The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1392: Black Pearl's mission

Qin Hao has a bold guess!

The real Kunyuezhu is hidden in the cemetery of Haitang.

As the saying goes, the safest place is the safer. Tonight, he and Peony played a good show in the cemetery and deceived Yongzheng. For anyone, even if they are wise, they will not doubt the real bead. It is hidden in the sea cemetery.

In particular, the peony did not recognize that Kunyuezhu was hidden in the cemetery from the beginning to the end, thinking in the positive thinking of the human being. The peony is also a stone and two birds.

One is cheating on Yongzheng and the other is breaking his own thoughts.

Qin Qi did not think of this at first. He knew that Kunyuezhu was in the hands of Peony, but he had been unable to find the position of Tibetan beads. The peony was almost seamless tonight, and he was almost cheated.

But one thing reveals the horse's foot, that is, the yin in the tomb of Haitang is too heavy, and Yongzheng will believe it, because he firmly believes that it is blood, which is what he thinks is the moon.

Therefore, he is more eager to learn, and the experience is richer, and he will be confused by the yin inside.

And Qin Hao knows that it is just a fake.

At first he thought it was because of the Guardian of the Undead, but then he thought about it carefully, but he was still not quite right. He came to his daughter country not a day or two. Looking at the whole island, there is no place that is heavier than the sea cemetery. .

To know that although he does not have the infuriating, but the blood itself has the ability to swallow and absorb the yin, the intensity of the yin in the tomb is rare.

Peony thinks that she is smart and wants two birds, but her biggest flaw is that she does not know that Qin Yu’s identity from **** has led to self-defeating.

"The good insurance is cheated by this woman, Peony, you are taking it by yourself."

Qin Lan looked at the vast flowery palace under the moonlight and sneered.

He did not rush back to the East Island Medical Center to meet with the little dance, but went to the broken house and saw the black pearl.

Black Pearl is packing up the remains left by her mother, preparing to enter the North Ridge in accordance with the secrets of Qin Yu, and embark on the road of escape. At this time, she is full of fear and embarrassment about the future, and the complicated mentality makes her heart excited. Panic.

She is worried that she will leave her daughter's country for the rest of her life. Can she adapt to the colorful world outside, she expects, and rejects, this complicated mood is tormenting her day and night.

"Pearl, haven't slept yet!"

Qin Hao opened the door and walked in.

“How is the matter going?” Black Pearl came back and asked.

"There is nothing in the middle of it, but I still need something to help you." Qin Hao thought for a moment, some difficult openings.

"Hey brother, do you still have to use it? What are you talking about?" Black Pearl poured a cup of hot tea on Qin Lan and asked with a smile.

"I think you are going to Beiling and return to Baihua Palace to do something big for me." Qin Yu hesitated.

He knew that this was extremely dangerous, but now Shahu and others are busy with Song Tao to integrate the slave resources of the No. 1 and No. 2 pavilions for him, and to stabilize the rear. Apart from black pearls and small dances, he has no more trustworthy people to use.

"Hey, your business is my business, let's talk." Pearl held Qin's hand and firmly said.

“How familiar are you with Peony and Zhu Yan?” Qin asked.

"I am a big lady with moonlight. Although my peony is a few years old, in fact, we are like relatives. I, Zhu Yan, and Peony are the iron triangles. So I only need one look, I can understand that they are thinking. what."

"But after I was with you, they obviously took precautions against me. Otherwise, I applied to transfer the guardian of the North Ridge border. The peony did not even think about it. Before changing, she was absolutely Will not let me go."

Black pearl hurts.

"Great, I want you to replace Zhu Yan, serve the peony in her capacity, then go to the tomb of Haishu, get the real Kunyuezhu, and give it to me."

"Pearl, forgive me, this is the only way I can think of, and for three more days, I will not get Kun Yuezhu, and I will die."

Qin Lan took the hand of the black pearl, and it was true.

He is not alarmist, and his wisdom is high. In the face of absolute strength, he can only be a joke.

If the disaster strikes, he will not get Kun Yuezhu to open the ban and restore his strength. All those related to him will be cleaned by Peony, Yongzheng and others.

"I, I can do anything for my brother, but you must promise me a condition." Peony bit his lip.

"Well, you said." Qin Hao nodded.

"You must not kill Zhu Yan, she is one of my best sisters, beg you." Black pearls shed tears.

She knows that at this time, the fighting of the various forces has reached a stage of white-hot, between life and death in the first line, it is not wise to ask for Zhu Yan, but she still can not help but open this mouth.


"I promise you!"

After Qin Hao was silent for a moment, he nodded resolutely.

This is undoubtedly a difficult decision. If Zhu Yan is not dead, black pearls will be life-threatening. But this is the first time Pearl has asked him to go to He did not refuse to let her feel sad.

"Thank you, my brother, what do you want me to do, let's talk about it." Got Qin Hao's personal commitment, black pearls broke into laughter.

"You will go to Beiling to report tomorrow, and go to Shicun to find things in the arrogance of the weekdays. I will arrange for Chi Yongnian to create some confusion over there and create an illusion that you have been kidnapped into the North Ridge. No one will care about your life and death. When the year will arrange for you to return quietly, you will wait for me."

"I will come back at the latest, giving you a brand new identity instead of Zhu Yan. As for the next three days, I can't find the beads. It depends on your creation."

Qin Lan said the plan in mind.

"I understand!"

Black pearl nodded.

"Pearl, I still have something important to do. I have to be careful now, and you must be careful. In the last three days, we will definitely leave this."

Qin Hao gratefully embraced this kind girl and kissed her hard.

After a kiss, because of the plan of worrying about the little dance, Qin Hao did not dare to stay, and quickly flew to the East Island on the moonlight.

The little dance took a black robe and ran in the dark mountain road. It appeared like a ghost in the back mountain of Laoquan.

Her covert move failed to escape another pair of gloomy, hot eyes in the dark.

After weighing the balance, he decided to tell the old ghost about this news, because although he is a bit of a slave in the slave, he knows that the current situation is dark, his ability is limited, he can't do big things, and he can only give it to the teacher.

Therefore, he quietly went to the residence of the old ghost, and even woke up with the cipher in the night to indulge the old ghost in the dream of the great cause.


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