The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1379: The disaster is coming

"Qin Ye, congratulations, you become the new fighting king."

The wind smeared the tears on his face and walked over and smiled.

"Warrior? What is it?"

"Is it important?"

Qin Biao raised his brow and asked with sneer.

"Of course, it has become a fighting king, and Song Tao is your own person, representing you as the only leader in our slaves."

The wind is complimented.

"Go to your uncle's slave. In Laozi, there are only brothers, no slaves!"

"If you feel important, then give it to you."

Qin Hao raised his hand, and the belt was sucked on the face of the wind, and he did not give it to him.

The jewel of the belt blew through his handsome face and shed two lines of blood. The wind smashed the belt, the fingers trembled and slid across the blood of the cheeks, and endured the inner anger and humiliation. The 90-degree bend raised the voice and respectfully Cried: "Thank you for the gift of Qin Ge, the wind must be remembered for life, and Qin Qin is healthy and unbeaten."

"You can rest assured that I will live longer than you, let's go!" Qin Hao cold and cold.

The most disgusting thing about him is the swaying wind, the villain who saw the wind and the rudder. The **** villain actually dared to threaten him. He was simply looking for death.

"Goodbye, Qin Ye."

The wind and the wind held the belts in both hands, and the ones who led the men under the hand went on.

After solving the blasphemy, Qin dynasty returned to the broken love. After the night, in addition to the Baihua Palace of Peony and the holy water palace of the East Island National Division, he can go to any place he wants to go.

Of course, his good things with Black Pearl are no longer news.

Where the daughter’s national palm is in the palm of her hand, this kind of thing can’t be stopped. He simply disguised himself and directly cohabited with the pearl. The two are crazy every day, love and hate, but also happy.

They are very clear that once they go to the East Island, such as the Longtan Tiger Cave, the gathering will be short. This rare time is undoubtedly the last carnival.

Qin Lan stayed in the situation for half a month. During the period, he was sent to urge him several times and was pushed by him.

"Hey brother, Yongzheng sent someone to remind him. Wang and the high priest will see you tonight. I don't think you can't walk."

The black pearls hold the head of Qin Qin, and there is a feminine and slight panting.

"not see!"

Qin Lan was buried in the chest of the pearl, and the greedy rope kissed.

"Hey, time is running out!"

"The day my father left is the disaster day of the daughter country. On that day, the dog will swallow the sun, and the earth will be dim. At the same time, the sea defense regime will lose its effectiveness, the tide will rise, and the mountain will be hot. You can go with the tide."

"Moonlight Po has been counted, and half a month is the 20th anniversary of the disaster. The island will hold a ceremonial ceremony to calm the anger of heaven. It is also the best time for you to escape."

Black Pearl Road.

"What do you mean by you, don't you go with me? Or afraid that I will abandon you."

Qin Hao raised his head and said seriously.

"Hey, some things are destined, forget it, don't say it, go see the king, go to the East Island immediately."

"If I have an opportunity, I will go to the East Island to see you."

Black pearls licked the neck of Qin Yu, very affectionate.

"Pearl, believe me, I will not abandon you, I am not Yan nine days!"

Qin Hao forced her to hold her tightly. He could feel the fear and volatility of the pearl. The prophecy of the little dance was like a shackle in the heart of this poor girl. Her recent smile was obviously less, and she became more sentimental.

"I know, my brother, no matter what I have, I will not regret falling in love with you."

The pearl is firm.

"Right, I have something for you."

Black Pearl thought about it, got up and opened the drawer, and took out a yellowed sheepskin book.

Inside the book is a page of dried leaves, with a diary written in it, the color of each piece in the first half is different, colorful, as the owner's mood is colorful, the latter is unified with black The juice was written, although Qin Xiao didn't look at it, but I could feel the coldness from the font.

"This is my mother's note, the second half does not need to read, the first half of the record is her bit by bit with my father, perhaps a little value for you." Black Pearl Road.


"Thank you, pearl, thank God for letting me meet you, me, I really don't know how..."

Qin Lan knows the value and significance of this notebook. Black Pearl gave him a lot of trust and love for him.

"Do you not hate me for smoking your whip?"

"Well, let's go, see the king, go directly to the East Island, I will not send you."

Black Pearl smiled and grabbed the clothes and threw them to Qin.

Looking at the figure of Qin Lan disappearing under the night, the black pearl relied on the threshold, and the tears could no longer be dripped.

Qin Lan has arrived at Baihua Palace, and the peony has long been waiting.

Today's peony is wearing a translucent tulle mopping skirt, like a snowy skin faint, so that her mature charm and noble temperament perfectly combined, even Qin Yan can not help but conquer The meaning is that there is a lot of impulse to beat the squat.

"Qin Hao, congratulations, successfully entered the East Island." Peony smiled lightly.

"Time is precious, there is something to say." Qin Hao took back his sight and fixed the Shinto.

"I am calling you today, I am asking for you."

"Daughter country is not old spring has been to let the local woman bred, I think you already know, twenty years ago, the father of Black Pearl, Ah Tian came to the island, I do not know why I cracked the secret of the daughter country for thousands of years, Stealing a sacred device led to a mountain fire on the island, and the island’s large-scale damage was caused, and it led to the righteousness."

Peony Road.

"I already know these, I don't know." Qin Hao sat down and took a drink from the jug and asked for a bite.

"The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred ancestor The gods are made of the stone carvings in the mountains. Before the gods fly, they are afraid that the ancestors will be lonely and boring, and they will attract the mountain springs with the great gods. It is for the longevity of the old can give birth to the soul and prolong life."

"In the first three hundred years, the ancestors and the bred children could live forever, but this method violated the heavens. Later, the gods thundered, and a huge pit was laid down, and the water source of the Qiangkun Mountains in the East Island was cut off. Today's Laoquan, However, it was a glimpse of the year."

"After then, the descendants will have no longer the method of longevity, but they will still be able to conceive the spirits, inherit the past, and pass to the hands of my generation, but whether it is aura or air transport is far worse than before, until Atian Deng The island, this person is the first traitor of the world. I don’t know how to steal the sacrimon on the disaster day, which has led to endless disasters. Since then, the daughter’s national fire has continued, and Laoquan has lost the ability to pass on.

"This was the time when I was on the island, and I was living in the sky with the great gods, but I did not leave on the island. We initially speculated that he was looking for the remaining sacristy."

"According to the law of yin and yang, we infer that A Tian stolen the dry day beads, and left a Kunyuezhuzhen island, otherwise the daughter country has already fallen into the seabed, and what Zhengzheng is looking for is Kun Yuezhu."

"Twenty years, Yongzheng has not been able to find it. Now the next disaster day is coming, I am worried that there will be a big move on this day!"

"So, Qin Lan, I hope that you can find Kun Yuezhu, and leave a path for your daughter country."

Peony walked down the seat, and Ying Ying owed her body, and she pleaded with the king’s identity.

Qin Lan knows that she said that Ah Tian is Yan Jiu Tian. When she came to the island on the 9th day of the Yan Dynasty, the situation was a hundred times worse than it is now. She almost stole the dried Yangzhu under strict defense. Peony called him a traitor. It is well deserved.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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