The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1399: Happy betrayal

After the carnival, Qin Lan knew that it was time to leave.

"Hey brother, if I can't come back, I must remember me, the pearl will be your woman in the next life." The black pearl eyes are red, relying on the gentleness of Qin Yu's arms.

"Only two days, as long as you are in a hurry, we will soon be able to leave this **** place." Qin Hao bit her ear, whisper.

"Well, time is not early, hurry to change my face, or else it will take too long, the peony will be suspicious." Black Pearl stood up.

Big things matter, Qin Hao did not dare to ask for joy, got up and printed the mold on the face of the pearl.

The eyes of the daughter country are very similar. The pearl is born in Yan Jiutian, but the contour looks very similar to her mother. Although the model of Zhu Yan is not just right, it is more natural.

As for the skin color, Qin Lan uses a special moisturizer that keeps the skin white for a while. After the last plaster is finished, the black pearl completely becomes the appearance of Zhu Yan.

Of course, the only trouble is that Zhu Yan’s male is smaller than the black pearl. Fortunately, Zhu Yanping is wearing a more conservative guardian suit. After the cloth is tied on the chest, the black pearl is somewhat uncomfortable, but Basically you can get away with it.

Unless she stripped her clothes, Peony could hardly detect that Zhu Yan had been replaced by pearls.

"Okay, pearl, listen to me, don't be afraid, the dawn of our victory is in sight!"

"Once there is danger, shoot the signal bomb immediately, I will rush to the Baihua Palace to rescue you in the first time."

Qin Yudao.

"I know, my brother, take care."

Black pearl biting his lip, forcing his tears to say goodbye to Qin Yu, and quickly fell into the moonlight.

The prophecy of the little dance is like a haze covering the heads of the two men. Just the lingering happiness is mixed with life and death. The black pearls can't wait to give their souls and their lives to Qin.

Because she has a hard time to tell Qin Qin, the reason why peony hates men, there is an important reason, that is, peony likes women, and Zhu Yan is the peony of the peony.

Once Peony wants to have a relationship with her, Black Pearl has no absolute certainty and can avoid the suspicion of Peony.

However, she has not taken care of life and death.

She only knows that Qin Xi’s life is completely tied to her. No matter how difficult the task is, the pearl must be held up.

After the black pearl left, Qin Lan returned to the East Island.

No sleep for one night!

The little dance can't sleep, tomorrow is the last day, and everyone is meditating on the final battle.

Qin Lan can't sleep, old ghosts, Song Tao, Yongzheng, Peony and so on are also sleepless overnight.

In Hall 1.

In accordance with the instructions of Qin Yu, Sha Hu, Ou Qiang and others began to pack up and prepare to retreat in the direction of Beiling. Everyone's mood was excited and tense.

"Sun Hao, hurry up, try to get to the North Ridge and Dongshan and Dalong before the dark."

Sand Tiger urged Sun Hao, who was lying on the bed.

"Hey, let's go first. I ate my stomach last night and I was all mad. I really didn't have the strength to hurry."

"Or else I will stay with Songge and they will go. Let's go first."

Sun Yi Lai grinds on the bed.

"You are a dead fat man. When you are at a critical time, you will drop the chain. Cheng, then you will go with Songge. We are waiting for you at Northridge."

Ou Qiang did not give a good head to Sun Hao, and he took a slap in the face and went out with the Shahu and others.

Sun Hao hid in the corner and watched the sand tiger and his party go away. This quietly slipped out of the door and went straight to the Yingchun Building.

Minhangfeng had already prepared the meat and meat. Sun Hao sneaked into the other hospital from the back door. Hu Jing personally greeted him. He clung to his hands and stalked him. "You are coming, my sister thought you were following the gang." The man ran."

"There are gods like Jingjie, how can I be willing?"

"Sister Jing, these days with these Wang Baiyazi stay together, do not dare to go, but I want to die, let me kiss you first."

Sun Hao couldn't wait to reach out the salty pig's hand and went to Hu Jing's skirt to explore the past and get his hands up.

"You are going to die, stop quickly. This is not the place to do things. Mr. Yu is still waiting."

"Listen to my sister, wait until the business is done, my sister will accompany you every day, how do you want to be happy, okay?"

Hu Jingqiang resisted the feeling of numbness, holding Sun Sui's hand and breathing.

Sun Yiyi still took back his hand, and he sighed two times: "I have no confidence in my sister's words, then let's see Mr. Yu first."

"You are really disgusting, stinky." Hu Jing saw his fascinating look, and flirtatized.

"Men are not bad, women don't love it, I don't want to be bad, how can Jingjie see me?" Sun Hao squeezed a hand on Hu Jing's buttocks, glaring at her waist and walking in extraordinary way. Other hospitals.

Into the room, the wind and the wind personally got up and greeted, intimately laughed and said: "Red powder with heroes, Sun brothers and peach blossoms really make you envious."

"Mr. Hey, you are the first beautiful man in our daughter country. Which daughter of this daughter country has seen you, you can’t give it to you."

"But ah, three thousand weak waters, I only take one scoop, there is Hu Jing sister, this life is enough."

Sun Hao is Hu Jing, full of happiness.

Hu Jing looked at the wind and glanced at the wind, and there was a sneer in the eyebrows, and he also had three points of grief. Minhangfeng knows that she is blaming herself for coming up with this Let her use her beauty to seduce Sun Hao, and immediately touched her nose and coughed a voice: "The younger brother is a good-hearted man, fast, fast. Take a seat."

"Little fat, you know? From the first sight, your sister knows that you have a hot heart for me. Qin Hao, they all use you as a drag bottle, as waste, but my sister and Mr. Yu know you. Energy, you are a person who can make a big deal."

Hu Jing gave Sun Hao a glass of wine and gave it to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao took the drink, and there was a hint of hatred on his face. He suddenly sighed: "Sister, Mr. Yu, tell the truth, if you give me strength, give me confidence, I really feel like Shahi, they said That's a waste. But now my grandson is very important, I am no longer the one in the past. I want to do something with you. My grandson has identified you in this life. You are my God, my land, this life. Going through the fire, never frown."

"Good, good brother."

"Good man!"

I am very happy, I am happy to drink, and I am very proud.

"Brother, come here today, there is really something big to do with you."

"Being done, in the future, you are the general manager of the daughter country, not only Hu Mei, but the peony, you can also play casually."

The wind pats the case.

"Really, I can also peony..." Sun Yan put his eyes in the eyes, just want to ask more than two mouths, next to Hu Jing on her younger brother, kneading a hand, said: "You are not enough for me to serve." Or how?"

"No, no, I am really not interested in the Queen."

"Mr. Hey, let's talk, let me do something, now the gang of **** is gone, I am also convenient."

Sun Hao patted the chest.


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