The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1401: Cruel Sun Yan

"No, he must be lying to me. The only true love for me on this island, who cares about me is Xiao Jing and the big brother."

"Xiao Jing gave me the body, and the big brother is a guest to me. They gave me dignity and gave me survival and hope."

"I can't be fooled by the old thief, don't kill him, how can I cross Xiaojing and my eldest brother?"

Sun Hao woke up in an instant, and the tears in his eyes gradually became cold and cold.

"Song, I am relying on you all this time. You have nothing to do with it. I have nothing to repay you. Please accept the tea."

Sun Hao’s hands on the tea box are very respectful.

"Sun Hao, although I am ten years old, now everyone is suffering in this boat on Hou Ye, this is the fate, not so polite." Song Tao smiled and refused.

"No, Songge, you listen to me." Sun Hao took Songtao's hand and said, "Song, I am the most afraid of others to look down on me. Tea is not a good tea. It is definitely not the best of yours." Famous tea, but it is my little respect. If you really want to make chubby a friend, you must accept it."

Song Tao saw his face full of sincerity and thought about nodding his head: "Okay, then I will accept it."

"Songe, the so-called choice of the day is better than hitting the sun. It’s hard to get married here." I thank you for the tea-based wine."

"I will give you a cup of tea to pay tribute."

Sun Hao was also welcome. He stood up and took the teacup. He grabbed the tea and picked up the kettle in the corner to fill the water.

Song Tao is still very trusting to the people in Hall 1. It is quite gratifying to see Sun Hao so enthusiastic.

When Sun Hao saw that he was not fortified, his heart was overjoyed. This excited tea spilled out. The violent toxicity of the seedlings on the table was so frightening that he was so frustrated that he quickly wiped the tea with his sleeves. "Songe, I can't help it, I can't help it. I really admire you too much, so..."

"Nothing, nothing!" Song Tao Ping and laughed.

The two chatted, Song Tao did not rush to the entrance, Sun Hao was in a hurry, but on the surface it was quiet, there was a ride without a ride, and the tea was cold, Sun Hao said: " Song Grand, the tea is getting cold, you drink it hot."

"You don't know this. The world is full of hot tea. You don't know that herbal tea is more heart-warming. It's tea, it's heart."

Song Tao, this is not the only way to lift the teacup, just put on the mouth, the brows suddenly stopped.

"Loss, what happened to Songge?" Sun Yan almost scared and asked for a strong calm.

“How does this tea smell?”

Song Tao frowned.

"It may be that the time is a bit long, Song Ye will drink it, you know that I can bear the ability, you can get this." Sun Hao secretly complained, his face smiled.

He has been relying on Hu Jing and the winds of the wind for some time. He used to be an eyeliner in the No. 1 Hall. His acting skills are also home to his home, and he is dressed like a decent.

However, he ignored a point, Song Tao is actually a very particular person. Especially in the point of drinking tea, I have great experience. The poisonous tea refining the wind, because of the smelly residue, even the mixed poisonous flower fragrance, but Song Tao is very casual to distinguish, this tea is not pure.

When Sun Hao saw Song Tao, he became suspicious and very embarrassed.

Whether it is Songtao on the spot, or telling Qin Hao, he is a dead!

He has no retreat now. At the moment, he only has to give his life a step, but his heart is turning fast. He blinks outside the door, and he is surprised: "Hey, how come you are back?"

When Song Tao heard the Qin dynasty, he looked subconsciously outside the door. When he saw someone, he knew that Sun Hao was not good at this time, and he would drink it when he turned his head.

At this moment, Sun Hao violently picked up the water in the teacup and slammed it against the door of Songtao. Song Tao was caught off guard, and the tea was in the middle of the door, and most of it was in the mouth.

Tea into the mouth, stained with human blood, saliva, instant toxic explosion, like sulfuric acid in the mouth, fermented, violently corroded.

"Dog thief, you, you betrayed Hou Ye!"


Song Tao only felt the fire between the throats. The venom was straight into the lungs along the throat. The whole chest and abdomen turned to the sea and the pain of the sea, taking advantage of the throat, used all the effort to shoot a palm.

Sun Hao knew that he had the ability to do so. He was prepared for a long time, and he was tumbling on the spot.

"Song, don't blame me, all this is what you are looking for."

"You look down on me, you treat me as a dog. This is your retribution."


Sun Hao is like a mad lion, roaring.

"The dog thief, the old man wants... to kill you..."

Song Tao's eyes are round and round, and he wants to do it again. However, the poisonous moment swept his body and mind, and he couldn't make it out of his strength. He held up the big mouth and coughed up the blood.

Sun Hao feared him as a tiger, hiding in the corner and dare not approach, but seeing Song Tao can not even open his steps, heart, a black iron utensil from the corner of the wall, rushed over, smashed down on the head of Song Tao .

Song Tao had already been poisoned by the viscera, and was on the edge of the semi-dead. When it was resisted, the jingle slammed into the ground and the blood on his head was like a note.

Sun Hao was afraid that he would not die, his heart slammed, and he jumped up and rode up, lifting the utensils to follow the head of Song Tao, and the storm was generally mad.

"Let you kill me, let you kill me..."

Sun Hao was crazy and roared, and even smashed for dozens of times until the arm cramps, and Song Tao’s head became a rotten cake.

"I, I am killing."

Sun Hao returned from the madness and looked at the blood and brains, and he feared that he would lose his utensils and muttered.

"Song, I can't help but can't help."

"I really don't want to live like this again. I want to be quiet, I want to be the general manager."

"You blocked my way, this is life, can't blame me, can't blame me~ Sun Hao looked at Song Tao's eyes that didn't blink, squatting on the floor, tears flowing.

When I came to the daughter country, he had seen too many lives and deaths, but the real killing was the first time. Sun Hao was sincere and really scared.

However, this fear was quickly suppressed by Hu Jing’s enchanting figure and fiery style.

"No poison, no husband, I am not wrong, I am not wrong!"

Sun Hao strengthened his mind and quickly wiped the blood from his body and found a piece of clothing from the closet. He wanted to leave Hall 2.

He will sneak away before other slaves are now in the body of Songtao.

Hu Jing was waiting for him in the other hospital. He wanted to scream at her.

However, he has not had time to go to the door.


The door is open!

Two tower-like murderers led more than a dozen slaves. These two are master fighters. They are the masters of Song Tao who can be compared with the eight King Kongs. When Song Tao was killed, Sun Hao thought. Slip, the one who beats roared: "Mad, Songge was killed, dead fat, where to go!"

Another person flew a whip leg and squatted on Sun Hao’s face. Sun Hao didn’t have a little repair, how to live with it, like being hit by a car, kneeling on the wall, his bones were quickly scattered, and he climbed for a long time. Not up.

"I, I am the general manager of Hu, Mr. Qi." Sun Hao shouted.

"is it?"

The two men forced to come near, and Sen Ran sneered.

One person on the left turned around and rushed out of the door: "Hu, the murderer who killed Songge, we said it was yours."

"Who is this in the fall of this general manager!"

With a sip, Hu Jing and the sly wind led the guards and walked in.


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