The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1515: Fins are difficult to fly

"Less Lord, from the footprints, they seem to be divided into two ways."

A wolf disciple stood at the fork of the road and carefully identified the footprints.

"The footprints here are mixed and chaotic, not like the masters. The footprints on the right are shallow and small, and they are very orderly and stable. It is obviously left by the well-trained people."

"Atu, you lead people to chase the west, first, you go with me to the east."

Takuya squatted on the ground and swept his eyes, sneer.

"Door, or I will bring more people."

"No, there are so many people, but it is not good for tracking."

Takuya shook his head and flew to the darkness.

The four men of Zhang Daling urged the whole force to **** the Qin dynasty in the mountains. The bursting sound and the fire from time to time in the direction of the three seedling altars, like a knife, stung their hearts. Everyone knows that the wind is 80% long. not coming.

The four men escorted the Qin dynasty and stopped at the river soon. The Clippers had already been hidden there. The four people were overjoyed and quickly carried the moonlight and boarded the ship.


"Let's go down the river, and we will safely meet with Chu Dengfeng before dawn. Once we enter the ghost market, we can ensure the safety of Hou Ye by virtue of their cannons."

Zhang Daling took a sigh of relief and wiped a sweat.

"It’s a pity that the three Miao warriors and the wind patriarchs should not be late. Let’s go quickly.”

Room repairs sighed.

"The blood of this pen will come back one day, and the blood of the three seedlings will never flow."

Zhang Yeting’s eyes sparkled the spark of hatred, and then Lang Lang read the spell, and the river suddenly creaked. Dozens of water monsters came out from the bottom of the water, obeying the orders, and carrying the boat to the general downstream. And next.

The boat is fast, and the extension is colder. He is like a Swift. When the cloak is raised, he will slide for dozens of feet in the volley of the moon and quickly catch up with the river.

"Hey, I want to escape the palm of my hand, there is no door."

Tuo Han has been born with the wolves since childhood, and has a sense of smell and hunting farther than ordinary people. He just shook his nose and knew that Qin and others had boarded the ship.

Less than half a cup of tea, he saw the boat galloping under the moon.

"Not good, chasing it!"

"Zhangjia teach, add!"

Zhang Daling eyes, looking at the moonlight, a figure, such as a bat generally fluttering, only a few ups and downs, leaving the ship is less than fifty feet.


At the same time, Zhang Yeanting and Xiao Qingshan transported their qi, and they rushed out of a whirlwind, blowing to the stern, and using the power of recoil.

"Hey, I’m being stared at by this owner, I still want to run?”

"First, arrow!"

There was a sneer on the face of Tuo Han.

I first handed over the bow of the eagle eagle, and spread the three arrows at the top of the cold. The bow string slammed and pulled to the full moon. The tyrannical power focused on it, and the arrow vacated a strong black gas. ! Going through the night.

Three arrows, three directions.

One arrow takes the hull, and the other arrow directly locks the two strongest players in Xiao Qingshan and Zhang Yeting.


The arrow was nailed to the ship, and it burst open. It shocked a few feet of water. The water monster originally attached to the bottom of the ship was completely killed by the earthquake. The hull also burst into a huge gap and hit the river. It has turned.

Zhang Yeanting heard the sound of breaking the air, knowing that the arrow was good, and did not dare to care. The sword of the heavenly master in the hands of the sword, the gods Lei Jianyi swayed across the chest, condensed into a thunder shield, protected in Xiao In front of Qingshan.

"I help you!"

Xiao Qingshan's two palms took all the tactics and took them in the heart of Zhang Yeting, in order to help the powers and resistance.


The Sirius Arrow, which was filled with 1.5 million pounds of strength, burst in the chest of Zhang Yeting!

Zhang Yeanting is only a mid-term teacher, and even the realm of Da Tianshi has not been reached, and Tuo Han is the Wu Zun in the middle of the reign of the gods. Zhang Ningting is a hundred thousand miles away from him. Can live.

When he was attacked by the earthquake, together with Xiao Qingshan behind him, the two were simultaneously shaken, vomiting blood and falling into the river.

"Zhang Zhang teach!"

Zhang Daling and Fang Xiu held a silkworm cocoon and shouted.


Zhang Yeting even spit out two blood, pulling Xiao Qingshan out of the water, his face pale: "Protect Hou, I can't die."

He looked down and saw that the chest of the town's three-piece bodyguard jade has already been crushed!

If it weren't for this jade, this arrow would blow him up!


"Looking at China, there are very few such repairs!"

"Is it the master of the temple of the martial arts?"

Fang Xiu looked shocked and looked up at the sky, but unfortunately he used the method of the life of the last time, repaired as a major reduction, has been unable to penetrate this starry sky to determine the good and bad.

"Who is coming, sign up for a name."

Zhang Daling knew that there was no retreat. He went to the bow and asked with a loud voice.

"Mobei Tuohan Han!"

Takuya Han returned the bow to the first, and slowly walked back to the beach.

Under the moonlight, his strong mountain body is filled with strong murderousness, and the two cold screams flash like wild As **** is coming, Rao is Zhang Daling and so on. Can not help but be chilly.

"Take the cold, the son of the wolf god, the newly-elected top master, it is said that his cultivation is almost the same as his father, and he can be among the four."

"Mr. Fang, we are afraid of trouble tonight."

Zhang Da Ling trembled.

The other three listened to the name of Tuo Hanhan, and it was also cool. As for the four of them tied together, I am afraid that there are not enough people to fight.

It is the Qin dynasty and the extension of the chilly and the murder of the father. If you want to open a condition to negotiate with him, it is also impossible. It is really a way of making people go back and forth.

"Since I know my name, I am still begging for mercy."

"If I am not mistaken, there is your Qinhou there."

"It's useless, don't be in vain. Today is destined to be his death. But you are all talents. If you can follow me, I can consider giving you a way to live."

Tuohan cold ecstasy laughed.

Sure enough, as he expected, Qin Hou is still alive, killing is easy, this is simply a great opportunity given by God.

He secretly rejoiced that he did not listen to the uncle of the Tang dynasty, otherwise the merits of the world would be missed.

"Tuo Yumen, such as today's surname Yan, you are also a hero, is it willing to do a dog for Yan family?"

"Why don't you give up your hatred and join forces to fight against thieves? Then you can be invincible."

Zhang Daling is still unwilling to seek a chance.

"Go to your mother's invincible world!"

"Turn it over!"

Tuobahan was extremely angry, and his palm was vomiting. A wolf smoke hovered up and rolled up the hull. He slammed and the hull was completely blasted. Zhang Daling and the moonlight smashed and flew ashore.


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