The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1527: I teach you what is the law

"Sir, I am Yan Baoshan, Yan Baocheng is my big brother, you are all my brother, please."

"Oh, it’s too late for you to come. There is a violent killing of many people inside. You have to catch him quickly."

Yan Baoshan hurriedly greeted him, squinting his face and shouting.

"You are Yan Baoshan!"

"Yan Baocheng is your big brother?"

Huang Yaodong asked abruptly.

"Yes, it is the first deputy chief of Qinghe County that is my brother. It is absolutely impossible. Everyone here can testify."

"That sir, I can ask, is my older brother coming?"

Yan Baoshan thought that this was a good thing and quickly nodded.

"Oh, it’s over, the officials are guarding, our dumb gods are in trouble."

"This time the Yan family will not die, and in the future it will definitely become a disaster in the township, and our hardships will come."

When the villagers saw this trend, they were worried about Qin.

"Your brother, he came, sitting in the car." Huang Yaodong said.

"Sir, let him go down and let the folks grow their eyes."

"Hey, I understand the rules. The military lords are relieved, and will definitely not treat everyone badly."

Yan Baoshan nodded and looked down.

Then, he turned his head and shouted at Qin Lan. "Death, you are finished, and you are snoring. I have to remember all of them today. Nobody wants to run."

The folks were softened by the legs of his nephew, and several timids fell directly from the courtyard wall. Yan Baoshan laughed and laughed.

"Who are you a fool?"

Huang Yaodong.

"Of course, the fool of the old Ding family, just sit there."

Yan Baoshan pointed to Qin Yudao.


Yan Baoshan smiled, and there was no pain in the cheeks. Huang Yaodong slaps his face on the face.

"You repeat, who is a fool?"

Huang Yaodong asked coldly.


The soldiers around him also raised their guns at Yan Baoshan.

"Sir, this, what does this mean..."

Yan Baoshan was beaten a little embarrassed.

At first glance, the situation was wrong. The folks who had planned to sneak off were folded back. They were all confused, and they were also married to their families.

"I said Lao Dingjia..."

Yan Baoshan’s voice did not fall, Huang Yaodong was a slap in the face, and Yan Baoshan’s mouth was full of blood, tears flowed out: “Grandfather, this, what the **** is this, you, you are not my big brother Yan Long invited people."

"My big brother, my big brother?"

Yan Baoshan was a little panicked.

"If people are together, just come in."

Qin Yu saw almost the same on the play, and cleared the road.


The soldiers were separated by half a year, and the moment they heard him again, there was no blood, and they walked into the yard neatly.


Liu Cheng’s chest was awkward, raising his hand and making a thunder.


At the same time, all the soldiers raised their heads and raised their chests, and the tears in their eyes gave the highest honor to the king who returned.

In the past six months, Daqin Jun, as the teacher of the sword that Qin Hao used to build his heart, after his defeat, the first time to **** the experts of the pharmaceutical factory to Jiandao, in order to preserve the strength, waiting for the rise of the Lord after 18 years, Kill back to China.

However, a secret piece of Zhang Daling made the whole Jiandao boiling.

The Daqin soldiers who were originally in a state of silence returned to China in the first time on a secluded ship. In the most full posture, they greeted the new king and fought side by side.

Qin Lan stared at his army of iron and blood, his face was awe-inspiring, slowly raised his hand, his eyes smashed into a line, murderous: "Generals, soldiers, our time is here!"

Half a year is as long as a hundred centuries. One of our moments has dispelled all the haze for half a year. At this moment, the sky seems to be clear, and the repression and grievances of everyone's heart suddenly vanish.

"Sir, how did the dumb grow up?"

Lilac stood up and asked, unbelievable.

Not only her, Yan Baoshan and the folks are also a fog, and for a long time these people are not the rescuers Yan Baocheng moved, but dumb people.

Dumbness is not only a god, but also the chief of the army.

This time, Yan’s family kicked the nails, and it’s hard to escape.

"His identity is not limited to the sir, you will know it later."

Yang Jingjing looked at Qin Yu and looked at the worship.

She knows that this person is back, the haze and darkness of the land of China will soon be retired, and the new world will soon be coming.

"Reporting the chief, arrested a total of 23 suspects involved in the incident, all of which were verified to be correct and have been arrested. Please instruct."

Liu Cheng stepped forward and reported.

"Bring it in!"

Qin Hao nodded.

Immediately, soldiers were escorted to Yan Baocheng, Chen Qian, Meng Dahua and other twenty-three people into the yard!

"You don't want to see your older brother? Now he is here."

Qin Lan sat down and smiled coldly.

"Big brother, this, what is going on?"

Yan Baoshan was shackled together in the yard, still screaming unwillingly.

"I do not know either!"

"I said that you still have no Wang Fa, and you don't talk about rules. I am the deputy, a civil servant who has a good time. You have no right to control me."

Yan Baocheng also shouted.

"Yes, military lord, killing is just the first place, but you have to give me a reason."

"Yeah, can you be unreasonable when you are a soldier? We have to report it."

Meng Dahua, Chen Qian and others are also following up.

"The reason is simple, you make me unhappy."

Qin Lan peeled off an orange went to a few people, picked a flap and put it in the entrance, not ill.

"Grandfather, you, who are you?"

"If you remember correctly, we didn't offend you?"

Meng Dahua and others apparently couldn’t recognize Qin Xiao for a time, and frowned.

"Well, don't worry, I will be on the road soon, recognize it clearly, and there is a memory in Huangquan."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"He is the fool." Yan Baoshan whispered a word on the side.

Meng Dahua, Chen Qian and others suddenly understood, and his face turned pale and pointed at Qin Xiaoran: "Yes, it is you, how is this possible!"

"Even if there is a festival between you and there is a contradiction, then you have to decide through the judicial process, instead of having a gun on your hand here, you can talk about lynching."

"I want to report to the Ludong Theater and report to Yanjing, and publicize your atrocities."

Yan Baocheng is still struggling in the end, trying to escape.

"You talk to me?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

The soldiers of the Daqin Army also laughed loudly, as if Yan Baocheng was talking about the most humorous jokes in the world.

"Idiot, you listen to me."

"In the South, our sergeant is the law, the rule, and your life and future are under the control of his laws."

"I said so, is it thorough enough?"

Song Wei stepped forward and stepped on Yan Baocheng's chest and sneered.

"You, who is your chief?"

"Even if you are the No. 1 chief of the Ludong Theater, you are not so mad, you are too arrogant."

Yan Baocheng shouted at the dissatisfaction.

"Okay, then I will let you die."

"Our sir is...Jiangdong Qinhou!"

Song Weisen said.


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