The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1342: 0 times stronger than you, 0 times

Fan Chunming, as the first authority on the island, stood at the forefront, with his hands in his sleeves, a pair of proud and proud of me, as if everyone was taking **** and bird droppings, it is not worth comparing.

Occasionally, someone greets him. Fan Chunming is just a cold and arrogant nose. If you ask questions, you will never return. Those who want to flatter are both embarrassed and annoyed.

Giving a gift to Ganba, on the surface is who is more loyal, but in fact is more loyal to Ganba.

Ganba is a more greedy person, with a small amount of air. If he is annoyed, he will be hit by the mine, so even if he is a sea-going faction, he has to follow suit.

"Chi Ye is here!"

Someone in the crowd shouted.

Those who couldn’t shoot Fan Chunming’s flattering immediately surrounded Chi Yongnian.

"Chi Ye, what kind of gift you have prepared for the bully, take it out and let everyone know what to do."

Asked a good laugh.

"The pool can be awkward, nothing more than a loyalty."

Chi Yongnian laughed and politely responded by hand.

His friendly sects immediately won the favor of everyone, and the surrounding voices were continually screaming. Chi Yongnian did not dare to be high. He went to Fan Chunming and bowed his hand and said: "Fan Gong, Yongnian is polite."

"Small pool, what are you going to give to the bully?"

Fan Chunming asked the shelf and sneered.

At this moment, he directly matched the small pool, and even the pool brother did not call, and his attitude was several times more arrogant than usual. Chi Yongnian knows that the old thief is deep in the set and has completely gone on the road to death.

"Hey, this is the face of the bully to say, Fan Gong knows."

Chi Yongnian mysteriously laughed.

"Haha, I understand, I understand." Fan Chunming said with great joy.

"Does the two talk very pretty?"

"Fan Gong, you are still alive, I am very happy to see you in the elderly."

Qin Xiao mouth bit a red flower, led the sand tiger and other people, hanged Lang Lang came over, took off the flowers in the chest, and said hello.

"Hey, can your kid talk about people and want to die?"

A guard from Fan Chunming shouted loudly.

"He is alive, I am happy, there is nothing wrong with this, how, do you want Fan Gong to die?"

Qin slammed his mouth and looked at the guard.


The guards suddenly became dumb.

"Well, what to waste with him!"

"The surname Qin, you are not qualified to stand up with me and go down."

Fan Gong yelled.

"Cough, Fan Gong, he came with me. Mr. Qin has a big gift to be dedicated to the bully today. I reported it last night. The bully is accurate."

Chi Yongnian Road.

"Hey, what good things can he have, let him stay here, and it will be a few days anyway."

Fan Chunming sneered.

In fact, last night he also rushed to see Ganba, but when he passed the child, Ganba refused to see anyone, so his gift can only be presented with everyone today.

"Then I will see it again, oh."

Qin Haosen smiled.

I waited until noon, everyone had finished drinking a few teas, and Ganba was slowly coming out of the room.

"Elder brothers, old guys, it’s rare that everyone remembers Gan’s birthday, thank you, thank you."

"In the past few years, it has also depended on the blessings of Heaven, and the help of all of you, Ganmou, this can make the small land of the North Ridge, the well-organized."

"This cup, first respect the sky, this cup is to respect everyone, please!"

Ganba went to the middle, and after respecting the sky, he toasted everyone.

Everyone has a toast to congratulate.

"Grandpa, we can live in this place of life and death, it is all your old and well-coordinated. Today, in order to express your respect and gratitude to you, I have prepared some thin gifts, you must accept it."

The ceremonies next to him took a step forward, bowed their hands and bowed, and looked at the crowd, indicating that they could give gifts.

Everyone was a tribute, and they sang a lot of praises.

"It’s good to say that the bully is higher than the sky, and there is no bully. We may have fed the beasts in the mountains and become the impetuous in the sea."

"Fan has a big gift to thank the Lord!"

Fan Chunming stood up and was going to give a gift.

"Fan Gong is not anxious, I know that you are loyal to me, or let them give gifts first."

Ganba is quite uncomfortable.

Although Fan Chunming and Chi Yongnian are confidants, they are not new to each other. He has long been tired of it, so I want to see, those who are underneath, who may have prepared a good baby.

"I have a three-hundred-year-old turtle. The back is born with the words Fushou Tianqi. It is Tianxiang Xiangrui, and I also want to laugh."

Someone immediately stood up and screamed.

"Oh, there is such a thing, come up and see." Ganba is overjoyed.

Several people carried a large turtle with a large plate and it was up. There were several small plaques on the back, but it was not Fushou Tianqi.

"Good Xiangrui, Li Meng has a heart, the mine is bad enough, will you come back to give me a turtle?" Ganba asked.

Li Meng’s big smile: “Thank you for the bully.”

Everyone saw A turtle was easily adjusted back, free from the danger of life and death in the mine, and they offered gifts at one time.

Because the surrounding area of ​​the North Ridge is dangerous, all of them are jungles and beasts, poisonous grasses, and everyone's gifts are the same as in previous years. Apart from some good medicines, they are a bit of practical value, and others are nothing new.

"Fan Gong, what good things do you have, come out and give it to the tyrant."

Seeing Ganba's face is getting more and more ugly, the guard next to him reminded.

Fan Gong smiled slightly, and his face was full of pride. He knew that the moment of radiance was coming.

"The old man really has the best treasure to be dedicated to the bully."

"This treasure is alive, and the custody is satisfactory."

Fan Chunming looked up and proud.

"Then you are going fast."

The guards saw that he was still loading and selling, and he was anxious.

"Fan Gong, Liang Bao." Ganba heard that he was so confident, but also a little anxious.

"Challenging, Ba Ge still remember last night, I will inform you?"

Chi Yongnian also stood up.

"Oh, is there a heavy treasure for Yongnian?" Ganba’s eyes were bright and bright, and he smiled.

"Hey, Xiaochi, people have to know how to be light, what treasures can you have, don't you want to take their own insults?"

Fan Chunming thought that Chi Yongnian would offer Dan, and some were anxious, and cold and cold threatened.

"I don't have a heavy treasure, there is Qin."

"He is a treasure, if the bully is watching, I am afraid to be happy for three days and three nights."

Chi Yongnian exaggerated.

"Yes, I don't dare to say anything about this treasure. It will definitely be above Fan Gong."

"No, it is a hundred times stronger than Fan Gong’s treasure, thousands of times!"

Qin Chun’s provocative rushing Fan Chunming blinked and stepped forward, screaming.


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