The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1538: No money, no money

Zhao Chunlong never imagined that his son would be so embarrassed to him, and his lungs would be blown up quickly. The instinct to survive, still makes him stunned Zhao Yuxuan's feet, and did not immediately let go.

Zhao Yuxuan stunned the running man, but also some soft hands, did not dare to start again, dragging Zhao Chunlong to the glass door to climb over, suddenly force, hands clasped the revolving door, overjoyed, want to borrow to escape.

As long as he enters the wheel, the door is free and broad.

"Mr. Zhao, there is only one chance. If you are alive, you will see your skills."

Liu Yang hit the glass door with a long knife and snorted and reminded.

He reminded me that Zhao Chunlong knew that the butcher knife would soon fall on his neck. It was even more panic. Like the drowning people, his hands glared at Zhao Yuxuan’s legs, nailed to death, and did not allow Zhao Yuxuan to enter the door and escape.

"Dad, can't you give your son a chance to live?"

"I am your son, what good is it for me to die, let me go, idiot."

Zhao Yuxuan roared.

"Yu Xuan, Dad doesn't want to die, I am dead, your mother has to keep alive, do you have the heart to be alone? Please give me the opportunity and let me live."

Zhao Chunlong pleaded for help.

"Then, I am dead, my mom is not sad?"

"I am young, I have hope than you, please, please?"

Zhao Yuxuan is also crying.

"No, you don't want me to go, no one can figure out this door."

Zhao Chunlong said that he said that it would not work, but he also went out and played the game directly.

"Made, don't face your face, this is what you forced me."

"You want me to die, I will send you to see the prince."

Zhao Yuxuan heard that this was completely out of play, and his heart slammed, grabbing the shoes and reversing the body and Zhao Zhaolong.

Zhao Chunlong was originally dizzy. At first he could reach out and block two, but he was the son of a repaired son.

Zhao Yuxuan took a killer and rushed down on a thousand kilograms. He couldn’t bear it at all. He ran down a few runs, his head opened, and the plasma was scattered.

"You, you are a beast!"

"God will marry you!"

Zhao Chunlong hated his son with anger and grievances.

"Go to your God, God, I just want to live."

Zhao Yuxuan screamed and took a lot of effort on Zhao Chunlong's temple.


This last powerful blow was like the last straw on the camel. Zhao Chunlong snorted and killed himself on the spot.

Zhao Yuxuan even took the shackles and kicked Zhao Chunlong, as if he was not a relative, but a junk dog.


Zhao Yuxuan jumped into the revolving door and waited for the door to turn to the gate, rolled over and rolled out of the hotel.



"I won, I am still alive, I can live."

Zhao Yuxuan was like a general who won the victory, and he was lying on his back. He looked at the stars in the night sky and laughed.

Liu Yang walked to Zhao Chunlong and opened it. He screamed and shrugged his shoulders: "Hou, the kid can really be awkward and kill his relatives."

"The beast, this Zhao Yuxuan is simply a mad beast."

"Birds and insects know that blood and family are valuable, and they are born and cherish each other. This father and son..."

Tang Haoyue witnessed this most ugly drama of humanity, and burst into tears. He was already angry and could not speak.

Qin Yu calmly said: "The big world, no stranger, a person without faith, no conscience, family, loyalty is worthless in their view!"

"The reason we live is because we have flesh and blood!"

"Er must wait for a word, and many lines of injustice will be self-sufficient!"

Qin Lan looked at the disciples and sang.

"Don't follow Hou Ye's teaching!"

Zhong Qin helped the disciples to be convinced and convinced.

There is no more vivid and cruel textbook than this. They have witnessed a father-son smother. It is impossible to imagine that the object they have briefly followed has turned out to be something that is not as good as a beast.

This kind of person can kill even the father, how can you really treat them!

Other political dignitaries and people in the shopping malls were even scared and scared. Everyone was so creepy that they couldn’t even say anything!

Zhao Yuxuan can kill his father today, and he will be able to plunder their family wealth for their own benefit tomorrow!

The only thing they can be fortunate is that Qin Hou is back, or else I am afraid that I will be planted in the hands of the beast sooner or later.

Zhao Yuxuan is lying outside the door, closing his eyes, breathing deeply, enjoying the free air!

He overslept and looked at the glass door, his eyes stunned his unspeakable father, and a sneer appeared in his mouth.

There are still more than three billion in his card. He has already thought about it, and according to his father's plan, he went to France to buy an uninhabited island. He has more than a dozen small net reds and is a daily god.

"Jiangshan is gone, Laozi still has money, Laozi still has life!"

Thinking of this, he struggled to stand up and shake his clothes, like nothing, and took a step.

Just two steps away, the sky rumbling!

Zhao Yuxuan looked up and saw a few thunderstorms hovering in the sky.

He inexplicably felt a trepidation, and suddenly a thunder jumped from the beginning of the day Zhao Yuxuan turned around and rushed Qin Hou to yell: "Qin Hao, said a good promise!"


Lei Luo, Zhao Yuxuan in the arrogance unwilling to turn into ashes.

"Hou Ye never said that I want to let go of you, and where is the promise of a thousand gold, you can not die like this, the sky is not allowed, idiot!"

Liu Yang lost his knife and looked at Zhao Yuxuan, who had turned into an ashes outside, and snorted with disdain.

"Hey, these days have suffered you and my father, go, go home."

Solved the pair of dogs and fathers, Qin Lan walked over and took tears of Tang Yuyue, and in the farewell of the Qin gang disciples, walked out of the Golden Villa side by side.

Zhao Chunlong and his son fell from the position of Dongzhou Supreme to the dust in the night.

Qin Hao did not move a knife and a gun to conquer the important old church mouth, the result is Zhang Daling did not expect, he originally thought that there will be a shocking battle in Dongzhou, but did not expect it will be so smooth.

In the final analysis, Qin Hou is too popular, and the prestige in the hearts of the brothers is too high.

There is no need for him to shoot, as long as he is still alive, this battle has already won.

After the restoration of Laotangkou, Liu Yang was officially promoted to the main governor of Dongzhou and the master of law enforcement because of the cruel test, replacing the bright moon for moral burial.

After careful consideration, Qin Lan let Zhang Daling personally come out to shake the flag and recruit the old department. Among them, the law enforcement hall, the secret hall, the blood hall and other brothers were the earliest return. Later, Zhang Daling walked around and recruited the old department, especially with the Qin Gang branch of Xijiang, Xiangbei, Xiangnan and other affiliated forces. However, the effect was not satisfactory. The foreign courts and affiliates did not respond positively. It’s just a perfunctory promise, which makes the recovery into a difficult situation.


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