The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1577: I want to tear him apart.

The secretary who can do Lu Xiangyun is naturally not an ordinary person. Secretary Xiao Li has been with him for so many years. Whether it is in the face of financial turmoil or damage to the company, it has never been such a panic.

Lu Xiangyun quickly got up and asked: "Xiao Li, what happened, just say."

"6 total, just received a call from the terminal of the Henan Airlines company, the road master, he ... he ..." Xiao Li did not finish, it is already tears, not dare to talk.

"What happened to him, you are talking." Lu Xiangyun’s heart surged into an unpredictable foreboding.

Of course, he knows that his son grew up in the honey pot by his family. He has been flying in the past few years. Everything has been done. Lu Xiangyun wants to manage it. In the end, he can only let it go, even if it is It is to expose the sky to the bucket, and they can fill it out.

However, the intuition told him that the son was planted this time!

Sure enough, Xiao Li whispered: "The road always, the voyage said that the young master disputed with his life on the plane and was killed by alive."



Lu Xiangyun felt that if he was hit by five thunders, his eyes were black and his legs were soft and almost fainted.

"The road owner is flustered, who is so bold, and even the young master dare to kill?" Instinct quickly helped Lu Xiangyun, a Buddhist martial art passed the past and stabilized his mind.

"I don't know, it's a young man, the method is very cruel, first shattered the arm of the young master, then..." Xiao Li couldn't say any more.

"I have sixty this year, so I am such a son, a single seedling."

"Who is who is so cruel, he has to kill him."

Lu Xiangyun instantly seems to be ten years old, old and tearful.

"Bodyguards, are bodyguards eating?"

Lu Xiangyun immediately turned his face and asked coldly.

"The bodyguard didn't even dare to move, saying that the person was too powerful. They couldn't solve it at all. The young master came across the iron plate this time."

Xiao Li Dao.

"I am a man of iron plates, or a rigid plate. I dare to kill my son of Lu Xiangyun. I must smash his corpse!"

"Xiao Li, immediately called the staff, how many called, and immediately went to the airport to arrest people."

Lu Xiangyun screamed and yelled.

Someone came to his head and killed his son. This is a sin of heaven and must not be forgiven.

If you want to kill the **** guy today, anyone will dare to ride on the road to pull the urine!

"Poverty also goes, see who it is, the means are so cruel, dare to kill people in the land of my Beilin Temple!"

"Today is going to replace the Buddha, to eliminate the fierce!"

Instinct is intended to please the road home, which is undoubtedly a good opportunity for him, and immediately volunteered to get up.

Lu Xiangyun is overjoyed. Instinct is a master of the master class. He is also a master of the first class in Beilin Temple. It is better to have him.


Henan South Airport!

Unlike the past, several passages at the airport today suddenly closed, and the quiet voice of the flight attendant echoed in the hall, reminding passengers to leave the hall immediately and cancel all flights.


The electric glass door at the north gate of the airport is slowly opening!

A group of 100 people murdered in and rushed in, leading the middle-aged man wearing a suit face chill, a monk, behind is a hundred men in the same step.

As soon as the group entered the hall, the intense murder moment filled every corner of the hall. Originally, the passengers who complained to the service desk saw that the situation was not right. They knew that they were going to do big things, and they quickly retraced and retired. .

In less than ten minutes, all flights were banned and passengers in the terminal were all forced out of the hall by security.

Those who know a little about the market know that this 80% is to come to a big man, or to have a particularly urgent accident, otherwise it is impossible to have such a level of martial law.

In the cabin of the aircraft, it was still a dead silence. Until the steady stop, the passengers came back to the air and swallowed the hatch. I was afraid that it would be troublesome to go late.

However, unlike in the past, when you get off the plane, you will be surrounded by black-pressed security personnel.

"Everyone, because of the temporary accident, the export has been closed. Please take the arrangement from the No. 3 port, the advanced hall."

The security captain, patted the gun at the waist and drank the road.

Where did everyone dare to oppose it, and he walked into the No. 3 mouth under the guidance.

Qin Lan and the little dance walked out of the hatch and looked at the night of the sky. He sighed a little: "Southern Henan, a strong murderous, small dance, have fun to play tonight."

"Who dares to provoke uncle, that is to take their own insults!"

The little dance Wen Xiao smiled.

She is familiar with death, she is very light and very light. She is not afraid of death herself, and she is used to too many lives and deaths.

Every day in the daughter country there are all kinds of fights and killings, as well as the extremely **** and cruel party of the Colosseum. Therefore, it is not her ruthlessness, but the dead are just as simple as the ordinary people watching the news broadcast, and nothing more.

"it's him!"

Two soft-legged soft-footed bodyguards supported the hatch, and finally came out, and the security made a look.

Immediately, security personnel hurriedly left and left the past, and did not name it. They were just vigilant to prevent Qin Yu from escaping.

Subsequently, someone immediately lifted Lu Wei’s body and transported it from the VIP passage to the hall.

Qin Lan did not plan to escape. In the whole south, he was the only king. Even if the Sima family chief stood here, he could only look up to him and respectfully called Hou.

Stayed in the lobby!

Lu Wei’s body has already been in the middle of the All the passengers were squashed and ordered to stand in two rows.

Everyone knows that this robbery is sad tonight, and this situation, Lu Xiangyun, is going to be buried with his son.

He said that the road home really has such a hegemony!

"Son, you are so badly dead."

"I swear, no matter who he is, I will tear him up a little bit, crush it into a meat sauce, and avenge you."

Lu Xiangyun looked down and his son's internal organs and visceral bones all became mud, the original handsome face, now distorted to deformation.

He must have suffered cruel torture before he died!

The whites sent black people, and Lu Xiangyun’s hatred was only bad for this day.

In addition to blood tonight, there is nothing invincible to ruin his hatred!

"Who is who killed my son and got me out."

Lu Xiangyun rushed out of the crowd with a lion-like roar.

Lu Jia is angry at the sky, who can be?

Everyone looked at Qin Hao, and all of them secretly sighed!

Lu Wei’s scum is dead. It’s definitely a clapping thing. The guy’s fist is arrogant and mad, but in front of the absolute king of Henan, how can it be, not a dead!

Everyone can't imagine how the cruel way Lu Xiangyun would use to break the just young man.



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