The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1551: Coming from the car

(97 novel network

"Hey, this group of ignorant children, where do you know the power of my holy fire!"

"Well, today, let you open your eyes."

Yeluguang couldn't easily escape to China. The most taboo is a face. I am afraid that others will say that he can't do it. Seeing that everyone doesn't give face, he is angry when he arrives.

But seeing two strong black hurricanes rising under his feet, people like the sky-black crows, squatting up, and falling heavily on the platform.

"Qin Hou, can you know my name?"

Yelly Light came to the meeting today, the most important thing is to make a name, naturally, will not miss this good opportunity to promote themselves.

"Who are you, is it important?" Qin Xiao sneered.

"You listened well, I am the Lord of the Holy Fire, the light of the Lord, the ancient Persian holy fire..."

Yeluguang was anxious to brag, so that Huaxia Qunxiong remembered that the voice did not fall. Qin Xiaoran laughed and said: "Isn't the holy fire sect not destroyed by the smashing cold? A small gate of the district is destroyed by the hundred people. Do you mean to brag about it here?"

"Do you know how Tuohan Han died?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Too 跋 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那

Some of Yeluguang’s thoughts are unbelievable. But how can they die if they are unable to withstand the North Desert arrogance that their lords can’t resist?

"I personally left his head and broke his soul. It seems that you are not qualified to challenge me. Go on."

Qin Hao waved and smiled indifferently.

"You brag, look at the trick."

The light of the yelling of the light, a black wave of light, the sound of the waves screaming, the heat of the heat, the whole person is like a moving black powder bucket.

"Holy Fire!"

Yeluguang emptied the palm of the hand, and suddenly there were countless black palms in the palm of the mountain. The general cover of the sea to the Qin dynasty, the temperature of the entire platform rose sharply, Rao is the audience and also felt into the steamer.

"This ancient Persian old man really has a bit of skill, and he is so strong and sturdy. He is afraid that he has to cultivate the master of the late stage."

Someone was shocked to ask underneath.

"Oh, the late masters, you are too young to see Mr. Yelu, but he is the second person of the Holy Fire, according to the Chinese martial arts circle, the cultivation has already entered the gods."

"You will wait to see how Qin Hou died."

Yan Nanyang proudly sneered.

"God refines Wu Zun, that's okay."

"Yellow Lord, good, beat the prestige of the Yan family!"

Everyone listened to this old man’s cultivation, and the noise-stricken people couldn’t help but get more.


The Qin dynasty dismissed two words, his body shape was like a ghost, and the slamming sound was separated from the palm of the light of Yeluguang. When he was there, his shadows were everywhere in the southeast and northwest, and Yeluguang saw his eyes. It took a lot of time to shoot a palm, and the west took a palm. Even the shadows couldn’t be touched. It was purely touching the wind.


"Made, whether it is playing or not."

The light of the lion is roaring like a lion, the eyes of the air are bulging, and the whole person is about to burst.


Just in the light of the jealousy, the voice of Qin Yu floated from behind his back: "On the kungfu of your three-legged cat, dare to come to China to compete for the heroes? Let me teach you how to play the fire! ”

"Fire is coming!"

Qin Lan smiled coldly, and two purple awns flew out of the pupil. He flexed his finger and the fire rose instantly, like a wheel spinning around to the light of Yelu.


Yeluguang saw that the fire lotus was unremarkable, and there was no flame of heat. It was not put in the heart at all. The moment was overjoyed, it was actually open arms, letting the fire lotus attack the body.

But when he saw his palms wandering, the two fire lotus wheels were instantly compressed into balls, and Yeluguang smiled happily, and swallowed a mouthful of mouthfuls.

All the people underneath, all of them were shocked by the heavens, and they sang the scorpion to the Yelu.

"Hey, the disciples of the Holy Fire have used fire to refine their bodies, and they have swallowed fire and fire." Anyone who plays with fire in front of Laozi, in the words of your Chinese, is the big knife in front of Guan Gong, and he is humiliated!"

Yeluguang exposed such a hand, can not help but smug.

"Are you sure?" Qin blinked and smiled, but when he saw his finger, Yerui Guangdeng had swallowed two fire lotuses in Dantian, just as two bombs burst open, one he The unseen heat has spread in Dantian.

"not good!"

Yeluguang shouted badly, and Zhang mouth wanted to spit out the fire lotus, but it was already late.

Dan Tian, ​​who can withstand the tens of thousands of degrees of flame heat, can't bear this high temperature strange fire beyond his imagination. Dantian has been burned to ashes!

The pro-Swallows are still screaming, but their shouts soon became amazed. Yeluguang began to pop up a purple transparent hole, followed by countless purple fires from his cheeks and nostrils. And out.

"This, what is this fire, how can there be such a hegemonic flame in the world!"


Yeluguang screams in pain in the sky, hehe! The body fired instantly, like a purple fireworks. After the beautiful, it passed away.

"Who else?"

Qin smashed the dust on the sturdy shirt and looked at everyone. The calm state was as light as the ash.

"It’s a fool, why do you want to swallow the fire of others, and who else is going to..."

Yan Nanyang looked at everyone behind him and asked with a look of hope.

Everyone was ashamed, avoiding his eyes, and dare to answer.

At this moment, as long as the eyes are not blind, it can be seen that Qinhou has been repaired as a god, and he said that he went to heads-up, that is, the wheel battle, and no one dared to join in this fun.

"Do Yan family have this ability? Do you want Yan to come to my family Houyi?"

"Hey, just like you, this group of wine bags, dare to come and fight with Hou Ye, hurry home and hug the children."

Han Xueer stood up and waved the powder punch, rushing Yan Nanyang and others shouted.

Everyone suddenly bowed and no one dared to respond.

"Since you dare not go, then I am welcome."

"Come on, people who come here today, not my family, do their best."

Qin Yan’s eyes flashed and he waved his hand.


Thousands of Qin Bang escorts rushed out of the village, and the water around the venue was unreasonable. The strong murderous gas in the village was filled with the atmosphere was cold to freezing point.

"Hou, what do you mean by this, isn't it for everyone to come to the martial arts conference? Even if we lose, we don't need to kill."

"What is this rule?"

The Yanpai people panicked, and all turned their attention to Yan Nanyang. Yan Nanyang hardened his scalp and stood up.

"On my site, my words are rules!" Qin Hao cold and unparalleled.

"All I send people, all left!"

Zhang Daling drank.

Suddenly Liu Zhong and other people belonged to the old department of Qinhou. At this moment, they dared to wait and see, and they stood on the left with joy and joy.

Most of the time, people are standing on the left, the remaining one-third is Yanpai, and one-third of the wall grass is swinging!

This time, the team basically confirmed the future situation. Once it was selected, the people who depended on it in the future will surely undergo a more brutal secondary cleaning.

One is Wu Shen, the other is Qin Hou, it is extremely difficult to choose, a little careless is full of suffering.

"Sanye, you, you are saying something."

Everyone looked at Yan Nanyang.

After Yan Nanyang took a deep breath, he laughed and laughed at two channels: "The rules of Qinhou are really big, but now it is not when you are in the prestige, wait until the last level is over."

After that, he turned to face the mountains and shouted: "Please holy!"

At the same time, more than a dozen Kunlun Mountain guards screamed and said: "Congratulations to Saints!"

But see a **** red sedan flying out of the mountains out of thin air, flying over the heads of the people. Qin’s disciples, but those who are squatting, are not smothered by the vomiting blood, and no one can stop the situation. Overbearing unparalleled.

The sedan chair flew up to the platform, and stood upright. The handles were like two big knives, swaying in the air, and launched a storm with a million pounds of power.

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