The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1386: I am Sima Fu.

Yong Zhengdao said: "This was originally a large-scale gossip method. The cave entrance is sealed. Only the midday sun can shine in from the above hole. God will hold the dry sun beads in his hand. Every afternoon. Absorbing the aura of the heavens and the earth, giving birth to the ultimate masculinity, nourishing the whole spring, so that the daughterland’s native land has been in the millennium for thousands of years, and it has been bred by the drinking of this Yangyanggan."

"A year before I went to the island, someone cracked this hidden array and took away the dry beads."

"For twenty years, I have walked the entire island almost once, and I have not been able to show another Kunyuezhu."

Yongzheng lost the road.

"It is hoped that the beads have already been taken away by the people of that year. Why do you think that Kun Yuzhu is still there?" Qin Hao figure jumped up to Shitai and explored the image of God.

"Intuition, according to the records of the daughter country of the year and the current situation, if Kun Yuezhu is also lost, the daughter country is likely to become a **** on earth."

"The reason why the island is so lush now, I guess it is because of the aura of Kun Yuezhu."

Yongzheng is quite self-channel.

"The daughter country is not big, it is not small, it is so easy to find Kun Yuezhu, you have 14 days, you are good at it."

Yongzheng paused, and the expression of indifference reminded me.

Qin Xiao smiled and said that this is to jump the wall. In fact, he knows better than anyone that Kun Yuezhu is still on the island. The two beads were originally in the fairy cave. It is very clear in the diary of Bai Mei. Yan Jiu Tian found two beads at that time. And vaguely mentioned that Kunyuezhu was affected by the transit of the island's underground Huangquan, and the power was infinite or even above the dry sun. For some special reasons, it must be used in the dying disaster days. Yan Jiudian finally chose Give up, run with a dry sun.

This is the last record about Kunyuezhu, but there is no doubt that the beads must be on the island, and Baimei must be an insider.

Unfortunately, in this book, Qin Yu can find more records, and there is no way to infer. After the turn of Laoquan, Qin Lan went down the mountain, and the guards and the fruit wine had already been prepared. He was also welcome, and his arms were a meal.

"Qin's younger brother is good Yaxing, there are still 15 days when the head is not guaranteed, and there is still a mind to eat and drink here?" A sneer, the old ghost walked slowly.

"The big land is big, the biggest meal, do you want to come?" Qin Hao tore a piece of meat and handed it over.

"Hou Ye, are you really afraid of death?" The old ghost pressed down the voice, and came over and whispered.

Qin Hao’s eyes sank and raised his mouth and smiled: “Afraid, of course, fear, life is in the sky, you can’t find it, then there’s nothing wrong with it.”

“Can you speak in one step?” Old ghost.

"Yes, just to eliminate food." Qin Hao stood up and wiped his hands.

The two men walked without sorrow and did not talk deeply. The old ghost knew the East Island very well. After turning into a jungle, he walked in for half an hour. There were several remote small stone houses around him. pace.

"Hou Ye rest assured that this is the land of the daughter country. But when the woman is 60 years old, she will be brought to death. It is an ominous place for Yongzheng and Peony, so they will never Come here."

The old ghost entered a hut and sat down and said indifferently.

"When do you know my identity?" Qin said.

"The woman you raised is better than the wind. He is my apprentice."

"You sell your apprentice like this, okay?"

"But it should be a common occurrence for you. Eight years ago, in order to gain the trust of Yongzheng, you sold out the sea and got rich and wealthy. Now what is it to sell an apprentice?"

Qin Yi’s robes sat down and sneered.

"Let's go to the island for the same purpose. You and I both know that the dried Yangzhu was stolen in the past. It is Yan Jiutian who became famous overnight. Whoever can find the remaining beads on the island may become a master."

"The people on this island are all greedy, **** people. I am doing this for the heavens, and the old man has no conscience."

The old ghost looked up and said.

"But it seems that you don't seem to be friendly to me, there is no need to tell me this." Qin said.

"Hey, my mind is too heavy. If I don't pretend to be your hatred, how can he turn your heart into your heart, otherwise you will kill the silver fighter with you, you are enough to die a hundred times." "Old ghost road.

"Then I have to thank you, is it worth it?"

"It's worth it, because I am the one you are looking for, Sima Fu!"

The old ghost is sinking and cold.

However, Qin Hao did not show any surprise color as he imagined. He just nodded faintly. "Well, this reason is not bad. However, there is only one Kun Luzhu, you have waited for 20 years. I can't give it to me."

In the eyes of the old ghosts, there is a hint of joy. From the mouth of Qin Yu, it is not difficult to infer that the world’s second only to the world of Wu Shenyan is that Kun Yuezhu is still on the island, but he quickly Glossy, calm and said: "Kun Yuezhu is not knowing who is not here. Yongzheng and I have been looking for twenty years of unsuccessful. To be honest, I am a little The reason why I want to unite with you is to Another purpose, black spar."

"You are now in control of the ghost city, knowing the value of spar to the martial arts world. I have not been in vain for 20 years. I want to get rid of Yongzheng and open the inexhaustible spar source of my daughter country. So, even if it is cut off With the hope of the martial arts world, I can also make the Sima parents prosperous and become a martial arts giant."

"I gave you a dog for twenty years. I can't kill him. You can't do it, but if we join hands, we must be able to get rid of this dog thief."

The old ghost is full of fanaticism.

"I don't want to be a Sima family, enough to be pragmatic. Tell me what you think." Qin Hao nodded.

The old ghost snorted and smiled. He turned and walked to the corner of the wall. He moved one of the jars and showed the slate underneath. After the slate was removed, there was still a mystery underneath. The old ghost got into the hole and took it out in a few moments. A black scorpion.

The old ghost opened the scorpion, and suddenly a strange cold spread, the whole house was filled with white misty and cold mist, as if it had become an ice cave.

Due to the cold air, the tidal water droplets on the wall slowly turn red and blood like blood. This is the change that will occur when the yin reaches the extreme.

"Good tyrants, strong yin!" Qin Hao blurted out.


The old ghost smirked, holding a bead in both hands, and cautiously presented it. But see the size of the bead fist, the body is like blood, the haze is incomparable, and it is not a thing at first glance.

"Hou Ye is a good eye, this is Kun Yuezhu."

"Of course, it is fake. It took me twenty years to refine this bead in this resentful land. Now that the time has come, it is time to let it out and see the sky." ”

Old ghost road.


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