The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1336: Zhisheng

If you want to leave and find a channel, the power of one person alone cannot be undone, and Zhao Dongshan’s people who are determined to leave the country of the daughter are the messengers who **** him.

Qin Qian’s forefoot just entered the North Ridge, and the news that he was assigned was spread in his daughter’s country.

This news has made Yu Xun, the old ghost and others all stunned.

They are still figuring out **** Qin Qin, who did not expect the Queen to retaliate so quickly, and even more bizarre is that the red man who was hand-picked as a national teacher was assigned to the North Ridge, and the National Teacher did not even have the slightest expression.

East Island messenger management.

The eight kings of King Kong, who led the dragon tower and the wind and the wind, gathered in the room early.

The old ghost went to the toilet inside, waited for the net, and closed the black robe. He laughed and went out: "What a good day today, God is actually opening his eyes, and the boy named Qin got to Beiling." It’s really my heart.”

"Ghosts, though, but the time that Peony gave him is one month. After one month, the surname Qin will definitely return. By then, his prestige will only shock the whole island."

"My grandfather said yes, do you have an article about the attitude of the national teacher? He knows that the queen is tearing down the stage, but he acquiesced. Why, he also thought that Qin Lan could borrow gold from the North Ridge."

"Once he comes back, I am afraid that even if I don't become a fighting king or fighting god, I am afraid I have to get at least a walking errand in the East Island. Don't forget, he is just a silver fighter, but he is dressed in white, but he is an adult with a ghost. The same treatment."

The winds are attached to the road.

The night of the Colosseum, the star of the Qin Dynasty, has changed the situation on the island.

Everyone knows that the ghost is no longer the only special envoy of the East Island. The National Teacher intends to promote and cultivate a new messenger. It does not replace it. At least it can also check the level of the old ghost. This signal makes Yuxun and others correct. The status of the old ghost has a heart.

Song Tao is a conservative, and his strength is weaker than that of Yu Xun. He may not go to this position.

Then Yuxun is the most opportunity!

Therefore, they will never allow someone to divide this cup. After Qin Hao refused to join, they tried to get rid of this nail.

"You are right, you can't let this kid come back alive, oh, you run here early to find the ambassador, I think there are countermeasures?" asked the old ghost.

"Ganba over the North Ridge, and the ghosts make you a brother who worships the son. He has always been obedient to you. Ghosts can make words, let Ganba move a little bit, and the surname Qin will die. place."

"In addition, I think the ghosts can send Tu Yuan and Long Ta to enter the North Ridge. As a result, Qin Yu will die."

兀 冷 cold and cold.

"A seven, if you pass on my orders, you will say that the two brothers of Longta and Tuyuan have committed something and immediately matched Beiling."

The old ghost was difficult, and after a moment of contemplation, he began to speak.

"Mr. Thank you for your ambassador."

I am very happy to worship.

"Go, the wind stays, the medical supplies in the medical center are scarce, and the doctor gave me a list. You have to do something right."

The old ghost raised his hand.

The wind and the wind stayed, and Yu Xun and others were happy to leave.


Waiting for Yu Xun and others to leave, the wind and the wind are on one knee, very pious and respectful.

The old ghost changed his past arrogance and coldness, and his face was calm and watery. He sat down on the chair and said faintly: "You are my disciple, and I am the most valued person. I have been with me for 20 years. When you go to the island, you are only eighteen."

"Eight-year-old, thirty-three-three days, the gentleman is wise to go to heaven, and he is also a father of the wind, and he will not forget it for a moment."

Minhang the wind.

"Yeah, you and I were the first to go to the island. I have been humiliated for 20 years. I finally waited for the opportunity. Soon we can copy the miracle of Yan Jiudian and dominate China!"

The old ghost is proud.

"When the wind and the wind are taken care of by Master, it is a bitter pain. It is just that Master is the same person, and that is the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, but it must be driven by the fools of Yongzheng, and bear the burden of humiliation. Whenever I think of it, I will feel the injustice of the Master. It’s very uncomfortable."

The wind is hanging on the tears.

"Yeah, the world thinks that I am arrogant and brainless, especially Yongzheng. He really thought that I was a little ambition, and wanted to get a Qin dynasty to check and balance me."

"He thought it was too simple!"

"This Qin dynasty is a sharp knife, but it is not ours but the sturdy."

"First let the surname Qin's arrogance to bite, even if he wins, as long as I shine a sword, Yongzheng will also remove him, we just need to take the profit of the fisherman."

"Right, when did you plan to start with me, how is the drug prepared?"

The old ghost got up and asked.

"Back to Master, Yuxun has now some dogs rushing to the wall. The surname Qin is irritating to him. He thinks that Master’s position is not guaranteed. I estimate that whether Qin can live or not from Beiling, he will be fifteen next month. Provocative Master."

Minhang the wind.

"Five, hehe!"

"Well, go to the medical hall, how is the progress with the hut, you are the most romantic person on the island, such a little girl, can't take it down like you."

The old ghost smiles like a smile.

The wind was stunned, and he quickly yelled: "Master disciple is working... the disciples have a strategy, and they will be able to get the doctor."

"Oh, that's good, go."

Old sneaky sleeves.

The wind swelled and got out of the door. The whole back was already wet with a large piece, and the hanging heart fell back.

No one knows the terrible old ghost!

If there is such a person on the island that can subvert the rule of the national division and flee the country of the daughter, this person is not a Qin dynasty, but only the Huaxia Zhisheng.


When Qin Lan and Sun Hao, Sha Hu and others sighed, they quietly left the stone house.

He is very interested in the black spar that Zeng Dalong said. The spar has always been one of the most important resources in the martial arts world. It is not only cultivation, but also the weapons, vehicles and ships, which are supplemented by spar energy.

The spar of the daughterland, such as Lingshan Lingshui, must be extraordinary. Qin Yu transferred to the east end of the village. There is an altar there. The middle of the altar is decorated with a large piece of spar.

The spar has already been smoothed out. Because of the loss of infuriating, Qin Lan can't look at the air with his eyes. Only the ambush is on the ground, the eyebrows touch, and the feelings of the yin in the Yintang are felt.

Qin Yu held his breath, took a deep breath, and gathered his heart. The effort of half a cup of tea was still no movement.

"Don't the energy of the spar have been taken out, it shouldn't be."

"Is it a lack of aura and can't bring back the smell of spar?"

Qin Biao frowned, and then smiled slightly, biting his fingertips, blood dripping on the stone.

Even without the arrogance of Dan Tian, ​​his blood from the king of Hell is still there, and the instinct remains to the spirit of inspiration, and it is no exaggeration to say that his blood is the best sacrifice.


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