The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1303: Mad, you cow!

Qin Lan relied on Tian Hao, and Sun Hao and Huang Jun were surrounded by people. They were also lame, and they were pressing the waist, the left one was a brother, and the right one was calling.

"Open, full of urine smell, go cool."

Ou Qiang kicked off Sun Hao and immediately put on a flattering look. He snorted for Qin Hao and said with a smile: "Hey, that, that..."

"That oh?" Qin squinted.

"That dragon is catching the egg, I am very powerful, can you teach the brothers."

Ou Qiang was cheeky and asked.

"Yeah, my brother, my brothers are all whiteboards. You look like drunkenness, and this bird catching power is taught to the brothers. The people in the province are bullied in the future, and your face is not lost." "The sand tiger also came over and smiled."

"Hey, think of the sour face of Zhou Wei, I have a pain for him."

"Hey, this is too beautiful for you, but you can't hide it."

Sun Guozhen also licked his face and wanted to get close to everyone.

"Why are you going to roll the scorpion, who knows you, go to pull the rice, really, and face to this mix?"

"roll roll roll!"

Several people, like driving away flies, shoved Sun Guofan.

Sun Guozhen’s face was depressed, and his heart was silent. Zhou Hao had no interest, and he was not pleased on both sides.

"With the swearing, Huang Jun and Sun Fatzi, and the old man not drinking?"

"By you all aim at me?"

Sun Guozhen called Qudao.

"They are jealous, they are **** in themselves. You two are the bodyguards who are just a child. Isn’t it possible to blow ten ones?"

"There is no one to beat people. It is a good hand to eat and drink urine."

"Go, let me roll the dice, I asked you two wastes, I really lost the face of the 18th generation."

He did not mention it, and when it was mentioned, Ou Qiang exploded.

"Cut, what a great thing, Lao Tzu is not rare."

Sun Guozhen was smashed with a dog's blood, and he couldn't get through the face. Joining another group of old bodyguards, he joined the Zhou Yi group and went to the rice.

"Hey, don't you train these grandchildren?" Shahu said.

Qin Hao looked at him and raised his hand to take a hand of Shahu. "Daddy, didn't you eat? Make a point, and all of them make a point."

"Yes Yes!"

Ou Qiang and others quickly added strength to the hand, which is called a respectful.

At this time, the Qin dynasty is like a god. The two ancestors did not dare to be interested in any martial arts. But the skill of grasping the eggs, they all feel that learning should not be a problem, the key is to pull the wind, enjoyable.

"It’s going to rain, the mother wants to marry, the love is dry, and you all relax your heart."

"Even if you drink a special offer today, I am not accounting."

"Everything is heard. People can only have hope when they are alive. There is nothing special to change a life. There is nothing shameful."

"On the contrary, when you don't have the ability to change the big picture, you'd better put up that fearless arrogance."

"Here you have a tail with a tail!"

Qin Lan looked at the stars that were quietly appearing in the sky, and sighed with faintness.

Everyone was silent, and the eyes of Qin Yu were filled with gratitude and respect. According to reason, Qin Yu is basically their boss now. For ordinary people, I am afraid that I can’t wait for Sun Hao and Sun Guozhen’s unpromising . But instead of blaming it, he understood it, and this moment he won the favor of everyone.

In the end, no one wants to die!

"As for grasping the egg hand, you only need to have a sharp eye, and you have to start with a slap, and you have to be poisoned.

"On this island, birds are the most important thing besides life. You can't take it, but you can't have no birds."

"As long as the bird is still there, there is the possibility of winning wealth and winning the opportunity to turn over."

"After all, which girl is not pregnant, in case any small guards are on you, the benefits are not great?"

"So, pay attention to it and protect the bird!"

Qin Lan sat up and solemnly pointed out that everyone was in a circle and shouted.

"Yes, listen to your brother, your face can be beaten, blood can flow, and big birds can't move."

Shahu nodded and agreed.

"Well, they are all hurrying to go to the break, don't bother the old man to sleep." Qin Yan waved his hands impatiently.

"Have you seen the tricks of Zhou Wei already?"

"Are you a master of martial arts?"

"You deliberately made me ugly, right?"

For a long time, A Fei went to Qin Lan and asked in a breath.

"Yeah, a little bit of a brain can see through, you want to be the boss?"

"It’s better to make you ugly, let you be killed."

"As for the master of martial arts, if you dare not act, you will catch a bird."

Qin Lan closed his eyes and lazily.

"No. I can pierce the palm of my hand with a straw. This skill is also the middle of the middle of the refining. Qin Qin, you are deep enough. They can't wear you, I can!" A Feidao.

"Look at your sister, don't quarrel with Lao Tzu, you have to eat the eggs, and go out with them." Qin Hao did not have a good air.


A flyless speechless, he suddenly appeared, Qin Hao has never taken him as a competitor, and they are not a grade.

This guy who seems to be a slap in the face, every step is so stable, behind every absurd act, always have a deep meaning, A Fei does not dare to guarantee that Qin Zhen’s true ability is stronger than him, but one thing, he is convinced That is, Qin Xi’s brain and heart are indeed not comparable to him.

At least in this crisis-ridden environment, he can't safely eat sleep peacefully, and this guy can eat and sleep, go on holiday and play.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, a round of bright moon hangs in the sky, and the rice fields are pale.

Zhou Wei and others are also tired enough. Rao is that they are going faster, and only half of the work is done at this time.

"Made, grandpa, just do it, we don't have to sleep tonight."

Mazi thrown away the stone knife and wiped the sweat, not good air.

"Yeah, Grandpa, you have to think about it, the brothers are almost exhausted."

Others are complaining.

"Nothing, the jade manager should arrive soon, and she will talk when she is."

"Everyone will have a break."

Zhou Yidao.

Forty people came to the crop field, and the eyes of the Qin dynasty were wide-eyed, and the smell of gunpowder was extremely strong.

"Look at what, who let you rest, still want to sleep, and work hard."

The sand tiger spit and screamed at Zhou Wei and others.

Zhou Hao did not pick up, coldly snorted, don't overdo it and pretend not to hear.

"Oh, my brother, can't you hear?"

"Oh, then play again."


Qin Lan stood up, and the sighing rushed Zhou Xiao smiled and made a gesture of breaking the egg.

"Mad, you cow!"

"Get up and work, make a point."

Zhou Hao did not swear, snorted and greeted the younger brother who was resentful and continued to work.

After dinner, black pearls and magnolia returned to the incense rice field.

When I saw Zhou Yi’s own group of people’s own work, they all stayed in the No. 6 and No. 7 area, and then looked at the Qin dynasty’s people who were sleeping on the Tianyu’s east, screaming at the sky, black pearls and other guards all dumbfounded. It is.


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