was actually Ou Qiang’s bodyguard Sun Guofan.

Sun Guozhen is a burly figure, like the iron tower, and has the closest relationship with Aaron. Originally, everyone also counted on this iron man, can stand up and fight with the grandfather, I did not expect this guy's bones to be so soft.

"Oh, enough to be interested, brother, I am optimistic about you."

Zhou Wei looked at it and estimated that it was difficult for Sun Guozhen to deal with these people. He did not think that this guy took the initiative to "return his honesty" and he was very happy.


Sun Guozhen was like a drink of spirits, and he was bored with a big mouth. He snorted: "I know that the time is a good man, and it is a blessing to be mixed with my grandfather."

"Garbage, garbage, are a bunch of garbage!"

Looking at the tower-like man, so shameless, Ah Fei is screaming with his fist.

"Who else, who else is as refreshing and interesting as the big brothers."

Zhou Hao was happy.

"Grandpa, there is me!"

Almost at the same time, the Yellow Army and another bodyguard robbed the past, vying to get the jar in the hands of Zhou Hao, for fear of turning back and no chance.

"Don't worry, there are special offers, one by one." Zhou said.


"Thirsty for a day, my grandfather's special offer is more thirsty than mineral water and spirits."

"Grandpa, thank you!"

Huang Jun squinted with shameless shame and looked back.

"Yes, my grandfather's special offer is even more embarrassing than that of Maotai. It must be strong enough, top grade, top grade."

Another bodyguard also snorted and screamed.

"Hey, hey!"

"I didn't expect to have a famous drink. The two brothers are good. I like it."

Zhou Hao has never heard such a beautiful and flattering, and the mouth of the time is not close.

"Shameless, huh, huh, I’m trying to protect you, it’s not worth it."

A Fei painful tears DC.

His master of the Mengwu Museum taught the Chivalry Buddhism. He originally wanted to take advantage of this group of people to live on the island. He did not expect to protect such a group of shameless people, and his heart was not uncomfortable.

Ou Qiang and Sha Hu originally wanted to vote. I saw A Fei’s pain, and the two were also people with heads and faces. They were shy and inexplicable and took their steps.

"What? I want to be a tough guy? The old knife doesn't recognize people."

Zhou Wei went to Ouqiang and Shahu, and asked proudly.

"Get it, I drink."

The sand tiger hardened the hard scalp.

"Shahu, your kid..." Ou Qiang did not expect the Shahu to be so rude, frowning.

"To shut up!"


Zhou Hao single handed the jar and handed it over.

"I drink your eighteen generations!"

Shahu held his hands in his hands and held it up high. He wanted to drink, and suddenly slammed into the top of Zhou’s head.

Zhou Wei did not expect that a son of Shahu would be so arrogant, unable to prevent it, and squatted.


The jar opened the flowers on his head, and the urine and blood flowed around.

The dead silence in the field, everyone closed their mouths in a wrong way.


"Oh, the special taste is good."

Shahu laughed.

"Dog things, find death!"

Zhou Wei exerted a force on his face, such as the same injured tiger, with his hands on the back of the sand tiger's head, facing a head squat, then kicking his leg and kicking it on the chest of the sand tiger.


The sound of the fracture is crisp and audible.

Shahu immediately vomited blood and flew out.

"Made, two hyenas, I will kill you today."

Zhou roared and rode on the sand tiger's body, pinching his neck.


"I don't, don't accept it!"

The sand tiger was stunned and his face was blue and purple, still full of smiles.

"I don't accept it, I will send you to the West."

Zhou Hao raised the fist of Sha Fei, and he was able to explode the head of the Shahu by carrying a lot of effort.

Seeing that the sand tiger is about to die, A Fei and Ou Qiang are not horrified, can't help, and close their eyes in pain, can't bear to look straight.

At this moment, Zhou Wei only felt a gust of wind in the ear, and the screaming was not good. Looking down, the palm has been pierced by a straw, blood flow like a note, my heart can not help but scream.

"Flying flowers to pick leaves?"

"This is the ability to have internal strength, at least to reach the master of the post-inner period."

"Who is so powerful?"

A Fei is a martial artist and was shocked when he arrived.

"Who is who sneaked on Laozi and got out soon."

Zhou Wei did not go to the sand tiger, stood up and looked around, shouting.

"What is it called!"

"The old man's ears are not awkward."

Qin Lan stood up from the straw, took the roots and squatted in his mouth, and walked over with his arms lazily.

"Qin Hao!"

A Fei stunned his glasses, and he never thought of stealing a sneak peek, and he would be a hidden master.

"Hey, you, don't go to die, you can't beat him."

"Don't be a brother, lost your life in Shahu doesn't know the depth of Qin's, worried that he will give his life, and quickly advised.

"Who is for you."

"I am doing a beautiful dream with the magnolia of Yulan. This group of crazy dogs have quarreled Laozi’s spring dreams. Can I not clean them up?"

Qin Hao did not have a good air.


"I am, your uncle, cow!"

Shahu almost didn't squirt an old blood.

"You are the one who called Qin Qin, and the tone is very mad. Do you know who I am? I am the only one who won the honor in the Colosseum and won the iron..."

Zhou Yan sneered, but there was some hair in his heart.

He dragged A Fei by heavy farming, but he did not expect to kill a bit of gold now. What's even worse is that this guy slept for a whole day, and he was not ruined. He just rushed to it, afraid it was bad. Deal with.

Immediately opened the qualifications, want to overwhelm the Qin dynasty from the momentum.

When I knew that I hadn’t finished talking, Qin Hao’s palm was on his face: “I can’t fight, there’s still no end!”


"You dare to beat Laozi's face, I want to kill you."

Zhou Hao spit out a half-blooded molar, holding a stone knife, and red-eyed to Qin Hao stabbed.

He is now like a mad tiger, and he can't take care of any rules on the island. Zhou Hao is still a bit of a skill. The knife is full of power and enthusiasm. He looks at the heart and throat and sees everyone. It was a trepidation, and I couldn’t help but squeeze the sweat for Qin.

"Hey, be careful!"

Shahu shouted at the eyes of the blind man.

"Reassured, this crazy dog, he can't bite me."

Qin Hao smiled happily.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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