The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1490: Xiaohe Village

Yan family house!

Faced with clear drinking, backed by the Qinglongshan Longpan recess, it is a good place for Tibetans to gather water.

In the mountains, because of the impact of modern culture, most of the people here are still very traditional. Yan family is a typical example of this. I look at the three-storey bungalows with ceramic tiles, but when I do things, it’s completely old. The landlord sends a head.

This generation of strict family management is called Yan Baoshan.

Yan Baoshan was poor and bad in the early years. He was very unwilling to see in the village. Unlike other youths in the village, Yan Baoshan was a very ambitious and brained person.

When the reform was opened, he went to Nanguang to work, and took the first bucket of gold. After returning to the village, he planted trees, and was a kind of medicinal herbs and mushrooms. He started his business.

Later, relying on the forest, I started to raise fish, and started to raise my family business a little bit.

Yan Baoshan is very capable of coming to the church. It is unequivocal to give the leaders of the township and the town. The relationship between the ten miles and the eight towns is the head of the management.

Not only did his own business get done, but he also helped his eldest brother, Yan Baocheng. Yan Baocheng was originally a small member of the township. Later, after the operation of Baoshan, he first married a daughter of a county leader and took a quick eye. It has been promoted to the first deputy chief of Qinghe County.

However, this is only the beginning of his ambition. Yan Baoshan is not satisfied with earning money from this industry in the mountains. He has set his sights on the gambling one. He opened an underground casino in the township of Qinghe Town, a few treasures. The money of the people of Qinghe Town was squeezed into the pocket.

Yan Baoshan has the means to squeeze money. He also took the people from Shili and Baxiang. He has raised a large number of fierce people like Li Bei, because there are big brothers in the city and the oldest heads of the mixed-heads. Yan Baoshan It is completely fearless, whoever dares to say to him half a word is a beating.

The folks have always been brave and daring to speak, secretly calling him "King of the Lord."

If you say that Yan Baoshan is bad, you have no strengths?

Really, Yan Baoshan is a dutiful son. When he collapses, he sees him bad. He is a slap in the face of the old Yan Yanzi. To his own son, Yan Xiaojun, the pet can pick up the stars, and the sea can catch the moon.

This is not the case that he is old and stern. He is not a good breed when he is young. He is also a sick person. Some time ago, I got a cold, lying in bed for half a month. Yan Baoshan invited a fortune teller from a county town some time ago. People said that the old man is a moldy rush, and he wants to use hi, it is best to double happiness.

In the countryside, it is a joy to do life and do not do it. Yan Baoshan is preparing the grandfather to do a great life. Another joy, he hit his mind on the clove, thinking of giving the old lady a happy woman with a yellow flower.

Double happiness, perhaps the father is happy, this body bones will be fine.

When I saw that Yanzizi was not stable, I heard that I could lick the tenderness of the cloves. The spirit was immediately up, and the illness was better. Yan Baoshan was in my eyes, and my heart was in my heart. I want to make this happen.

"Baoshan, this is how many days, how have you not entered the door, you have to wait for me to enter the soil, you can round this thing."

Yan Zizi was half lying on the wicker chair, holding a slap in the corner of his mouth and screaming at the armrest.

"Abba, I have been to the seven sisters to go to the relatives, soon, soon, you must not be angry."

Yan Baoshan was half-squatting in front of his father and quickly relieved.

"Hey, you are doing the work, you changed your big brother, the third child, and you have already robbed people." The old man complained endlessly.

Yan Baoshan is not annoyed, accompanied by a smile on the side.

Just saying, the door opened, Ding Qimei and Li beard walked in dingy.

I saw two people, one with a palm print on one face, and the other half of the eyeballs hanging in the nest. The eyes were stunned. Yan Baoshan asked with anger: "This, how is this his mother? thing?"

"Yan, we are incompetent, this, this matter did not talk about it." Li beard bowed his head and shouted.

"Yan, you have to give us the master. We hold the bride price and the money. If we say good things, the old man will not appreciate it, but also let the hybrid fool hit us."

"He not only beat us, but Ding Laojiao also let go of his words, and he didn't want him to pay back his debts. Minger let the fools come to the door and took the dog head of Yan and you."

Ding Qimei ignited the wind and cried.

"Reverse, contrary, owe Laozi money, but also dare to beat Lao Tzu, Ding Jia is going to fight against the sky?"

Yan Baoshan suddenly slammed and thundered.

"No, since the fool came, you didn't see Ding's family glory in the village. Ding Laojiao said that the fool is what Xue Rengui reincarnate, specifically to collect you a turtle."

"Yan Ye, Ding Laojiao's dog's tail went up in the sky, and then he didn't clean up. He was afraid that he didn't know who Xiaohe Village had said about Ding Qimei cried.

"Clove, my cloves, Baoshan, cough..."

"I don't care, you just have to grab me and grab it, or I will die."

Yan Yanzi heard that Ding Jia refused to go to the door, and rushed to the chest, and then the old man rushed into his throat, and his eyes turned up.

"Abba, you, don't worry, I will find a way to get people to you."

"Come, bring the father upstairs to rest."

Yan Baoshan is also a persuasion.

Several servants hurriedly carried the old man to the building. Yan Baoshan sat down, took a cigarette, took a sip, and murdered: "Li beard, are you also being beaten by that fool?"

"Cough, Yan, my skill, you still don't know? I can beat him with a punch. I was not guarded, I was stolen by a fool, you can rest assured that I have already beat him. Hematemesis, this time I may have seen the prince." Li beard smeared the blood of his eye, and patted his chest with a cheeky face.

"In this case, you will go and give me back now." Yan Baoshan is not good.

When the voice just fell, Wang Ergou stumbled into the air and hurriedly said, "Come on, come."

"Who is here?"

"I don't know if the old man is resting upstairs?"

Yan Baoshan raised his hand and gave him a slap.

"The fool and the clove." Wang Er dog.

Today, he personally followed Li’s beard and witnessed Qin’s great deity. When he met Qin Qin, he saw the cat like a mouse.

"Oh, I dare to come to the door. I really don't put Laozi in my eyes. Go, go and meet him."

Yan Baoshan got angry and shouted.


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