The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1605: What do you want to do?

"I, my older brother is still there, Hou Ye, he is in this house."

Yan Nanyang was afraid of death and replied quickly.

"Tell me, Yandong Yangzang, and say it, your life will be alive."

Song Wei took a picture of Yan Nanyang's chubby face and asked with a smile.

"I, I don't know, I really don't know where he is hiding."

Yan Nanyang is afraid of uneasiness.

"Oh, it seems that you are still not obedient."

"Yao Dong!"

Qin Hao hooked his fingers.

Huang Yaodong pulled out the sharp and dazzling sword, went to an old Yan family, killed the chicken, and pulled a knife. The man’s half-necked neck was smashed down, and the blood and the fountain were generally smashed.

Huang Yaodong, like the demon god, usually carries a knife, and the murderous Sensen walks over Yan Nanyang.

"Don't, don't come over, please." Yan Nanyang scared the soul to fly, shouted.

"Do you know now?" Qin asked.

"I know, Big Brother must have entered the Xuanbing Chamber."

Yan Nanyang is afraid of uneasiness.

"Where is the Xuanbing Chamber, let me say."

Huang Yaodong grabbed his collar and asked him.

"Sir, the Xuanbing Chamber has only direct family members to have access, except for my dead grandfather and Yan Dongyang, no one knows, you just killed me, I don't know."

Yan Nanyang wow wow and burst into tears.

Qin Hao God read a move, his hand on his heavenly spirit, indeed did not have any memory about Xuanbing secret room, immediately waved: "The people here, all except, we want to play this time, play big point."

"Yes, Hou Ye!"

The swords in the hands of the soldiers were flying, and there was no trace of mercy. The Yan family who had enjoyed the glory of the world turned into a soul under the cries.

Yan Nanyang shivered at the foot of Qin Xiao, and he fainted, but like last time, Qin Hao still did not kill him.

He needs a person who reports to Yan nine days, no one is more suitable than this waste.

"Sir, searched all over, can't find the trace of Yan Dongyang."

Song Yu frowned.

Suddenly, Qin Qin raised his hand and motioned him not to talk. He stepped on the blood of the ground and looked like a dignified force.

But I don’t know where to fly from the two **** colors. Qin’s fingertips are condensed, and blood gas is used as two drops of blood on the fingertips. It is extremely cold!

Not good, the nightmare is difficult!

The spirit of Qin Yu condensed between the blood and the water, suddenly formed into a lightning bolt directly hit the wall of the hall, and fell into the house.


When the air is exhausted, Lin Meng’s mind begins to appear dizzy, without pain, and constantly shows the past.

She thought of the romance with Qin Shi, and thought of their first happiness. Everything is like a movie. It is so beautiful.

No, my brother!

Unfortunately, I have not been with you when your return is brilliant.

do not!

Lin Mengyan shed tears of death in the eyes!

At the moment when the meaning was annihilated, she heard a cold drink: "Dream!"

In the next second, she could no longer support it. She was completely black and completely lost consciousness.


Yan Dongyang made a scream, only to feel the coldness of the back, like a shackle firmly clinging to the throat, he can tear him into pieces in an instant!

He slowly turned back!

I saw a figure standing at the door, the murderous gas that was enough to destroy the earth and the ground was emanating from him, extremely cold!

"Qin Hou!"

Yan Dongyang lost his voice and the pupil was quickly enlarged, which was full of incredible.

How can this be?

To know that this is the most hidden place of the Yan family, even if it is a fairy, it is impossible to break through such a multi-layered enchantment and find the Xuanbing Chamber of the Earth.

Then, the fear made him cool all over the body, and he kept fighting!

Qin Lan looked at him, his eyes became a slit, his face was filled with an unprecedented smile, but the sporadic light emitted in the eye was like a cold knife, and Yan Dongyang knew that his end was coming.

Yan family is completely finished!

Qin Lan walked over to Lin Mengzhen, and he was injected with infuriation. Fortunately, she just suffocated and was in a state of suspended animation. There was no worry about life. He could not imagine what would happen if he came one step later. .

"Qin Hou, my father has already..."

Yan Dongyang’s words haven’t finished yet. Qin’s hand trembles and a knife falls. Yuehua spreads from his knees. Yan Dongyang only feels a pain in his legs. He looks down and his legs are neat. And broken, a numb on the leg, fell to the ground, screamed.

Qin Xiao smiled even more brilliantly, and a pharmacist paid a sacrifice to seal the broken legs of Yan Dongyang's legs, so as not to bleed too fast, so that this kid died happily.

He wants to torture Yan Yan Dongyang a little bit.

Whether it is the hatred of the last world, or the grievances of this world, Yan Dongyang wants to die easily, and the door is not.


Yan Dongyang’s painful teeth and teeth screamed at the Qin dynasty. He preferred Qin Qin to speak, but the **** butcher never said a word. The terrible feeling made him feel helpless.

He could not imagine that Qin Lan would use hundreds of thousands of methods to torture him and humiliate him.

"My father must have known the things let me go, give me a way to live, otherwise your old Qin family will be full of doors."

Yan Dongyang bites his teeth.

Qin Yan’s mouth was raised, and a small brown bottle appeared in his hand. From the inside, he pulled out his nails and sewed a little bit of dark green powder!

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Qin Hou, you crazy, what do you want to do?"

Yan Dongyang’s fear of yelling.

Qin Hao handed a hand, Yan Dongyang's chic black hair fell on the scalp, Qin Yu's palm covered his head, the palm of the hand cold, flooded Yan Dongyang's body like a tide.

Yan Dongyang wants to raise his hand and don't open the hand of the **** of death, but he can't afford to rebel!

Qin Lan is like admiring art, thinking about him around his chin.

"You, what do you want? What do you want to do?"

"Maniac, you **** madman."

Yan Dongyang can no longer bear the invisible pressure and shed tears of fear.

Qin Yan's nails are like a knife, and a little bit of a gap along Yan Dongyang's scalp!

Very shallow, just just breaking the scalp, seeping out the tiny blood beads!

that's enough!

He spread the powder along the opening and sprinkled it evenly. The dark green powder was incorporated into the scalp. Yan Dongyang felt a tingling sensation, just like there were millions of ants crawling.

"What did you do to me?"

"Maniac, you are talking, talking, I am going to your grandmother's leg, but I am talking."

Yan Dongyang burst into tears, and Qin Yu’s silent fear was more savage than stabbing him.

He really can't bear this silent torture, even if Qin Hao screams at him a few words.


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