The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1368: Breaking your hand is easy


"Tai Shang Laojun is in a hurry as a law, sending God to be on my body, God shines three flowers, one flower clears my god, two flowers increase my strength, three flowers gather my soul, ah oh..."

Ganba shouldered his head and swayed violently, his feet mad, and his mouth was moving with a spell.

This primitive god-playing method makes people want to laugh.

However, in the daughter country, Daofa and martial arts are all clouds, and those who can make the law, besides Song Tao, are Ganba.

The law of God of Ganba is almost inaccessible in the martial arts world, but it is extremely good in this, it is more powerful and effective than any refining technique. Once you borrow the power, you can have the power of two or three thousand kilograms. However, it is close to the strength of the mid-master.

Looking at the whole daughter country, there are few people who dare to scream with Ganba.

Although it has not been used for eight years, Ganba is still handy to use in one go.

But seeing him slamming his tongue, a blood spurted on the palm of his left hand, and he wrote a slap in the blood, slamming it over his chest.


Blood is printed!

The runes on Ganba are like living, connected in a vertical and horizontal way, with scattered golden light. His muscles and bones are in the sound of crisp sounds, and they are constantly expanding. The original thin body is transformed into a strong and powerful.


Ganba roared, his fists slammed into his chest, and the body of gold and iron.

"I haven’t used God’s spells for eight years. Today I can die under my iron fists. It’s your blessing!” Ganpo’s **** pupils looked at everyone and murdered.

In eight years, he did not start. Ganba had no ambitions in the past. He tried to use the power of iron fists to directly yield to Qin and others.

However, waiting for him is a sneer face, Zhao Dongshan and so on even have a little desire to hide.

"Well? Are you not afraid?"

Ganba brows and asks.

Eight years ago, when he was bright, he was also afraid of three points, and the North Ridge was even more invincible.

Zhao Dongshan is such a thing, that is the thing of the three or two fists, who is not afraid of him as a god?

He can be sure that there is no problem with the technique of God's fight. The powerful force can be clearly sensed, but why is Zhao Dongshan not afraid of this kind of cockroach?

Should they be afraid?

"Afraid, afraid to die!" Qin Hao shrugged and smiled.

"Eight years, you are the master of this style, I am afraid that it will be a long time to leave."

"I think it's okay to use juggling. It's hard to kill people."

Zhao Dongshan and others laughed.

Ganba is puzzled. After the horror, it is a kind of provocative anger.

"court death!"

"I will tear your bunch of hybrids into pieces!"

Ganba, like the lion who was provoked by the same head, rushed to Zhao Dongshan.

He couldn't eat the foundation of the Qin dynasty. It was okay to take a soft persimmon to get down to Mawei. The iron fist was like a thunder, and the sound of a big bang was mixed with the tens of kilograms of force to Zhao Dongshan's chest.

Zhao Dongshan stepped back and did not take a step back and said: "Dragon, go up the soup!"

I saw Zeng Dalong holding a jar from behind, and a step forward, holding up the jar and smashing the past according to Ganba: "Hey, drink soup."

Ganba is not clear, so a punch broke the jar, a strange smell of juice, Shantou cover his face, Ganba touched his face, the good guy turned out to be a yellow soup mixed with stinky blood, the lungs of the time are almost not given Blasted.

These **** guys actually splashed him with the things in the pit, it’s a shame!

Ganba can't take the stench and anger, and he is going to kill.

However, suddenly he only felt a chill in the body, the original divine power brought by the fuss, such as the tide generally faded!

Then there was a sharp pain in the body, and the bones, flesh and blood, and meridians began to shrink and restore.


"Breaking the power, you actually broke my god!"

Ganba hurts his head and roars. He can't wait to kill these hateful guys. However, the power of the counter-disintegration is tearing his meridians and lungs one inch.


Ganba is like a ventilator, and he pours on the ground and spits white foam with blood.

For a while, the old dog huddled on the ground, trembled and squirmed, and there was still a little bit of glory.

"How, how can this be?"

Ganba asked for a tremble.

"Don't lie to yourself, you are a bird's skin, you can take a small trick, and it's not easy to break you."

"The authorities are fascinated, and the bystanders are clear. In the eyes of others, you can't do it yourself, even you feel great, but how many pounds do you have?"

Qin Xiao sneered.

"Haha, haha..."

Ganba laughed and burst into tears.

He did forget that his skin is a small law in the martial arts world. It is not a profound method. However, when he came to his daughter country, he is now the only one who can easily use the technique and have a lot of effort. People.

Since then, he has truly regarded himself as a god, but he has forgotten that he is the most pity, the most taboo, and the most bloody.

"Garbage is You really put yourself in the name."

"Ganba, you are coming by yourself, or I am doing it."

Zhao Dongshan sneered.

"Qin Hao, I asked myself not bad for you. Now I am breaking the law, pigs and dogs are not as good, can't you give me a way to live?"

Ganba squatted on the ground and pleaded with pain.

"The way to live is for people, not for you."

"When you tortured Dongshan, your hands were stained with the blood of the Haipai brothers, why didn't you think about giving them a way to live?"

"And, people like you who are so stupid, I won't kill you today, and sooner or later I will die in the hands of others."

"Dongshan, send this stupid husband on the road!"

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

Zhao Dongshan stepped forward, stepping on Ganba’s head, tears in his eyes, and screaming in the sky: “All the predecessors who died under Ganba’s hands, open your eyes and see, the dog thief is in trouble.”

After that, the giant force was unloaded at the foot, Ganba’s head was like a watermelon, and he was trampled on the spot and killed on the spot.

"Come on, let go of Ganba's body and let the dog guards look at it. Whoever wants to be enemies with us in the future is a dead end."

Zhao Dongshan called.

Zhao Qiang and others hanged Ganba’s headshot on the bamboo pole outside the door. When Chi Yongnian recalled the guards, everyone saw the body of Ganba and was scared.

Under the order of Chi Yongnian, these people succumbed to almost no resistance.

Since then, the situation in Beiling has basically been settled. With Chi Yongnian and Zhao Dongshan guarding the secret road in the northwest, Qin can also breathe a sigh of relief. What he has to do next is to find the treasures that the daughter country may hide. Get rid of Yongzheng, cross the sea back to China, and prepare for the battle with Tianshan of Yan Jiutian.


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