The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1598: You are not worthy of being a wolf

"Open fire!"

Xia Bin screamed.


A number of cannonballs were fired from armed helicopters and bombarded into smashes by bureaucrats.

Huang Yaodong and dozens of soldiers of the Great Qin Army closed their eyes desperately, only waiting for the arrival of death.

In such a small space, no one can withstand the attack of six rockets at the same time!


The loud noise shook the sky!

However, the shells did not rush to the bureaucracy, but collided in the air, bursting with splendid sparks.

Huang Yaodong and others looked at themselves and couldn't believe it!

How can the shells be biased?

"Made, what the **** is going on?"

Xia Bin’s screaming screaming, shouting at the wolf soldiers on the helicopter.

The soldiers are also a slap in the face. They are obviously aiming. How do the shells automatically deviate from the track?

Really his mother's life is a ghost!

"You want to kill me, you are not qualified enough!"

When Xia Bin was in trouble, the cold and incomparable voice floated over.

He looked back and saw that under the dim night, a silver-haired green shirt boy didn't know when he came over.

The youngster is tall and straight, and the body that looks not strong is like an infinite force. Every time he takes a step, the body of the body is like a mountain top, and the pressure of the crowd is breathless.

"You, who are you?"

Xia Binqiang pressed his inner fear, and asked uneasy.

He asked himself to be the old man who was killed in the rain of bullets. However, in the face of juveniles, there is still an inexplicable fear. Just as the **** of death has been named, the shadows are lingering.

"What do you say?" Qin Xiao’s smile on his face was even better.

The smile is like a knife, making Xia Bin more and more uneasy.

"You are Qinhou?"

Xia Bin finally blurted out the name.

Almost at the same time, the soldiers under his hands screamed: "Open fire, open fire, and blow up him."

The warrior's soldiers slammed the launch button. However, the shells held long wings and once again vacated, and after a round of air, they bombed the helicopter.

"It's over!"


Several fires exploded, and the helicopter turned into a fireball. When the air fell, the soldiers of the remaining wolves were all scared and scattered, and they shrank in the corner.

Xia Bin’s eyes straightened, and there were countless flies in his head that creaked and became a mess.

Is that human being?

No, he is a devil, a god!

Xia Binjue’s own self is ridiculous. When I heard that the Yan’s ancient Wujun army lost to Qin Yu, he thought it was very disdainful. What ancient Wujun and what Qinhou were not in front of their own missiles and cannons were not the fish on the cutting board. Feel free to squat.

He is the top three war wolves in the world.

However, now he has become a joke to sit on the ground.

Qin Hou is not the one he can match, even if you think about it!

All the aircraft cannons will automatically fail in front of Qinhou, and his power is beyond the scope of modern weapons.

Of course, perhaps a more powerful missile can, but unfortunately, Xia Bin understands that he will never have such an opportunity to guess and experiment.

"War Wolf? The name is very loud, but unfortunately you are not worthy!"

In the Qin dynasty, a few purple spots flew out, and the light spots spread out like a firefly, flying into the air, and immersed in the body of every wolf soldier.

Then, the soldiers burned up at the same time.

There is no painful cry, no heat of flames, the soldiers are breathing, and even the brain has not felt the pain of consciousness, it completely disappeared from this world.

"You, you are not human, you are the devil, you are the devil in hell..."

Xia Bin also has a master-level revision, but in front of Qin Yu, he is like a ant at the foot of an elephant, generally helpless and desperate.

"You are right, I am the devil in hell!"

Qin Yusen sings and laughs, the next second, he blinked his eyes, Xia Bin was in full swing, what masters were repaired, completely unable to resist, nothing more than two seconds more experience than other soldiers.


Really hurts!

Very hurt!

The first special warrior regiment of China was destroyed in just half an hour, but the result was undoubtedly disappointing to Qin.

He deliberately raised the task to a certain difficulty. He wanted to let the soldiers of Daqin feel the tension and pressure and let them conduct a surprise attack.

It is not difficult to catch Yanhong. It is difficult to leave. I left my own on-the-spot command. The soldiers at the Daqin base are completely beaten and noisy!


Song Hao looked like iron and shouted.

All the soldiers bowed their heads and stood up in shame. They had no face to look at Qin.

Especially Huang Yaodong, even more shy, can't wait to find a seam to drill in!

His on-the-spot command almost made all the brothers lose their lives. If you have to score the performance of this action, it is definitely zero, no, it is a negative score.

Song Hao also has no face. If it is not the reminder of Qin Yu, his stupidity and rigidness will only make the soldiers under his hand be dumped.

"Well, they all look up, you are too many to win, and you have forgotten how to fight this battle."

"I have heard it for me. The order is dead. People are alive. The Daqin army has to be a military commander, and it must also be on the spot. Today is a It is also an experience. I hope in the future. You can accomplish coordinated operations independently and become true generals and warriors, not machines that I am blessed."

"Winning is not arrogant, defeated, and all spirits are up. The mission is not over yet. Continue to carry out the capture of Yan Hong."

Qin Hao proudly shouted.


The generals gratefully glanced at Qin Yu, who thought that the sergeant would punish them heavily. I did not expect Qin Hao to still choose trust in them.

Huang Yaodong, Song Yu and others played their spirits. Through the skilled monitoring of modern instruments and the discernment of the ear, they quickly opened the secret door of Yanhong’s interior, and everyone chased them in.

Yan Hong only felt the sudden shock on his head. He knew that the big event was not good. He went out of the underground secret room and entered the garage of tens of meters deep. He was shocked and got on the car. He urged the housekeeper: "Fast, fast!"

“Return to headquarters at the fastest speed!”

Yan Hong wiped the cold sweat on his face and shouted.

He knows that as long as he returns to the headquarters, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers who have the most elite weapons and even nuclear power in China. Once they enter the headquarters of the headquarters, which is hundreds of meters underground, it is the end of the world. He is still safe and sound.

The Jeep will soon penetrate the long darkness of the underground ramp, and there is an exit at the end of the darkness, which leads directly to a hidden high-speed service area.

However, things don't seem as simple as he imagined!

A neat and intensive footstep came back from itself, as countless wild horses ran wildly.

All the pace is so neat, so clear!

This kind of footsteps, Yan Hong is no longer familiar, it is the heavy impact of military boots rubbing the earth.


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