The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1493: Abandoned dumb

Qinghe County, Longhu Mountain Villa.

It is said that it is a luxury villa, but it is because of the Qinghe County.

Yan Baoguang nicknamed Guangge, there is a big brother Yan Baocheng, the second brother is Yan Baoshan, is the master of the money, sitting in the township, these three brothers united in one, completely covering the Qinghe County days.

Yan Baoguang is lying on the sand of the villa at this moment, and the gas is shaking. He has not slowed down for a long time. The cigar in the corner of his mouth, the ash has been half-finger, and he can’t take it.

As the scorpion of Qinghe County, what kind of hegemony Yan Baoguang is, go up to the city No. 1, down to the ordinary people, who dares to scream with the Yan family, now it is good, a second fool in a village, actually rode to Yanjiatou It’s okay to pee.

"Second brother, this thing can't be used to it, or else anyone will dare to do it with the Yan family. I will point a hundred brothers and return to the village to flatten him." Yan Baoguang took a deep breath and opened his eyes. The opposite side of Yan Baoshan Road.

"Useless, that fool is very tight, not afraid of the knife is not afraid of sticks, we know the village Li beard, but it is known as Li Yuanba, he was blinded by his three or two, and now he is afraid to even out. ”

"He said that the idiot is a master of martial arts. I don't understand the street here. You have a wide network of people."

"But there is one point. If you want to take the shot, you have to be sturdy, steady and accurate! Let's play the sound of our strict family, let those villagers know that they are offended to the strict family, and whoever they are, how powerful, there will be no good end. ""

Yan Baoshan bites his teeth and cuts his teeth.

"This is good to say, I am the master of Shi Dalong, the stone dragon martial hall of the county town. Master Shi went to other county towns to go to the museum today. The second brother took a break here, and called the big brother at night, and the brothers drank a few cups. Master Minger Stone is back, I let him go with you."

"Nobody else, I don't care, Dad is so thinking, cloves must be married to our strict family."

Yan Baoguang curled up his legs and was cold and cold.


The next morning, the cloves and Ding Laos took the dumb to the car in Qinghe Town. On the way, the cloves clung to the hands of Qin Yu, and the heart was so uncomfortable.

When they arrived in Qinghe Town, the three people transferred to Jinhe Town, where they had never been to a nearby dusk.

When I arrived in the town, I was so happy to look around and look at the town that I had never been to.

Ding Laojiao took out the last two thousand dollars of the remaining cloves from the pocket and bought the medicine. The cash was smashed out in the pocket of Qin Yu. After a few simple sentences, the old man walked on his own. And leave a separate farewell time for the cloves.

"Dumb, remember I taught you? When do you eat? How to wear clothes?"

Lilac took the Qin dynasty and walked aside, trying to pretend to be calm.

"At 7 o'clock in the morning, at 12 o'clock in the morning, I have to eat dinner in the dark, and I have to eat every meal. If the clothes are wet, I have to change them. I remember."

Qin Yudao.

"Really obedient, less fights later, but others bully you, you have to fight back, have to run, understand?" Clove patiently swearing.

"Remember." Qin Hao nodded.

"That's good, look at me again." Lilac tiptoed, rubbing Qin's neck, gentle.

Qin Lan looked at her seriously. "Remember?" Lilac asked.

"Well, in my mind, I can't forget it." Qin Xiao smiled.


"Dumb, I am hungry, I am hungry, go there and buy me some buns."

Lilac gave him ten dollars, pointing to a paving in the distance, and stunned.

"Well, you are waiting for me."

Qin Lan didn't think about it, took the money, and ran to the pavilion all the way.

"Dumb, forgive me, sorry, don't."

Lilac looked at his back, tears burst out, and painfully turned into the alley.

"Abba! He is gone, he is gone."

Lilac threw himself into his father's arms and burst into tears.

"Stupid girl, the dumb person has his own natural world, there will be good people to take care of him, and hurry."

"Cry again, if you have a soft heart, you can't go."

Ding Laojiao shed two lines of tears, pulling the cloves to the other side.

Qin Lan returned to the original place, and now the cloves are gone.

He didn't think much, thinking that cloves were going to buy something else, and they didn't go away. They just found a piece of clean, and sat down on the legs and waited for it.

Waiting until three o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Hao was hungry, seeing lilac and daddy have not returned, and my heart began to panic.

He didn't know how to ask people, just on the street, shouting the name of lilac, searching aimlessly.

"Where is the clove?"

"She won't leave me, go home?"

Qin Hao scratched his head, and although his stomach was hungry, he was still reluctant to eat with the steamed buns of the buns.

"Well, I am going to find her."

Qin Hao sucked his nose and recognized the smell of cloves in the air. Even though there were countless miscellaneous gas on the street, it could not affect his sensitive nose. He was like a hound, following the body fragrance of lilac. Running wildly chasing it.


When it is dark!

Several limousines stopped at the gate of Yan’s compound.

Li beard, Wang Ergou and other mantles put on clean clothes respectfully waiting at the gate.

Master Shi Dalong, the first martial artist of Qinghe County, personally came to Xiaohe Village to sit in the town and vowed to cramp the Dingjia fool.

When the car door opened, Yan Baoshan personally got off and went to the back of the car. He opened the door and asked: "Master Shi, come, welcome to the humble house."


With a scream, a middle-aged man wearing a black exercise suit and black shoes, the burly middle-aged man walked down the car and took a look at his back with a handful of hands: "It’s not a lord, a beautiful mountain, a good air, this day. It’s more comfortable than the emperor.”

"Master Shi, as long as you are willing to live in my home every day." Yan Baoshan Road.

"Haha, I can't live every day, it's common to disturb after a day or two." Shi Dalong laughed loudly.

"The master is very polite, I have already prepared the meat, please."

Yan Baoshan leads the way ahead.

When he reached the door, he pointed to the stone lion across the gate, deliberately yelling at Li's beard: "Beard, is this something wrong? Isn't it for you to clean up? This little thing can't be done well, I raise You are eating dry rice."

"Yan Ye, it’s not that the small ones don’t clean up. It’s really that this stone lion is too heavy. It’s not a two or three kilograms of strength. It’s really impossible to move.”

Li beard looked bitter.

"Oh, Yan Ye is a test of Shimou."

How is Shi Dalong so savvy? When you look at the stone lion at the door, you know that Yan Baoshan is exploring the road.

Although he is a famous martial artist in Qinghe, he has to rely on the county seat, whether he is opening a martial arts or socializing. He knows that he will not reveal his hands today. This group of people will not be convinced, and immediately rolled up their sleeves and walked to the stone lion. Next.


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