The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1510: Broken reproduction

The room decoration expression has become extremely dignified!

He did not expect that the suffocation of the three seedlings would be so heavy, no wonder it could become the forbidden land of the ancient times!

This has both advantages and disadvantages. Qin Hou has Kun Yuezhu to absorb all the gloom of the heavens and the earth, and there will be a qualitative leap to his cultivation. The drawback is that if you can’t control this yin and **** moonlight, it is likely to explode and die. .

It is already open at this time, there is no possibility of stopping again!


As the curse grew, the Ziwei star broke through the clouds, bursting with a fascinating blood color, and the blood color slowly swayed in the pure moonlight, and soon covered the moon.


The heavens and the earth are like a loud noise, followed by a fascinating blush in the direction of the **** valley, and the **** moonlight is scattered. Through the Ziwei Star above the enchantment, it is turned into a star-shaped pattern and poured into the Qinling spirit. .


Qin Yu snorted, only a cold and incomparable cold like a drill bit, fiercely rushed to the heavens, as if he could not want to tear his head into two halves.

At the same time, his head glowed with a black glow, condensed into a squid imprint, desperately struggling to swallow the **** moon, seems to be desperately resisting.

The people present are also well-informed, but this seal is unprecedented!

When the seal came out, one inside and one outside, the two gods were intertwined and torn, and even the soul was about to tear.

The kind of pain that has never been seen before, so that Qin Qin’s painful grief with his head and pain, and the two divine powers put him on the spot, he even wants to make a roll, they are all impossible.

"Mr. Fang, the situation looks like Master is not very good."

Zhang Daling saw the suffering of Qin Yu and couldn’t help himself.


"He is very fragile at this time. Once Yuehua can't break the seal, unless it is a person who casts a spell, it is afraid that eternal life will be broken."

"In addition, you must keep the formation, you can't let the evil spirits invade the heavenly spirit of Hou Ye, otherwise it will be a big trouble."

Fang Xiu looked at the struggling Peng Peng imprint, Shen Sheng.

Zhang Daling, a few people bite their teeth, put away the distracting thoughts, and transported the mana of their respective lives, and they supported the enchantment!

"It seems that I can only use my life's strength to seek God's will for Hou."

Fang Xiu stared at the sky in the sky, and the corner of his mouth showed a certain color.

Suddenly, he turned his sword and smashed the Yintang!

For the people who practice the law of the Star Palace, Yintang is like the soul sea of ​​the people who cultivate the Taoist method. It is as important as the martial artist's Dantian. Fang Xiu has the power of a lifetime of stars in the Bay Island. , turned into a Ziwei Xingmang, slowly fell into his palm!

"I... I am destined for my life, Xu Tianxing, Taiyin, and infinite power, to crack all the obstacles in the world!"

The house repaired the strength of the life of the star, and turned to the sky, making a wish.


When the stars break through the sky, when the sky is full, the stars are all stained with red frost, and the light of hundreds of millions of rays merges into a line. It falls from the sky and slams into the top of Qin Lan!

This collection of the power of the yin of the stars and the power of the moon, like the sword of the heavens, nowhere!

The Peng Peng, who was still struggling to resist on the Qinling Tianling, could no longer afford this giant force, and made a loud cry and turned into a blue smoke.

At the same time, the huge impact finally broke the enchantment of the Qin dynasty, and the brain was poured in.


"It hurts."

Qin Hao headed, and the painful roar struggled.

The unparalleled yin gas is poured into the eight classics. Qin Zhen only feels that the whole body must be torn, and he can't wait to kill him to alleviate the endless pain.

Zhang Daling and others listened to his mourning, no tears!

When the faculty has reached this point, there is no way out. Can it continue?

House repair is also powerless sitting cross-legged, only praying for God in the heart, do not fold the king!

Yuehua is the body of the body, and Rao is the body of the scorpion, and in the case of the Qin dynasty without the infuriating and true law, it also began to crack quickly!

The seven holes of the Qin dynasty began to bleed from the big stocks. The whole body was like a dry field. The cracks were cracked together, and the blood and water ooze along the tearing gap. The whole person became a blood man.

"No, Mr. Fang, go on like this, Hou Ye must not explode."

Zhang Daling is anxious.

"Zhang Zhang teaches, you are the highest among us, and quickly think about it." Zhang Daling rushed to the side of Zhang Yeting shouted.

The young tiger of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain has been cultivated for thousands of miles. Now it is already a mid-term teacher of the law. It is only one step away from the Datian Division. Zhang Nighting looks awkward and the sword at the waist is transparent. The power of the wind and thunder, left and right into a gossip shield, plundered over the Qin dynasty.

He wants to repair the injection of Yuehua, which can slow down the suffering of Qin Yu.


He is too young to be the power of this world!

Just as the sky was over, he was like the top of the Taishan Mountain. The sword was broken and the shield was broken into smoke. People like a kite flew a few feet, and the dragonfly slammed on the ground and directly fainted.


"Zhang Zhang teach!"

"Useless Zhang Li, unless it is the Kunlun Mountain, no one can stop this world."

Xiao Qingshan quickly lifted Zhang Yeting, and sighed.

"What to do? The seal is broken. This is another thing. Is God really going to kill Hou Ye?"

Zhang Daling rushed to tears.

Fang Xiu shook his head slightly. This time, the ritual was originally a gambling life. If Qin Houru really died, he could only say that the gas was exhausted.

"Card wipe!"

The bones of Qin’s body began to make a crisp sound, and the sound was like a reminder, so that Zhang Daling and others were desperate.

There is nothing in this world that is more painful than the hope of clear hope.

"Qin Hao, you still owe me an agreement, you must hold on."

"The merciful Witch God, ask you to bless him."

The Virgin Mary put her hands on her chest and prayed to heaven.

Seeing that the explosion was just around the corner, a gray figure flew out of the mountain forest. "You are so bold, isn't this about his life?"

With a loud scream, a middle-aged scorpion smashed the enchantment of the altar, folded his hands together, and recited in his mouth: "Amitabha!"

Immediately after sitting cross-legged behind Qin Lan, a Buddha Golden Wheel rose from the scorpion's heavenly spirit and turned into a huge million characters, wrapping the two together!

Yuehua touches the Buddha's 10,000 characters, and leans like a silver to the surrounding!

In the crowd, the solemn scriptures are recited, and Sanskrit flies out of his mouth, and is integrated into the Qin dynasty!

The originally torn wound was healed with the visible degree of the naked eye. Qin Lan also stopped screaming, and gradually became calm under the Sanskrit purification.


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