The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1585: Imperial blood


Black three anger hammer chest, big hands and a lift, a deadly sorrowful knives and long knives.

The sleek ten fingers slowly grow a long, sharp **** nail!

"Garbage array method, I want to stop me, kill!"

Black three slammed a foot, and the whole person leaped high like a cannonball, when it was empty.

His style of play and his rudeness, what is the formation of the law, holding a copper-iron bone and an unparalleled power, is directly dry!

The ultimate strength of Black Three can reach two million jins after growing up to Sizhang Yaksha. This is the realm of the late Shen dynasty. It is almost the same as the Qin dynasty body, but it is far from being the peak of the gods.

But he has an absolute advantage, that is, the weight of his original body, the height of four feet, the density of a copper-iron bone is amazing, combined with the weight of light to reach nearly 20 tons!

What a terrible existence of 20 tons of behemoths and general bombardment of shells?


He jumped like a mountain, and fell to the ground!

The earth is roaring and dusty!

Most of the youngest disciples of Sima's family are in the middle and late stages of the internal refining. I don’t think that this big array itself can kill the evil spirits of the Black Three. Even if it can, at this moment, everyone’s feelings have faded. The hands are soft and soft, and the array is flustered and discounted.

These disciples are physically fleshy, and they can withstand the human flesh of the black three ~ fried ~ bombs, dozens of people were smashed on the spot, the law is not collapsed, the scared soul flies, and flees.

"Don't panic, keep the formation!"

"Keep the formation!"

Sima yelled in a hurry.

People who are slightly conscious are aware that there is still a glimmer of hope in the face of these two killers, so it is absolutely self-defeating.

However, the disciples have long been scared, and whoever cares about the battle, they are all fleeing.

Black three screams and screams, his steps are too big, the distance is a few feet away, flying with the general, the sickle in the hands flying, where the cold light is, there is no match, all become the ghost of his majesty.

The seventeenth is a cold assassin, sinister and calm, and he does not vent the killing pleasure like the black three, but the sharp nails are moving through the crowd with ghostly figures. The claws are directly licking the heart and cutting the throat. They never give people a chance to live. Every time they take a shot, they must take away a life.

The original good hidden dragon array, suddenly became a big battle!

More than three hundred disciples were trapped in the dead Shura field, less than a fragrant martial arts, full of broken bodies, blood into a stream!

The wind on the square blew, except for the strong tingling **** smell, only the dead silence.

The black three and the **** red pupils were swept in the field. After ensuring that there was no living mouth, this was the life. One left and one right stood next to the Qin dynasty, and looked at Sima Hongdao and others.

"Okay, terrible!"

"Once, how, what?"

Sima Dark and others are not scared.

"Hey, on these two beasts, I still can’t look down on the storm!"

"What are you doing?"

Sima Hongdao asked to ask.

To say that he is not afraid of being false, he just annoyed that the wastes were not even touched by the depths of the Qin dynasty, and they were lost in vain.

Who can still bottom out?

That is their grandchildren.

"Old ancestor, I, we are all in the middle of the training!"

Sima Mingdao.

"In the middle of the refining, there are almost as many qualifications to try."

"Go, you fight with them!"

Sima Hongdao said.

"No way?"

"Old ancestors, we will be killed, not a grade at all."

Sima was in a hurry, and the blood on the sickle of Hei San had not done yet. It was time to get together. Isn't that a dead end?

"Oh, I naturally have a way!" Sima Hongdao talked, and there were a few golden needles at his fingertips.

"Liuhe God Needle!"

"Old ancestors, I am the bloodline of the descendants, you can't do this to us."

Sima Ming saw the needle, just like seeing the prince's life and death book, his eyes round and screaming.

"Hey, since I am a descendant, dare to violate my will?"

Sima Hongdao's face was heavy and his wrists were shaking. The six-in-one needle was like an eye-opening, and it pierced the main points of the two.

He has lived for nearly three hundred years. He has seen too many children and grandchildren. He has already been numb, and his family has no meaning to him.

Only the gods and longevity of the phoenix are what he pursues. Apart from this, nothing can be sacrificed.

Sima Dark Brothers only felt that the scalp was a numb, and a tyrannical force came from the sea, and instantly rushed their consciousness. The next two people stayed in the face, the pupil became blood red, like a beast, rushed to Qin The past.

The Liuhe God Needle is an extremely overbearing and barbaric method of urging power. It was originally the most suitable method for the guards of the Western Jin Dynasty. When the emperor was threatened, the guards would use the Liuhe needle to increase the number in the shortest possible time. More than the self-cultivation, the incarnation of the painless and unconscious combat killer, loyal to protect.

Because of hegemony and cruelty, this kind of acupuncture was almost abolished within the family. I didn’t expect Sima Hongdao to be in the ranks of the descendants, which shows that it is inhuman. upgraded the Sima Ming brothers who were repaired. In an instant, I reached the late stage of the refining, each with a force of 200,000 jins.

It’s just that they have this ability, and they are far from being able to enter the eyes of Qin.

Black Three is just a simple scythe, without any tricks, just like taking a fly is easy!


The head of the Sima brothers broke down!

The rushing body was still struggling forward, until Qin Lan was in front of him, and he fell to the ground!


Sima Hongdao snorted.

The rest of the people are nothing but creeps. They have retired from him a few steps and hided far away. Obviously their ancestors are not protectors, but ruthless executioners!

Just two orders, the Sima family has lost hundreds of lives.

"The old man, even his own descendants have got his hands, it is simply human."

"Hou, I am fighting, I want to pull out his dog skin!"

Black three angry.

Qin Hao nodded and said: "Be careful, this old thing is not easy!"

Black three lead, the sickle twisted around the neck, and cut to the neck of Sima Hongdao.

Don't look at the black three-body size, but it is really agile and flexible!

Sima Hongdao is at his feet, just like a small doll!


"Do you also match the old man?"

"Emperor Dragon Blood!"

Sima Hongdao, a pair of arms and clothes, and two dragons roaring around his arms!

Although the Sima family claims to be a Feng nationality, what is really powerful is the royal blood of the royal family!

Moreover, the two Jin occupies a very long time in the world, and the dragon is stronger than the descendants of Cao Wei, and the tyrant is incomparable!


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