The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1518: 1 method can bury you alive

The extension of the body of the Sirius is as fast as a thunder, only a blink of an eye, and the claws are swept to the front of Qin Yu!

The body of the moon, Qin Yu, in front of the beast, seems so pale and powerless, the shocked Zhang Daling four hearts are hanging up.


Qin Hao's look is still as calm as water, and the corner of his mouth is a hint of relief.

Because the Yuehua filling body was interrupted by the mad monk, the yin absorbed by him was limited. The current strength is certainly not as good as the previous peak period, probably between the middle and late stages of the refining, after the expansion and chilling, and his strength It is quite.

But the difference is that Qin's strength and soul strength have reached the same height. In the past, he was forced by force, and his soul was slightly weaker and somewhat biased.

Today, his soul is the **** of the gods. After forty-nine days of precipitation, the memory of the recovery, the gods have also undergone qualitative changes, and the body of the Scorpio has reached the same level!

That is to say, although his body strength has been restricted, the Yuanshen broke through the early days of Yuan Ying and reached the middle of the Yuan Ying who dreamed of comprehension!

The power of the Yuanshen can make him make a stronger true law!

Now is the time to verify the gods!

"Get up!"

Qin Hao took a hand and sighed.


The stones on the river beach sounded up and floated in the air for a moment!


The stone is like a thunderstorm, running through the top of the tower!

Tuo Han Han only sees the stone rain shop covering the moon, and a little fear!


He arms up and furiously resisted!

Every stone is reminded by the gods, and it is mixed with infuriating. Rao is the body of steel. Under the impact of pure gas, it is also a pain!


Qin Hao waved again, and Shi Yu instantly poured out!

Oh my God!

Aside from the side, there was an incredible exclamation.

The scene is like the end of the world, and the manpower is strong, but it is just a drop in the ocean!

Thousands of stones, a blink of an eye, piled up into a rocky mountain, and the life will be buried cold and buried alive.

At the moment of being buried alive, Tuoba’s chilling heart was completely cold.

He feels like he is fighting with a god, the thick stone mountain is pressed on his body, and every stone is mixed with the arrogance of the cold. Like Wuzhishan, he can't move.

The backbone of the Xiongbei North Desert, twisted to deformation, like his self-esteem, is so unbearable!

He finally understood the sigh before the uncle's departure!

His opponent is not a human being at all, even if he has ever fallen, it is not that he can provoke.

It is also because he is stupid to the extreme, thinking that he has killed several famous masters in Bei Mo, and he thought that God is in the hands and can cross the world.

How painful it is now that his greedy dreams are broken!

"Hou Ye's true method has come to the forefront of the world!"

"In the life of Fang, I have never seen anyone who is so free to apply."

The house repairs must be amazed.

"Hey, I used to think that the relocation of the mountains and the reclamation is empty talk. Today is an eye-opener. Hou Ye only has a decree, and he can flatten the stone mountain. I am afraid that even a man’s hair can’t be It is."

Zhang Ningting sighed and admired.

Qin Hao's heart is very calm!

His current state of the body has reached an unprecedented balance. Although the physical state of the body is stuck in the middle, it is definitely the supremacy of this realm, and with the improvement of cultivation, wherever he reaches, it must be the absolute king of that realm.

Previously in Hell, he tempered from ghost servants and small soldiers to princes, and the things he learned were too complicated, which led to the fact that although the cultivation was against the sky, the foundation was not pure.

Now that he has come to the world and has died, it is hard to die. On the contrary, it is to make him rebuild the foundation. It is also a god.

Thinking of this, he looked up and looked up at the sky!

He and Yan Jiudian only got the magic weapon left by the power of heaven, and they can dominate the mortal world with one yin and one yang. I want to come to the end of the longevity avenue. In the future, I really want to take charge of the fate, the reincarnation of heaven, or the heavens in that one. The realm is long.

"Night court, you don't have to be arrogant, the truth is high and low, you are a sect of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, there is no shortage of flying, the practice of cultivation is not much, but it is fine!"

Qin Hao laughed loudly.


His law refers to a pinch, and the true gas on the stone mountain collapses.


Under the rocky mountain, the top of the Tuo Han Tang felt a light, the wolf in the bones let him decide to counterattack again, accompanied by giant pythons and stone fragments flying, the extension of the cold from the rock under the fly, heavy Falling on the ground, spit blood, slowly raised his head, scarlet blood staring at Qin Yu: "I am the Lord of the wolf, I am unbeaten, I am undefeated."

In addition to roaring, his pupils are zoomed in, flashing with blood, and the glare and glare are desolate, like a dying person, returning to the light.

"No, this is the curse of the wolf... the doorkeeper can't..."

I first thought of something, and I was afraid to yell.

However, it is already late, and Takumi Han under anger decided to use life to defend the final dignity.

If you don’t kill the enemy, you will be married!

This is the nature of the wolf!

"The wolf swallows the moon!"

Tuo Han used all the last strength and courage to extract the whole body of the whole body, and Yang Tian mourned for the moon.

His whole body began to seep bleeding Every velvet hair is hanging with bright blood!

Every time there is a mourning, the moonlight of the sky will be a point. At the end, although the moonlight hangs in the sky, the whole earth is dark.

The kind of black is like a layer of black smog, making it difficult for people to reach out!

"Good evil, overbearing method!"

Zhang Daling was shocked.

"Hou Ye since he intends to withdraw the law to let Tuo Han come out, it must be a coping tactic, let us be optimistic about the play."

Xiao Qingshan Road.

At the same time, everyone looked at Qin Lan, in the dark fog, he was like a bright light, with him as the center, a few squares, and the haze scattered.

When he was still seen, he was still as calm as water, and the hearts of everyone hanging down suddenly fell.

The seven holes of the Tuoba chilling, immediately, under the curse, his meridians were torn apart a little, the bones cracked a little bit, and finally, when the strength of the force was brewed to the extreme, the extension of the cold mouth opened a blood!

The blood turned into three sharp fangs, broken the void, and rushed to Qin.

These three fangs are made by the blood of life, and can solve all the laws of righteousness and evil. It is rumored that the ancestors of the wolf had used the law to kill the great demon in the depths of the North Desert!

Every time a tooth is flying, the shape and the edge will increase by one point. When the Qin dynasty is in front of it, it has already been like a three spears.

"The night court is optimistic, and today you will pass a law, the orthodox Heavenly Taoist law!"

"I have a gasification of Sanqing, and there is no magic under the sword!"

Qin Hao erected the middle finger, gently waved, hehe! Three figures were instantly separated, and the three figures were uniform and uniform. At the same time, the **** of the index finger was combined, and the fingertips flew out a yellow light, engraved with the sword of the Heavenly Mantra!


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