The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1534: People must have a conscience to live (5)

"Mr. Zhao, this is a lot of unlucky, how much..."

There are still timid people who want to help, Zhao Chunlong suddenly angered: "Kill people, the world will be all right, you have to think about it, you can, put down the glass, now give me a roll!"

He was angry, and other people dared to scream, all of them were scared and closed their mouths, but they had a deeper understanding of Zhao Chunlong's father and son. The father and son turned their faces and did not recognize people. They were not good candidates.

The sound of the samurai mopping the floor was exceptionally harsh, and all the music in the hall was closed. Everyone held their breath and the timid eyes closed.

Liu Yang’s face was smiling, staring at the gate, a little bit forward, the pain and the imminent death, as if everything had become numb.

He just wanted to climb to the door, completely isolated from the **** Zhao family, staying in this place for a second, he felt vomiting.

"Mixed, idiot!"

"What is the morality of the dog? Is it so powerful that people can not even be afraid of death?"

"I don't believe, I don't believe it!"

Zhao Yuxuan squinted his head and muttered his mouth.

Liu Yang finally climbed to the door, his hand climbed on the rotating glass, and wanted to borrow it. However, the neck was cold, and Zhao Yuxuan’s samurai sword had already passed.

"Liu Yang, Liu Dashao, don't doubt my determination, let his mother's morality go to hell, don't go with yourself."

"Living is the most important thing. Isn't this your man's mantra?"

Zhao Yuxuan cut into the back of the neck of Liu Yang, cut the skin, and the blood flowed out instantly.

The ice of the blade, like the current, instantly spread through Liu Yang's body, and he instinctively trembled.

"You have missed a few words in this sentence. It is most important for people to have a conscience to live!"

"Oh, those of you, who have not received the favor of Hou Ye, you are wearing this body, but you are giving people a dog, will the conscience not hurt?"

"You are not worthy of standing here, you are not worthy of wearing the Huang Quanlong badge, not worthy of Qin Gang children!"

"The ridiculous husband, but one by one, like a dog!"

"Haha, ridiculous, ridiculous!"

Liu Yang looked at the Qin gang's disciples, regardless of the knife to add body, forced to look up and laughed.

At the same time, all the Qin help disciples lowered their high heads at the same time, one by one, pale and unable to hang their heads. Even the courage of Liu Yang was not seen.

The disciples of Dongzhou Tangkou were strictly screened and trained. Everyone swears before they join the gang, and they are familiar with the rules of Qin Gang!

They turned to Zhao Yuxuan, who was the boss of the superior class who had sincerely voted for Chen Song, and kept the original preparations, leaving them to eat.

Once the beliefs, the righteousness and righteousness of the gang, the gradual numbness of the whole Qin dynasty's appeasement and compromise strategy, and then Liu Yang's screams, finally ignited their inner fire.

Many people can't even hold the knife in their hands, and they want to go forward to protect Liu Yang.

"Zhao Shao can't wait, the people are going to be cold, kill!"

How savvy the world is, and when you look at the Qin gang, everyone looks wrong and makes a loud roar.

"Go to your mother's conscience!"

"go to hell."

Zhao Yuxuan had a full moon with his sickle and smashed the head of Liu Yang.

He has already lost this game. This is definitely the most stinking piece of chess in his life. Now, apart from the head of Liu Yang, there is no way to save it!

Liu Yang must die!

Liu Yang calmly supported the ground, straightened his head, and his heart was not afraid, and there was no regret. It was only at this moment that he learned why so many people do not count life and death, and they are willing to go to the banyan tree and the Yan family for shopping. Some things are far more important than life.

At this moment, he only has one thought, and it is really cool to be a martyr!

Just as he was about to close his eyes and wait for his death, a pair of black cloth shoes appeared in front of him. The shoes were flat and flat, like Taishan, and they were nailed to the ground. The corner of the green shirt that he was able to see, with the wind blowing in the doorway, chic Flying.

"There are thousands of people, only Dongyang Liuyang is a hero!"

The man gave a cold and sigh.

This sigh, such as the winter cold wind instantly penetrated the hall, everyone's hair is erected, such as the ice cave!

Everyone looked at the people who spoke at the same time!

Comes to the eyebrows of the eyebrows, handsome and unparalleled, a white shawl grows with the green shirt, like the heavenly gods, the singularity of the gods.

"You, are you Hou Ye?"

Liu Yang’s eyes have been blurred by blood and tears. He lifted his head hard, but he could not see the person’s appearance.

Only the sound that has never been heard for a long time is as familiar as it was from ancient times and time.

"You are right, people are the most important, but they can't annihilate Tianliang!"

"Today you are living with blood, with me, after that we are brothers!"

Qin Hao looked around at everyone, sings loudly, and at the same time, several injecting qi pharmacists infused, and stabilized his injury.

Liu Yang wiped away the blood and tears, and fixed his eyes, but it was not Qin.

In an instant, full of grievances, humiliation, and pride turned into an incomparably complex emotional explosion, whimpered, and supported Qin’s squatted down and burst into tears.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that God was so pity to himself, and he looked forward to it, and finally waited for hope.

At the same time, he was fortunate that he chose to conscience, instead of giving in to a dog, otherwise how to face Qinhou today?


Zhao Yuxuan’s temperament was completely emptied in front of Qin Yu, and the samurai sword in his hand fell to the ground.

"This, how is this possible, are you not dead?"

"This is impossible!"

Zhao Yuxuan couldn't believe it, wiping his eyes and trying to tell himself that this must be a dream.

"Qin Hou, my heaven, he is back."

Qi Shikai and others exclaimed at the same time, such as seeing death, scared souls scattered, many people directly scared to death on the spot.

"I am back, you are very disappointed."

"You are also very disappointed."

Qin Xiao smiled lightly, and the sleeves stepped into the hall. In this familiar place, he walked to the right position.

Zhao Chunlong was originally sitting there. At this moment, he stood up subconsciously and retreated to the side.

Qin Lan did not sit down, his eyes slowly sweeping over the faces of the merchants and Qin gang disciples in the hall. Whenever his eyes swept over, those people could not wait to kill one person, but also those who had no choice but to give in, and the tears of excitement were dazed.

"I am very happy, you will know the shame, know the tears, um, at least that you still have a little conscience."

"This is enough!"

"Since I am back, follow my rules!"

"Executive Church!"

Qin Lan walked back to the center of the hall with a hand, first smiled and immediately screamed outside the door.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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