The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1370: The world's first mad father

"I know, I know!"

The black pearls clenched the head of Qin Yu, and the tears flowed into the face.

After returning from the North Ridge, she saw a real, exhausted Qin.

She didn't understand why this person was coming to her daughter country. She didn't understand what this person was doing, but he struggled with death and power again and again!

Black Pearl didn't want to know the purpose of Qin Lan, and he didn't want to guess whether he was sincere. She just wanted to hug this injured man and give him some strength with his meager warmth.

Perhaps this is love, not counting life and death, not counting gains and losses, true and false!

In the snoring of the black pearl, Qin Yu leaned down and drove straight into the body, and the two completely blended together.

The black pearl only felt a tingling pain, and then an unprecedented happiness swept over the tide, and the beautiful soul was about to fly to the sky.

She finally knows why those guards such as Magnolia and Hu Jing are in high positions but are willing to be better with slaves.

Some happiness, only women know, and only men can give.

Since there are men on this island, the daughter country is destined to go to the fallen abyss.

Black pearls don’t want anything at the moment, just want to be indulged in this kind of happiness forever.

Qin Yu's indulging in the tight, hot, full of vitality and flexibility of the body gallop, the pain and torture of the North Ridge turned into a storm, and vented on the black pearl.

The two were like beasts, rolling from bed to every corner of the room, blending with each other until they were exhausted and the clouds and rains disappeared.

"Pearl, do you know the meaning of this tattoo?"

Qin licked the black pearl of the sheep, caressing the tattoo on her chest and asked softly.

"My mother gave me a stab at the age of three. It should be to miss that man."

"Hey brother, have you seen this tattoo, do you know who my father is?"

The black pearl suddenly sat up and asked in amazement.

"He abandoned you and his mother, do you still want to see him?" Qin asked, frowning.

"miss you!"

"I want to ask this man, does he still remember the white rose of his daughter country?"

"I want to see what he looks like, can he recognize me, he can..."

"Hey, I am not very good at it. I don't hate him at all. Really, I don't hate it at all. I just want to know what my father is, what it is like, whether he will hug me..."

The black pearl fluttered in the arms of the Qin dynasty, and it was already crying.

Qin Hao’s heart was stinging, and the black pearl was too simple. She knew that Yan’s nine days were like a wolf. This person killed Fu Xiaoqing’s mother for fame and killed Fu Dengjie. He regarded every brother and even his son as the executive. The chess pieces of the world.

This is a ruthless and unrighteous person. When he turned away from Baimei, he did not even return his head. Now he will recognize the black pearl.

Suddenly, Qin Xin’s heart gave birth to a very strong and indignant thought.

He must break Yan's arrogant bones and let him repent of the ruthless sorrows of the past!

At this moment, Qin Lan does not want to tell Black Pearl, what kind of person is his father, because he really can't bear to suffer this poor, simple woman.

"Hey brother, answer me, you know him, is he still alive?" Black Pearl stared at Qin's pupil and asked seriously.

"Yes, I know him, your father is alive, you have a lot of brothers and sisters, and I know them."

"You still have a sister, she is as beautiful and moving as you are! If you meet her, you will be very happy."

Qin Hao forced her to hold her tightly.

"Is it? My brother, I can't wait to see my father, and my sister."

"Do you know their names? Tell me, tell me soon."

The black pearl wiped away the tears and asked with pleasure.

"Your father is called Yan... For nine days, he is the richest and most powerful person in China."

"Your sister is Fu Xiaoqing, your grandfather is Yan Mu, and you have two older brothers named Yan Dongyang and Yan Beiyang!"

Qin Yu hides the hatred in his eyes and tries to say in a calm tone.

"My father is called Yan... Yan nine days, nine days to take Lieyang, who can ride the wind for nine days!"

The black pearl muttered.

"How do you know this poem?" Qin asked.

"Mother has been studying for a lifetime, she really missed her father." Black Pearl stunned.

"Is it nostalgia? It is hate."

Qin Yu secretly smiled.

The poem of Yan Jiutian shows that it is in the prestige, ridiculing the daughter country, this group of girls have no ability, can not grasp him.

This person took away the treasure of the daughter country, and the woman who slept here, in the end, arrogant and arrogant, really ruthless and unscrupulous to the point of madness.

The moment he left, he must have forgotten, no mother of black pearls, where is he going to take the anger? He is the wind who took it!

Hey, Yan Jiudian, the real madman!

"Well, don't mention those unhappy things, my brother, actually I also have a name, guess what I call..."

The black pearl took a deep breath and asked with a smile on the neck of Qin Yu.

"You are called Yan...big girl!" Qin blinked, haha ​​smirked.

"Hate, you are necrotic, you are still a big bird, not right, guess again!" Black Pearl shines on the Qin dynasty, and the face is pretty red.

"The big bird is a big girl, or if it is a good match, it is a perfect match."

"Well, I can't guess it, or you tell me."

After Qin Hao had a lot of fun, he surrendered his hand.

"My name is Yan..."

"Forget it, don't tell you first, I will tell you when I go to China with you."

Black Pearl thought about it and sold it.

The two stayed in a bad night for a night, naturally it was a good thing to sing the phoenix and the phoenix. Qin 羿 didn’t get up until noon the next day, and his back was so soft that he couldn’t even walk.

"Made, it’s really vain, it’s really empty."

Qin Lan walked out of the wooden house with his old waist, and there was a table in the flower pot with the pastry wine prepared by black pearls.

He casually ate a bit, confused, and returned to Hall 2.

Just walking to the door, Yulan greeted her with a smile. Compared with the opening of her neckline last time, she almost exposed the point directly to the air, which made it clear to Qin.

"Qin Shi, you are back."

Magnolia is full of faces and laughs.

Since the return of the North Ridge, Qin Yu has been exploding in both reputation and popularity. It is a matter of time to enter the East Island. Yulan and the female guards look at him like a smeared honey, can’t wait It’s good to send your arms immediately.

"Qin Shi? Call me?"

"Jademaster, what are you looking for? It won't be the last time you didn't have fun, would you like to try it?"

Qin Hao touched the nose and stared at the chest of Magnolia, and smiled with a wink.

"You killed more than 200 guards in Beiling, flattened Ganba, Zhu Xiangui, and also folded the two masters of Longta and Tuyuan. Whoever knows in China, it is right to call you a teacher."

"Of course, if you want to play, I can always accompany you. If you don't want to be a big man, you don't want to be a fleshy body. You are broken."

Magnolia grinned and spoiled.

"Hey, you are so embarrassed, then I really played!"

"Say, what?"

Qin Hao raised her hand and slapped a slap on her buttocks and asked.

"General Manager Hu, Grandpa, they want to invite you to the Spring Festival Building, saying that they are going to pick you up and wash the dust, and hope that Qin Shi will give a thin face."

Qin Lan’s slap in the face was full of strength. Magnolia’s buttocks almost didn’t give flowers, and the painful bite of jade.

"Well, I am going to the dining hall to eat sand rice. Someone treats good things."

Qin Landao, took a few steps, and turned back to Yulan, laughing: "I have time, I must go to you, let's play with the stimulation."

"Oh Well."

Magnolia tightened her thighs and reached out with her almost unconscious hips, accompanied by a smile.

Until Qin Xiaoyuan went, her smile was stiff, and she sighed with a sigh of relief. "Death metamorphosis, dead scum, pity and cherished jade will die, and it is a waste of the old lady's thoughts. I wish you die in Yingchunlou."

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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