The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1346: Undercurrent

Ganba disgusted the blood of his body and told the guard: "Come, throw this old dog out of the woods and feed the wild dogs."

Chi Yongnian sighed in secret, and Fan Chunming’s loyalty was unquestionable, but no one thought that this guy would fall to the end of a dead body.

Thinking of this, he looked at Qin.

The latter is still calm, as if everything is in the calculations.

What kind of wisdom is this, what a means.

Maybe he can really bring everyone out of this desperate place, and only such people can succeed.

"Qin brothers, Yongnian, this time thanks to the curse of the Fan thief, or I am afraid that I will not be guaranteed."

"Come on, pull these dog thieves together and throw them away."

Gan Pa butcher pointed at Fan Chunming's confidants.

Chi Yongnian’s heart is overjoyed. These people are in charge of mine security and management materials. They are all real powers. If they don’t get rid of it, it’s a great disaster.

Now Ganba takes the initiative to start, that is no better.

The few people shouted and yelled, but they still couldn’t escape the butcher’s knife. On the spot, they were unloaded eight pieces by the National People’s Congress, and they were thrown in the box and carried out.


"Hey, Sheng Ming, killed the thief today, and later we are afraid that no one will dare to live."

Chi Yongnian bowed his hand.

"Yong Nian, you made great achievements this time. I am now promoting you as the general manager of Beiling to help me take care of Beiling."

"There are Qin Qin brothers, you have come to pick up, you are afraid that everyone is dissatisfied, since you are proficient in alchemy, just give it to Yongnian, be a physician, and the brethren will count on you a lot later."

Ganba smiled.

"That Qin is not as respectful as death." Qin Hao is not humble.

Everyone is a big joy, killing Fan Chunming is undoubtedly a great news for the Shanghai school, but this is far less than the Qin dynasty became a doctor, because everyone's gastrointestinal disease is at least cured.

After killing Fan Chunming, Qin Hao also removed a heart disease.

In the next few days, he went to the woods to work with slaves every day.

In Beiling, in addition to Ganba, Chi Yongnian and those close-fitting guards, such as big fat, two fat, kitchen, etc., other people who stay in the village still need to work.

Some slaves are responsible for collecting medicines, some are responsible for cutting wood and logging, and they are still very heavy.

Unlike the slaves who work in the outer mines and other places, Qin Qin worked in the safe area, and was injured and cured. The food was stable and there was a certain freedom of movement.

When you arrive at the mine, it is different. There are no ones in life and death. The people who are forced to work like the animals are working. If you are sick and tired, you can't rest. Even if you die, you have to die on the mine.

Qin Lan is like a chicken blood, went to the forest, and worked like crazy.

When someone cuts a tree, he cuts ten trees, and the amount of work done every day is constantly increasing. At first, it is twice as many as everyone, and every two days, it is turned upside down.

Originally, everyone must ask for him, and he will be treated as a bodhisattva, seeing him work so hard, and others persuaded.

Later, when you see more and help, the more you help, the more fierce Qin Qin is.

Moreover, don't look at Qin Yu's seemingly gentle style, that strength is even a big fat, two fat look are shocked, the two are holding a thick tree, a few people around a piece will also be cut all day, Qin Yiyi In the morning, I can get rid of three trees, which makes everyone stunned and admired.

In addition, he is friendly and humorous, and he is free to diagnose and treat patients. For a time, whether it is a sea-going or a conservative, Qin Qin is convinced.

After doing this for a week, Qin Hao felt that it was not interesting.

After this week's violent training and the assistance of Pei Yuandan, his muscles did not seem to grow much, but the actual strength has reached an astonishing tens of thousands of pounds.

But this is not enough to kill Yuxun and stand firm in the daughter country.

The strength of cutting trees has already spurred his potential, and he needs more cruel, higher-intensity training.

Moreover, the old nest is in the safe area of ​​the woods. He can't find the secrets of the sea, and he can't pick the spar, especially the latter, which is especially important at the moment.

The last time he was eroded by the chilly gas of the spar at the altar, the Qin dynasty is now in the meridian, as if it is insane, and can increase his strength.

Qin Lan has a bold assumption. If he can get enough black spar, he may be able to open the ban on the daughter country and restore the peak strength.

At that time, no matter what the blasphemy is, Qin has an absolute grasp to be able to fix him.

However, it is not easy for him to leave the moment.

Ganba regards him as a national treasure, and he will never let him go.

In addition, he took the initiative to apply to the mining area, the purpose is too strong, Ganba will be suspicious.

A blink of an eye has passed for more than half a month, Qin Yu fell in Shicun, and can not advance and retreat.

On the day of the completion of the work, Ganba's personal guards and fats entered the stone house of Qin Yu, and Shahu and others knew that there was something, and they all went out of their homes.

"How come you? Is there something?"

Qin Hao was squatting in his heart, his hands were resting behind his head, his legs were cocked, and he did not get up.

"Master Xiao Qin, I have something to ask you."

Big fat scratched his head and looked depressed.

"Say it!"

Qin Yudao.

"I am sick, can you give me something?"

Big fat pointed to the command, quite awkward.

"Is that sick?"

Qin Hao did not understand a bit.

"You also know that we don't have a mother in this mountain, so I usually only go to the back hill to catch the venting fire of the mountain pigs and wild leopards. I don't know what happened recently. It hurts very much. Poisoned, please give me a prescription."

Big fat biting his head and uttering an unsightly scandal.


"You are not the first to come to me, the method is very simple, there is a swamp in You go there to get a few mud, put it on every day before going to bed, after a few days Naturally disinfected."

Qin Hao looked calmly.

People's desires are born. The island is a group of big men. There is always a place to vent. The mothers of the mountains have become a hot commodity. At least half of them have done this. After approaching, they secretly came to him.

“Just, is it so simple?” asked Big Fat, who could not believe it.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded indifferently.

There is a parasite in the mud on the side of Qingxitan, which can devour other viruses. Usually, everyone is scratched by poisonous flowers and poisonous grass. The so-called ointment and powder of Qin Lan are also the muddy paste there.

"Hey, Master Qin, you are really a living god, brother thank you."

Big fat is grateful for zero.

"Nothing, go out, my brother is bothering." Qin Hao waved his hand impatiently.

"Master Qin, brother, there is still something more annoying."

"Thelord has orders, let you take your brother to the mine overnight, and then you are afraid to stay there and suffer."

Big fat flat mouth, helpless.

"What? You said that Ganba wants to tune me to the mine?"

Qin Lan sat up and listened to the ecstasy of the heart.

"This can't blame the bully, the things inside, I can't say."

"Master Qin, you take care of yourself and hope that you will see you when you have a big life next year."

Big fat bowed to Qin, and his face was clean. He said: "Pack up things, brothers, I am also poor, don't be embarrassed."

There were guards outside the door, and several people who shook the sand tiger returned to the house.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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