The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1383: Little dance

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"Uncle, Yongzheng actually agreed to let you walk in the medical hall, it is so good, so it is convenient for us to meet." Xiaowu met Qin Lan, quite happy.

"He is now counting on me to find him for the moon. I am responsive to me. I will come over to see your medicine and see if you can make any good medicine."

"Hey, you are fine."

Qin Lan grabbed a splendid grass and smelled it on the nose.

"Nothing, maybe it's a bit hot."

The little dance wiped the sweat on the forehead.

She is pure in nature and lacks social experience. At this moment, she still does not realize that the wind has given her medicine, but the more flames in her body are harder to burn.

"Well, you are still idle anyway, tell me about you and Yongzheng."

"I just happened to see the herbs."

Qin 羿 along the pharmacy, a strain of medicinal materials carefully discerned.

Compared with the black pearl, the little dance is not fortified by the man. Qin Hao is also practical in her heart. Because Qin Yu is not small, the little dance still expects him to take this away from him, and not to guard against it. All the grievances between the positives were said.

It turns out that the mother of the little dance is called the gorgeous, and it is the famous beauty of the third layer of hell.

缪 It is the courtiers of the no-government palace from the third layer of hell. Before the gorgeous people did not know Xie Wusheng, they had a marriage contract with Yongzheng. The two were from the family of Xiaoqingmeijia, and they were quite affectionate. It is a matter of stability to say that marriage is a marriage.

However, once Xie Wusheng went out to tour, inadvertently went to the Chinese family, met the gorgeous people, and was shocked by the heavens. The gorgeous people are also attracted by the heroic attitude of Xie Wusheng, and finally understand what love is in the world, and the two quickly wiped out the spark.

After Xie Wusheng returned to the palace, he joined the gorgeous people in the city of Wusheng and held a big marriage.

Yongzheng did not expect that Xie Wusheng would cross the sword and win the love. The family is guarding the northwestern border family. The father of Yongzheng is the ghost of the northwest. He has long been a throne for Xie Wusheng.

Immediately contacted the other three parties, and jointly attacked Xie Wusheng.

Xie Wusheng is who, the third layer of hell, the ghost king, the master of the generals, repaired to look at the entire eighteen layers of hell, in addition to the supreme ghost Emperor Qin Guangwang, the other seventeen kings are not his opponents.

The Sifang coalition forces were defeated in less than half a year. Yongzheng’s father was defeated and died. He was escaping to the palace. He wanted to take the gorgeous people, but he was only seen and rushed. He could only survive the three-year-old dance.

Under the chase of Xie Wusheng, Yongzheng was inadvertently involved in the reincarnation tunnel. Who knows that the disaster is not dead, it has actually flown to the daughter country.

This is what happened twenty years later!

"Yu Zheng is too self-reliant, just rushing to his stupid obstinacy, how could it be your father's opponent." Qin Yu mouth floated a sneer.

Xie Wusheng is also a master of the top five in the 17th Ghost King. He is handsome and brave. When Qin Guangwang called the Millennium Assembly, Qin Yu went to the capital to participate in the meeting. The two men discussed it. Xie Wusheng and him are almost in the middle. between.

And the two are also sympathetic, and they are brothers.

Now that I saw a little dance, Qin Hao is also very embarrassed.

"Unfortunately, twenty years have passed. I can't remember even my father and mother. Oh, I don't know what year and month to see them again."

"I don't know if they have forgotten me, or are still looking for me in hell."

The little dance snorted and sad.

"Unfortunately, I have a lot of unfinished things now... but you can rest assured that once I complete my wish, I will take you back to **** to recognize you."

"With me, Xie Wusheng, he dare not recognize you."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"How did the uncle come to the mortal world? If you can get married with my father, you must be a big man."

The little dance asked curiously.

"The past is not worth mentioning."

Qin Xiao smiled bitterly, sticking a piece of herb and frowning: "The herb here is very good, but there is nothing to wait for good goods. It seems that Yongzheng is not stupid, and the important genius treasures are stuck."

"Yeah, he is a madman. I remember when I was a child, he sometimes would like me to be a daughter. Although I hate him at that time, at least I have not received any anger. As I grow up, More and more like my mother, his mentality is out of balance."

"Do you know? I got up in the middle of the night and found that he stood naked outside my door and almost didn't scare me."

"But I am fortunate that this madman has not completely lost his mind."

"However, I feel that he is almost on the verge of the explosion, especially your appearance."

"Uncle, do you really like pearls? I am like a pearl. I have been a confidant since I was a child. You have been the happiest time I have seen since you came to the island for two months."

"She told me that it was love, but unfortunately I still don't understand, and I don't want to understand."

"In my opinion, love represents death, I only want my parents, I don't want to die."

The little dance snorted.

"I don't want to marry you. I wanted to use her at first, but then I found out that love is coming from time to time, and the gods can't stop it. I pity the pearl, cherish her, and of course love her."

"Love is a power, an incomparable force that goes far beyond death, and you will understand it in the future."

Qin Hao reached out and touched her hair happy smile.

When his hand slid over the hair of the little dance, the little dance shuddered, as if it was hit by electric current, and then the hot flame of the heart rose higher and higher, she suddenly gave birth to a strange feeling.

She has never been like this at the moment, eager for human embrace, the spark of excitement in the blood, especially the unusual sensitivity of some places, eager for a powerful force to penetrate and conquer it.

She did not know that it was a human instinct, but only a little more fascinating in the eyes of the unconscious, and leaned against Qin Yu’s arms.

Qin Lan was really treating this girl as a prostitute. She thought she needed comfort. She naturally supported her shoulder. When she saw her face flushed, her neck was cold and sweaty, and her skirt was soaked. The avatar of her forehead is generally hot, and she realizes that something is wrong.

"Uncle, hold me, me, I am so uncomfortable."

The little dance swayed in the arms of Qin Yu, the kind of pain that was about to burn her, let her start to pull her own clothes, and appeared the snow-white peak that had never been touched by men.

"Damn, how come the ecstasy of poison?"

Qin Hao clasped her hands, and the little dance had softened into mud, and it was rubbed against his chest.

"Hey, I am a small man who kills a thousand knives. Fortunately, I rushed over tonight, or else the innocent body of the little dance must be defiled by this evil thief."

Qin Hao immediately understood it.

Not too late to appreciate the charming look of the little dance, he raised his hand and hit the neck of the little dance, stunned her.

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