The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1328: Grandpa has please

"If the sky is old, the right way is the vicissitudes of life?"

"What do you mean?"

Zhu Xiaoling asked with a frown.

"I let the person I found have news?" Qin Hao did not answer her, Shen Sheng asked.

"Almost forgot this, the Queen told me to tell you that there is never a person in the daughter country called Sima Fu."

"She has checked the list of islands. The person you are looking for does not exist at all, or he uses a pseudonym."

"I have also received a lot of guests in the Yingchun Building, and I have never heard of Sima Fu."

"So, unfortunately, unless this person jumps out to tell you that he is Simafu, or that the old ghost, the national teacher gets some clues, otherwise you will never find him."

Zhu Xiaoling shrugged her shoulders.

Qin Yi brows a lock, some are guilty.

He promised that Sima Qing would like to see Sima Fu, whether it is dead or alive, at least there must be a quasi-letter. Now it seems that it is as simple as trying to find this person.

The slave of Hall 1, he checked it, there is no Simafu.

There are only two possibilities left. Sima has not come to her daughter country. It is Sima Qing who made a mistake. There is still a possibility. Sima Fu is in the daughter country. This is nothing more than two places. One is Hall 2. In addition, it is the East Island of the National Division.

"Qin Hao, I am very good. Why are you looking for this person? Is it important for us to flee our daughter country?" Zhu Xiaoling asked.

Qin Hao suddenly got up, slammed her neck, eyes like a knife, cold and cold: "You have listened to me, want to live, don't ask, don't ask, don't say, don't say, manage well. Your mouth, understand?"


Zhu Xiaoling nodded in pain.

"Okay, start your performance."

Qin Xiao was in Zhu Xiaoling's body, Zhu Xiaoling felt itchy, and shouted like the pain.

About half an hour later, Qin Xiao solved Zhu Xiaoling's acupuncture points, sorted out his clothes, and accompanied Zhu Xiaoling down the stairs.

Just down the stairs, before I even had time to go, Mei Niang greeted her and smiled: "Qin Ye, Xiao Zhu is still satisfied with it?"

"Well, she is my regular companion in the future, I also ask you to take care of it." Qin Xiao smiled.

"That is natural!"

"Come on, give Xiao Ling a clean body and move to the house."

Mei Niang said nothing, on the spot to improve the level of Zhu Xiaoling.

"Thank you for your mother, thank you Qin." Zhu Xiaoling was so excited that she shed tears.

Only wait for a prostitute to be eligible to live in other hospitals, such as the frequent companions of Yuxun and others, to the level, do not have to be shackled by the rough people every day, the quality of life will be improved a lot, even to a certain degree, even the ordinary female Also moisturizing.

"Mei Niang gave Qin a face, this person is what I owe you." Qin Hao was satisfied with laughter.

"Doing things for Qin Ye, I dare not do my best, right, Qin Ye has someone who wants to see you." Mei Niang went around and returned to the topic.

"Can I say no? I just said that I owe you a favor and lead the way."

Qin Lan knows that this old lady will stop him, it will not be so simple.


Mei Niang is in front of the introduction of a back garden, inside is the Yaju Bieyuan, far from the sound of silk.

"Mei Niang, you are not kind, there is such a good place, actually do not tell me."

Qin Xiaolang laughed, but I knew in my heart, don’t look at Mei Niang’s politeness, but I still didn’t take him seriously. This place is the place where real daughters and other people can play.

It is said that thanks to Yongzheng, since the Colosseum was opened, all slaves with skills can obtain the status of fighters.

To some extent, the fighters are still more free, because the strength of the righteousness is higher, and the status is also higher, which is regarded as a idler with a slave identity.

"Qin Ye, this is it, people are waiting for you inside." Mei Niang respectfully said.

"Dream of dreams, the name is good."

"Okay, go ahead."

Qin Hao waved his hand and walked into the yard.

There were already two shirtless fierce slaves waiting at the door.

"Qin Ye, please."

A big man with a beard and a beard, raise his hand and ask.

Waiting to enter, a few people are talking around the wine table, and there is a beautiful slave to accompany the toast, it is very lively.

"Grandfather, the surname Qin is coming." Dahan informed.

A few people looked at Qin Qin at the same time, seeing him as Zhu Yu is generally glamorous and noble, the instrument is extraordinary, and it is not awkward. The beautiful female slaves in the room are worth seeing.

A handsome young man who started his head swayed the folding fan and wore a gray gown. He smiled and smiled at him: "The horse is wearing a saddle dress, and the people are wearing clothes. Qin is wearing a white dress. It is really extraordinary. I think it is Pan. Ann, Song Yu reborn, not as good as Qin’s glory."

"If you want to be a woman, you are afraid to be tempted by Qin."

When I talked with the wind, I talked with each other and my attitude was extremely easy and complimented.

Qin Yu paid attention to this person. There are not a few slaves who can wear clothes on the island. This person is closer to the ancestor. It seems to be the head of the No. 2 Hall.

Several other people are dressed, and there are no clothes, but one eye is fine, the temples are high and high, and they are all good people.

"Man, you want to be a woman, I am afraid I will die!"

"Let's not talk about the value of the old, the old irons, report it."

Qin Lan walked to the table, and Da Ma Jindao sat down directly in the wind and the wind, poured a glass of wine and took a sip, and laughed loudly.


A few people next to see Qin Qin so wild and uncomfortable, when the time was annoyed, two people even stood up and tried to do it, but they were stopped by the wind and eyes.

"Qin Laodi, my name is 邬行风, I know some grass fur, I am currently walking in the medical hall, and I am ranked among the eight kings of my This is the dragon tower of the Firewood Temple, the fireworks temple is the world In the refining of the sect, the Dragon Tower was the master of Hengjing before the island, and the undefeated body of King Kong, currently the second general of the grandfather."

"This is Tu Yuan, the old ghost, the nickname of the open hand, a pair of iron palms..."

The introduction of the wind and the wind one by one, the words have not finished, was interrupted by Qin Lan: "There is no such thing as the mess of the island martial arts, I understand that you are a sinister, old ghost."

Qin Lan is really not interested to listen to, the abbot of the Firewood Temple, that what was the first to be killed by his tactics, really want to talk about the identity of the martial arts, these people are only killed by the second.

"Where is Qin, are you looking down on my hand?"

"Others are afraid of your little tricks, but I haven't put you in the eye, you are less crazy."

Tu Yuan looked a sinking, a palm broke the corner of the table, stood up and angered.

Qin Hao jumped, and made a shock: "So fierce? I thought I was invited to drink, so I didn't speculate more than half a sentence, everyone, flashed."

"Don't, don't, don't!"

"Qin Laodi, Tu Yuan is an acute child, don't worry about him."

"Tu Yuan, you sit down for me and immediately apologize to Qin."

The wind and the wind quickly stopped Qin Qin, and immediately his face sank and angered.

Tu Yuan seems to be extremely afraid of him, holding his head and reluctantly lifting the glass of wine: "Qin brother, I made it, I will apologize to you."

After that, I finished the bottom.

"Drinking and drinking, what table is there, not much."

"Oh, my brother, let me talk about it."

Qin Lan sat back in the chair and slouched his legs.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.



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