The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1403: This **** stupid pig (5)

"What do you want to know, ask."

Hu Jingying smiled and walked to Sun Hao, and asked with a smile.

"I just want to know, you have never loved me. I have said that the vows in the bed these days are true or false."

Sun Hao asked in pain.

"Are you stupid, or stupid, do you think I will fall in love with an incompetence?"

“To be honest, it’s really disgusting to be with you.”

"Tell you a secret. Just when you poison Songtao, I am alive with the wind. He is a hundred times better than you, making me very happy."

"This answer, are you satisfied? Stupid pig!"

Hu Jing was unrequitedly attached to Sun Hao’s ear and quietly whispered.


Sun Hao is like a million arrows, the heart is completely broken into powder, and a mouth is spit out a blood.

His favorite woman, the only woman who paid the truth, for her, he did not hesitate to sell his brother, gave up the freedom to go out to sea, killed the respected elder Song Tao, sacrificed everything, but in exchange for a stupid pig!

Sun Hao can't wait to kill himself, but at the moment his mind is full of pictures of Hu Jing and the wind blowing on the bed, and the pain has sprayed a few mouthfuls of old blood.

Niu Tie gave birth to a wave, and two strong men clasped the soft-shouldered Sun Hao. Niu Tiesheng pinched his chin, pulled out his tongue, and waved a knife. With a scream of Sun Hao, half of the **** tongue fell. The ground.


Sun Hao screamed and fainted.

"Tiesheng, Songye is your master. You should inform Qin Yu and ask him to come and lead people."

Niu Tiesheng took the lead and went to the East Island to invite someone.

At the moment, Qin Lan was meditating in the wooden house. When he was in Beiling, he continued to absorb the chilly gas in the black stone and used the phantom body. He had already opened two points of dantian and killed him. It was the dark thunder, and Lei Jin shattered the internal organs of Yuxun.

Tomorrow is the time of the decisive battle, the only side of the pearl is resigned, and I want to be more helpless.

He is very clear that at this moment, Yongzheng and the old ghost are more than a hundred times more flustered than him. Who can stand up and laugh at the end.

"Uncle, West Island Hall 2 is coming." The little dance took the fruit basket and walked in, whispering.

"The second hall? I went out to meet him." Qin Xiaoran thought that Song Tao sent people to have an urgent matter.

Qin Lan went out and saw Niu Tiesheng. He knew this person. He was the effective cadre of Song Tao. However, Qin and Song Tao were mostly underground. He had no contact with Niu Tiesheng.

"Qin Ye, there is something that you need to go back to the second hall immediately. Song is dead. The murderer was caught by Mr. Qi and Hu in the spot. They don't know how to deal with it. I want you to decide." Niu Tiesheng's face .

“Song Tao is dead?” Qin Hao’s heart was awkward, and there was a sorrow, but his look was still as light as water. “Since it’s the people in Hall 2, what do you have to do with me, Hu’s management is just fine.”

What kind of character Song Tao is, suddenly died in this time, there must be someone to make a fuss, although Qin Hao is very sad, still have to think twice.

"Qin Ye still go to see it, look at it." Niu Tiesheng added a tone.

"Well, let's go!" Qin said deeply.

When I arrived at Hall 2, when I saw Song Tao, who was dying on the ground, Qin was in a hot and raging roar. He couldn’t imagine that Song Tao, who had talked with him about his wine and talked about returning to his dream, was so terrible.

The murderer smashed his head, and Song Tao’s eyes were round and round, apparently dead and painful.

Although Song Tao is a fighting king in his daughter country, he never deceives himself. He is an absolute good person.

Qin Zhen could not believe that this old friend who insisted on witnessing his light and glory would die so badly, so he was so unwilling.

What he even more unimaginable is that Sun Yan, who killed his close ally, turned out to be Sun Hao.

"Mr. Qin, this person killed Song Tao and said that you are instructing. I and Mr. Yu have always known that you are a bright and upright person, just the murderer caught it, we thought about it, or hand it over to you to handle it better." Hu Jing Smiled.

"Yeah, poor old man, how good a person you said, there are people who dare to be so poisonous to his old man. It’s really embarrassing." The wind is yin and yin.

"Close your beak!"

Qin Lan snorted and squatted down and covered his eyes with Song Tao. He slammed his eyes and saw a strong killing path: "Song Lao, I will assure you that you will not see the sun of tomorrow!"

Minhangfeng and others seem to have been smashed by a bitter cold wind, and they unconsciously shuddered. No one dared to look at the Qin dynasty’s murderous and sly eyes.

"Qin Wei, at that time, we saw that Sun Hao’s murder could not only be one of us, but we will hand it over to you, not to the national teacher." Hu Jingdao.


Sun Hao shook his head desperately and seemed to want to defend. However, he could not pray for Qin Yu’s forgiveness, forgive for the mistakes he had made, and even cursed the dead dog and man.

The blood-filled pupil of Qin Yu slammed into Sun Hao and took the cold words from his teeth: "You **** stupid pig!"


He raised his hand and slammed it on Sun's head and smashed his heavenly spirit.


Sun Yan’s body slowly softened, his eyes curled round, staring at Hu Jing, full of hatred, remorse, and lingering.

"Mr. Qin, beautiful, such an idiot like this, I should have gone to hell."

"There is time at night, Xiao Jing will set up a wine in the other hospitals. When the time comes, please be sure to show your face."

Hu Jing suddenly laughed.

"Well, I must be!" Qin Xiaobing smiled coldly.

"Then we will not see it."

Hu Jing shuddered, and went out with a smile and a slap in the burned the body of Songye and gave me the ashes. ”

Qin Lan told Niu Tiesheng.

Niu Tiesheng hesitated for a moment. In the face of Qin’s compelling gaze, he still honestly nodded: "Yes, Qin Ye."

Qin Lan patted his shoulder, and there was a strange smirk in his mouth. He went out.

It was not until Qin Xiaoyuan went, that Niu Tiesheng took a sigh of coolness and returned to God. He knew it at this moment. Why did the Song lord respect the Qin dynasty? This young man is unfathomable, it is terrible.

When Qin Lan walked out of Hall 2, he was in a very heavy mood. In his mind, Song Tao showed him the platform from the first time, and talked about the wine last night. This kindly guy died in Sun Hao’s hand.

He is very clear that this is the bureau where Hu Jing and the shackles are doing, behind the old ghosts, the purpose is to kill another amulet that he went to sea, the turtle.

Song Tao is dead, except that no one can call the turtle, so the status of the old ghost is even more important.

Sun Hao is a murderer. This stupid pig must have been deceived by Hu Jing and became a traitor.

Only Sun Hao can poison Song Tao, so that he has no defense, but Qin Hao did not expect that Sun Hao was so mad and frustrated.

At this moment, all the forces, all the relationships are almost always clear.

Hu Jing and the two put this way, and Qin Hao is completely torn the dough, and meet at night, can be regarded as a battle.

Of course, Qin Hao will not be afraid. He does not mind sending some scum in advance on the night before the disaster.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night friends, friends with recommended tickets, give me, don't stop.


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