The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1349: a task that can not be done

"Let him!"

Tu Yuan cold and cold spit out four words.

"Why?" Xionggang is not at all.

"Just because I am a gold fighter, open the monument to the hand!" Tu Yuan proudly said.

"Golden Fighter!"

Xiong just hesitated, but still let go.

Although he also had some skills, he did not enter the Colosseum, but the strong murderousness that he had spread out of his body made him realize that this is not a good guy.

"Eat it!"

Tu Yuan took three bowls of paste and placed it on the table to raise his hand.

"The surname is painted, don't get indented!" Xiong Gang looked a sinking, not pleasing.

"Don't eat?"

Tu Yuan sneered a cold.

"Eat you paralyzed!"

Xionggang is also a man, so there are hundreds of brothers, grabbing the bowl and squatting on the ground.

"court death!"

Tu Yuan's eyes are cold, and the palms are whistling away.

Xionggang yelled badly, but he had to set up a pair of fists but he had to resist, and Tu Yuan’s move was changed. The left hand was forced to smash Huashan and smashed.

The opening of the tablet in the martial arts boundary is considered to be the lower doorway, but in the absence of the arrogance of Dantian, this hard work has become a powerful method on the island, Tu Yuan seems to be simple, but it contains a few kilograms Pneumatic strength, that pair of iron palms is a diamond monument can also be broken.


The majestic King Kong's long arm is broken like a dead wood.

Tu Yuan has the heart and the heart, the move is not old, the right hand is a knife, straight into the chest of the male.

The male long arm was broken, the pain was unsuccessful, the heart was born with fear, and there was no heart to resist, and it was hit by this lightning strike.


Tu Yuan's move can be described as full strength, six or seven kilograms of strength, instant burst!

The palm of the hand slammed into the chest of the male, and fell into the palm of his hand.


Xiong Gang only felt a sharp pain in his chest. The heart was buckled by a pair of iron tongs, and he was suffocated with a suffocation.

Good, poisonous!

Everyone in the room took a sigh of relief!

"Give a face to the dog, I will ask you again, you still eat or not."

Tu far cold and shouted.

"Mixed, there is a kind of killing Laozi."

Xiong Gang’s face was decided, and he took a few words from his teeth.

"Hey, go to hell."

On the face of Tu Yuan, there is a hint of sinister sinister smile, and the strength of the hand is increased again.

Xionggang closed his eyes and only waited to die!

Just as he was desperate, Qin Yu’s ghosts flashed over, and the five fingers were buckled on Tu Yuan’s wrist. He sneered: “It’s not good to kill people, how about giving me a face?”

"Give you face, you count..."

Tu Yuangang wants to be jealous, but now Qin Qin’s hand is endless, and I don’t know what method this kid has made. His hand is numb, and a little power can’t be made.

Tu Yuan’s heart was awkward, and he did not expect Qin’s ability to be so good.

Previously, Qin Hao easily killed the silver lord Jiang Haihai, Tu Yuanshang and thought that he could deal with Qin Yu, but he really played it at the moment, he is now, this guy is far more terrible than he imagined.

"Old Tu, even Fan Gong died in the hands of others. You can't earn this face today. If you see it, please accept it."

The Dragon Tower stood by and looked at Tu Yuan’s eating, and he couldn’t help but slammed a round.

"Kid, you are waiting for me, we are not finished."

Tu Yuan hates it.

"I said that you can't be a little new line? It's all day long, it's endless."

"Cheng, that Laozi will accompany you."

Qin Hao also let go of his hand and looked relaxed.


"You are killing Fan Gong's Qin Yu, thank you Qin Xi's life-saving grace."

Xiong Gang only felt a loose chest, a sharp pain came, and the pain was just a puff. He also took a walk from the palace of the king of the king. Just as long as he used a little more, he was afraid to give his heart out.

"This blood-stopping Dan, you take it first, Dongshan, Shahu, you take him to my house to get a knife and wound medicine."

Qin Hao told the road.


"Don't leave!"

The Dragon Tower is open.

"I don't want to eat rice, do you really want to force us?"

Zhao Dongshan glared.

"It is not your business. The supervisor is now announcing the order of the ghosts. In the next two weeks, you must hand over at least 300 pieces of the top grade of black spar. If you have one less piece, you must follow your decree and break yours. Limbs."

The Dragon Tower is not ill.

"What kind of joke? Three hundred, you were a **** at the time, you want to be jealous. You said that we are two times more people, and it will never be completed in half a month."

"You are deliberately martyrdom!"

Zhao Dongshan is very unhappy.

Not to mention the hardness of Xishan soil and rock, mining is not easy, the spar itself is extremely dangerous, contains a strong yin, the miners can hardly bear the kind of cold, often a month down, Zhao Dongshan, Xionggang two It is not bad to assign people to 30 pieces of Chinese crystal spar.

This is three hundred pieces, and only half a month, it is simply whimsical.

"You guys are slaves. Before the end of the month, they didn't become a national teacher's indicator. The ghosts looked at the face of the bully, and they didn't punish them. They raised you."

"This time, when Lao Tzu comes here, I have to stare at you. If you can't complete the task, you will all wait for the disabled."

"Of course, you can also reverse, then see if you have this ability."

"I have listened to it. From now on, at least twenty pieces of stone every day, can't be handed over, don't allow to Don't sleep, dare not kill the innocent."

Longta squinted and shouted.

"I don't have long ears, can't you understand the supervisors?"

Zhu Xiangui coughed.


The guards lifted the poison cylinder and led the life.

"Time is not early, everyone, hurry to the mine to work."

"The two supervisors can talk without me, don't miss their lives."

Zhu Xiangui smiled and said to everyone.

"Go, brothers, work!"

Zhao Dongshan's eyes fired, glaring at Zhu Xiangui, Longta and others, eventually biting his teeth and taking the lead.

The mine is on a **** in the west mountain.

Around the slope, the grass is not born, not even a reptile, which shows the hegemony of the black stone.

"Xionggang, your arm is on, and fortunately, you have not been fatally wounded, but this is afraid that you can't do it."

After the Qin dynasty gave Xiong Gang a potion, he squatted.

"Then how to do it, without me, how do the brethren find the spar."

"I don't want to work, I have to enter the mine."

Xionggang shook his head and his face was pale.

In the mining area, the reason why Xionggang’s gangs flew, even Zhu Xiangui dared to top, because they did have some skill in mining.

Especially the male, a pair of eyes thief poison, many years of judgment on the black crystal mine is far better than ordinary people, ten pieces of rough stone can often see a piece of middle and lower quality spar, in the miners, known as the **** eye, even if it is out These people in the Shanghai School are also very admired.

As for the top grade, it can only be a fate. It can be a big victory in five months.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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