The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1512: You are a madman

"Master is assured that the son of the wolf **** Tuo Han is suffering in recent days. I heard that the desert has been cultivated and cultivated, and it has been cultivated as the true essence of his father. He can't wait to find Qinhou revenge. I just want to get this through. Give him a shot without someone, and Qin Hou is a dead man."

Duan Muquan is sensible.

"Very good, and then carefully searched, Qin Hou's enemies are all over the world, but those who are above the masters can move, such as Taigongmen, is Ning Zhonghua not dead in Qinhou?"

Yan nine days again.

He can go to today, in addition to the tyrannical strength, more important is a steel heart that is all-in-one, he believes in non-toxic and not husband.

In his opinion, as long as it can be used, it is a chess piece. If you are against him, you must scribble the roots.

Duan Muquan apparently has deep his essence, and he is very happy. He immediately took the lead.

"Go, call Qi Qing to see me." Yan Jiu Tiandao.

Duan Muquan took the lead and went. For a long time, Fu Lanqing walked in with a white coat. Since Qin Yu’s death, she never crossed the black clothes!

"You are not dead." Fu Yanqing met Yan nine days, cold and cold.

"I know that you really want me to die, but the agreement between us has not been completed, I am going to die, you are not afraid of it."

Yan Jiu Tiansen sneered coldly, as if standing in front of him is not a biological daughter, just a cooperative opponent.

"Where is my mother!"

"When the world was rumored that you killed her, for this reason, my father Fu Dengjie went north to find you to seek revenge, and was killed by Yan Baye. Over the years, my Fu family and your **** seas."

"Yan nine days, if you have some conscience, return my mother to me."

Fu Yanqing sighed and sighed.

"Oh, you said this, I think of it, Fu Dengjie, what is the first genius of Yunhai, it is a pity that he is not qualified to provoke me, even your eight uncles and one sword can not hide, was cut off his head, where the body is buried I can't remember it."

"As for you, your surname is Yan, you are keeping my blood, this is something you can't wash for a lifetime."

"Want to know the whereabouts of your mother, come with me."

Yan nine days cold smile, as if the things that happened in the past, are all clouds, and got up and went deep into the cave.

Inside the cave, don't have a hole in the sky!

Inside the trees are shaded, flowers are like forests, and there is a big mouth on the top. From time to time, there are cranes flying in and out from the cracks, and the whistling sounds, as if the aura of the entire Kunlun Mountains has been gathered here.

Yan Jiutian walked in the flowers with his hands on his back. After waiting for a while, he entered a stone mountain and muttered: "Chu Yu, the first beauty in Beijing, the only woman I ever loved, it is time for you to see the sky." It is."

Yan Jiudian suddenly slammed into the palm, blasted, stone mountain collapsed, a hailstone was hidden in it, a glamorous woman wearing a emerald flower-length dress, calmly sleeping.

She is so gentle, her mouth is filled with a faint smile, and that smile is full of ruthless ridicule, as if taunting the person who sealed her, is so incompetent and ignorant.

Fu Yanqing looked at the face that was very similar to himself, and slammed it down!

"Mother, mother, I finally found you."

"Mom, look at me with a wink!"

Fu Yanqing burst into tears and cried.

"Yan nine days, you let her live, you said, as long as I help you, you will return the mother to me."

Fu Yanqing was at the foot of Yan Jiutian, pleading for help.

Yan Jiutian looked at the Chu Yu who was still ridiculing his eyebrows, and there was a ruthless sneer in his mouth.

He loved Chu Yu, and this is beyond doubt.

However, after all, Chu Yu is the daughter of the enemy. Yan nine days is also fascinated by martial arts. She is always in a distance of love and dislike.

Finally, the night of the extinction of Yanjia, Chu Yu played a piano on the wall for a night, playing a curse of ancient Chu, from that day, Yan nine days know that this woman no longer belongs to him.

He can conquer China and fight the invincible hands in the world, but he can no longer return to Chu Yu's heart.

Therefore, Chu Yu became his thorn.

She had already died in the Yan family, but his younger brother, Yan Ba, secretly let her go out because she liked this woman. This is what Yan Jiutian cannot tolerate.

He can't get it, and he won't be allowed to get it by others. There can only be one end and destruction.

Therefore, he severely punished Yan Baye and sentenced him to death, which made him live like a dog with hatred.

For Chu Yu, he is also merciless!

At that time, Chu Yu was already with Fu Dengjie. Fu Dengjie was very fond of her. The two respected each other. Although Fu Dengjie did not get half a point, there was no regrets.

At that time, Chu Yu had just given birth to Fu Lanqing. In order to hide his eyes and ears, Fu Dengjie recognized the child as his own daughter and silently accepted all of this.

Chu Yu feels for Fu Dengjie, the two live in the name of husband and wife, and the days are too peaceful.

However, Yan Jiutian will not let Chu Yu do so.

He personally went south, and in the face of Fu Dengjie, he blocked Chu Yu.

He will never forget, Chu Yu mocked him before he died as a coward.

Since then, Yan Jiudian has been completely insane. He sealed the body of Chu Yu in this hole. Every time he calms down, he will be on the stone monument.

He wants Chu Yu to know that he is the only king under the sun, and he is not a coward.

Now that he has experienced life and death, hegemony will be completed. He is finally relieved of this woman who has wrapped his life like a nightmare.

"Chu Heaven and earth are ruthless, you have tortured me for so many years, what is it now? This is the name of Yan, I am the only king, the world will see me when I see you!"

"Let you down, my coward is getting stronger and stronger, and your curse is so pale and powerless."

"Continue to hate me, hey!"

Yan Jiutian looked at Chu Yu’s body and smiled.

"You, you let my mother live, you said, you promised me."

Fu Yuqing roared.

"Okay, I am fulfilling you!"

Yan nine days cold smile, hands together, hail flew out of the stone crack, and fell to the ground.

"Chu Yu, don't."

Yan Jiutian’s eyes were filled with strong murderousness, and the hail was suddenly opened.


Chu Yu's beautiful figure and face, with the painful memories of Yan Jiu Tian's nightmare, like a stone statue, a little bit of desertification, a stranger, a illusory, and eventually become a pile of dust.

"Live, Chu Yu lived forever, haha!"

Yan nine days with his hands raised sleeves, laughed like a madman, burst into tears, then slammed his head out of the cave.

"Yan nine days, you are a crazy madman, a liar!"

"Mother, mother!"

Fu Lanqing held the dust in the coffin, and the pain of tearing his heart broke.

Everything is red, and all of them are cloud smoke. When Yan decided to open the coffin in nine days, he completely annihilated humanity.

He is a king power machine, he is a martial arts madman!

He is the supreme god!

Fu Lanqing knew that she had made a mistake that could not be forgiven, that is, she overestimated her family and blood, and even missed her most precious love.


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