The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1587: Emperor Dragon

Qin Yu’s hateful heavenly bow is the top three warriors of Hell and the top-level exercises of the Black Desert.

The three major warriors of Hell are: the eighth layer of hell, the abandonment of the eight colds of hell, the third layer of the bitter sea night fork, and the seventeenth layer of the black desert of the Huangquan desert.

The sands of the Huangquan Desert are black. The black sands are flying all the year round, covering the sky and hiding the darkness. It is one of the worst areas in hell. The black deserts live in this terrible place. They practice in the desert. With an unparalleled archery, you can open a hundred-mile bow and take the enemy level in 10,000 meters!

On archery, the world is unparalleled!

The hateful bow made by Qin Lan is the top hateful bow in the Black Desert Archery!

Hate the heavenly bow is the yellow-level true method. This arrow is shot. The mixed power is absolutely unprecedented. The Sima Hongdao, who was originally frustrated by the seventeen-scratched heart, sees the hateful heavenly bow. It was even more shocking, and I was locked in my mind for a time.



As the world's top master, there is also hidden dragon blood, Sima Hongdao's reaction and consciousness even above Sun Tianyi, seeing the arrow to be headshot!

Sima Hongdao made a roar and made a trick at the bottom of the hidden dragon spirit: "Hidden Dragon has no regrets!"

The two black dragons wore out from the ground, with infinite power, lightning and thunder, and instantly wrapped around his body, the protection is strict and tight, and the air is impenetrable!


One of the black dragons opened their mouths and swallowed the feathers.

The strength of the tyrannical feathers, the life of the black dragon's head was blown into a crush, Sima Hongdao only felt a sweet throat, mouth vomiting blood, knowing that it has been shocked into internal injuries.

However, there is another black dragon guard, which does not require his own life.

"Awesome bows and arrows, the old man has been the first person to hurt me for three hundred years. It is rare."

"However, it is the limit to make an arrow for your cultivation."

"So, no matter who you are, no matter how high your talent is, you are destined to die in my hands today."

Sima Hongdao wiped off the blood of his mouth and slowly walked toward the Qin dynasty.

Every step, the momentum on his body will increase by one point, one, two, three... It is actually a Kowloon!

Kowloon roars, the sky is cracking!

Wherever Sima Hongdao went, all of them were gully, the flowers and plants withered, the majestic momentum, and a few points of the real dragon, the incomparable hegemony!

No one has ever forced him out of the spirit of Kowloon. This kind of anger is undoubtedly the counterattack of the entire Sima family. This is the power given by the ancestors of the past dynasties. It is the glory and self-respect of the Sima family.

No matter who you are, you must die when you step into this land!

"Kowloon! Sima's dragon is stronger than I expected. No wonder Sima Qing dreams of becoming a martial artist for the whole day. You really have this qualification."

"However, this arrow is meant to accompany you to play!"

The Qin dynasty is still plain and watery, calmly watching the sky, and the eyes are full of deep meaning.

If you taste it carefully, the kind of deepness is a kind of pity, disdain and ridicule!

Like Sima Hongdao is like a struggling clown, symbolizing the glory of the Sima family to the last moment.

"What do you mean?"

Sima Hongdao's brows were tightly locked, and looked up at the sight of Qin Lan. The original gray sky suddenly opened a hole and lit up. An incomparable star was as big as a moon, and it was empty!

The stars are purple, the light is shining, and there is a superb extravagance and majesty, echoing with the dragon!

Kowloon is a purple light, roaring and rushing, seemingly feels an ominous premonition, actually struggling to get rid of Sima Hongdao's body.

"It is the emperor purple MSI!"

"Zi Weixing is exclusive to the royal family, but why is there such a sense of panic and guilt, why the ancestral dragon's temper will pass away a little bit, what is it?"

Sima Hongdao has a little panic, anxious face, and a complex face!

"What do you mean?"

"Zi Weixing is the only one who can change and control the blood of the emperor. The only star that can make a dragon, so what do you think?"

The smile of Qin Yu’s mouth is even better.

Smile like a knife, cold and piercing!

But seeing his lips slightly open, he slowly spit out three words: "斩帝龙!"

The three characters fell, the purple light was mastered, and it was shrunk into a beam of light firmly wrapped around Sima Hongdao. The original Sima Hongdao, who was also imposingly imposing, was like a frozen prisoner, like a prisoner of death who was about to face execution. The conscious fear of trepidation.

What is even more frightening is that Kowloon is crazy about wanting to get rid of his body, and he will not hesitate to rush, and he will vomit blood again and again!

"How could this be, what is going on here?"

Sima Hongdao does not know that Qin Hao hates the Tian Gong strike is a fake, the real kill is the Ziwei Emperor Dragon!

At the moment when he bowed his bow, he knew that the hate of the sky bow was a yellow-order true method, but with his current strength, he waved to the extreme, and he couldn’t make a perfect use of it. It was a blind man, and he was shocked by Sima Hongdao.

In the dark, the true method leads to the Ziwei forbidden The curse is naturally taught by Fang Xiu. It is used to deal with Yan Jiu Tian and Sun Tianqi. It is not used for restraint, but it is used to restrain Sima Hongdao. perfect.

"I am a hidden dragon, after the king, how can you betray me?"

Sima Hongdao is extremely sad, so he will never leave Kowloon. They are the glory and soul of the Sima family. Even if they die, they must die in the blood of the emperor.

This is his bottom line!

"Less less in this god!"

"How about the purple MSI, the sky is not, I have to hit him a transparent hole!"

Sima Hongdao looked up at the purple micro-stars that killed him, and decided to scream.

"Qin thief, die!"

Sima Hongdao forced the suppression of Kowloon, and the power rushed to the extreme. The **** red robes must dance in the wind, as desolate and mad as the sad songs of the end!


"There is no king in the world!"

Sima Hongdao put a handful of pressure on the Kowloon to form a group, Kowloon entangled together, a painful humming, the entire valley is also bursting, the giant earthquake, the earth shakes, as if the end of the world is coming.

"There is no king in the world? Is this going to be with me?"

"Unfortunately, you have no chance!"

Qin Hao shook his head disdainfully, looking up at the stars, full of the ambiguous meaning.

If Sima Hongdao makes such killings from the beginning, he must be inevitable, but now it is late, the Ziwei Stars and Emperor Dragons have cursed the curse, but those who are pregnant with the blood of the emperor must be shackled!

Unless Sima Hongdao has the cultivation of **** and the superiority of heaven, reversing the power of the stars, but apparently just touched the edge of the secret, Sima Hongdao, not yet able to!


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