The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1611: Miscellaneous

According to the memory of the Taoist priests, the Qin dynasty stood in front of the Qiankun Temple in the Qiandao dynasty. There is a statue of Yuanshitianzun, which is up to several dozen feet. The temple is classically classical, but it can be seen that with the decline of popularity, this generation of cadres has already Without the glory of the past, it seems a bit deserted.

Gan Daozong is still very strict with his disciples. As a Qin Qin, he is not qualified to enter the Qiankun Temple. He can only look at it from afar, but whether it is the dress or temperament of the doorman, it is clearer. At one point, there is indeed a big demeanor.

Qin Xiao’s house is located in the right foot of the disciples of the cadres.

Zhengqi Peak is divided into upper and lower houses.

The upper house is the father and son of the lord of the main road, and the relatives of the four elders. Of course, dozens of disciples, such as the martial arts martial arts, are also eligible to enter.

Above the upper house, the clouds are lingering, the cranes are flying, and the shadows of safflowers, green trees, and waterfalls are visible. The classical beauty that humans imagine is the ultimate, all the facilities in the upper house, the treatment enjoyed, and the cultivation resources. It is also unimaginable for ordinary disciples.

Of course, it’s not just the Taoist sect. In fact, the Zongmen on the Kunlun Mountain, except for the very small number of Cihang Shengzhai, the other are divided into the upper and lower houses, just to stimulate the door to cultivate and enterprising.

The lower house is relatively simple. It is located in the lower level of Zhengqi Peak. It is the place where ordinary disciples live. Because B, C, Ding disciples, and all the miscellaneous are gathered here, it is more chaotic, and the grade differentiation is more serious.

Class B disciples almost control all resources, and the pressure on other level disciples is more prosperous, and Qin Qin's miscellaneous is the lowest level.

Located in the lower house in the lower house.

The place where he lives is called a miscellaneous person. As the name suggests, they are all useless people.

There are thirty-seven people in it, all of whom are as talented as him. They are dedicated to doing things like mixing vegetables, cooking vegetables, cooking, and even going to the night.

Although the Taoist priests practiced the Tao, even if they were masters, they could not get rid of the laws of the human grains and grains.

Of course, this is mainly a third-grade disciple of E-Bing Ding. After the A-level stepping into the gods, the metabolism of these human bodies can basically be avoided.

Qin Yu was also the lowest level in the miscellaneous home. Due to the name, it was suppressed everywhere. Even Sun Wuji personally ran here, fanned him a few slaps to vent the hatred of the island.

"Call, it’s really a bad luck, but from now on, it’s all over."

Qin Lan looked at the upper house, a brow, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, what are you doing, still doing the dream of going to the upper house, and I’m still waiting to open the fire for dinner, hurry up."

At this time, a disciple with a slightly fat body and a smile came over.

He wore a coarse robes, and there was no printed gossip. He wanted to come to be ineligible. Qin Hao searched for a little memory. He knew that this person was Qi Daming. Like him, he was a fire-headed army. He was not good at cultivation, he had to eat and drink, and he had a strength. , repaired: in the early stage of internal refining, even lower than him.

Qi Daming is the only friend of Qin Lan!

"Da Ming, you wait, no more than half a month, we and Master can live in the upper house."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Ghosts believe in you, hurry to cook."

"Master is waiting."

Qi Daming spit out his tongue and certainly wouldn't believe it.

"Hey, you haven't told me, who is going to let you down the mountain, what about the girl under the mountain, is there a beautiful lady?"

Qi Mingming whispered.


Qin Yu slightly concise the gods, Miss Da called Sun Piaoyu, is the righteous daughter of Sun Tianqi, Sun Tianyi only Sun Wuji a son, in the early years when drifting in the world, had been favored, and later cultivated, after the lord, Then she went down the mountain and took the daughter of the family to the mountain and personally preached. Although she is a righteous woman, she is more valuable than her own son.

This Sun Yat-Sen is also eager to fight, not only the beauty of the people, but also the amazing talent, although not comparable to Sun Wuji's blood heritage, early and respected as the holy, but Sun Piaoyu also stepped into the realm of Xiandao in the year before, Qiankun I already have Sun Tianyi’s fire, and it’s a rare pink lady. Even Sun Wuji is not a pet for this dry sister. It has always been a matter of listening.

Qin Lan was only seen in the Zong Qing ceremony five years ago. Sun Liuyu, who was far away from the beautiful fairy, played the music and couldn’t see the appearance. He only remembered that the music was around the beam. He didn’t think about it for three days. Absolutely, thinking about it is also a profound memory.

"This guy actually still has a crush on Sun Tian's family, and she is really bold enough to really see what the lady is."

Qin Yu’s heart is dark.

"Forget it, look at it, you are going to idle, go quickly."

Qi Daming saw him in a daze, and he stopped asking more questions. He took Qin and left.

When I arrived at the miscellaneous house, Qin Hao finally saw what it means to be a fire-headed army.

But see five large iron pots with more than ten feet wide, and they are placed on the fire pit in Houshan. Under the fire pit, there are five Suzaku birds made of black iron, which are engraved with runes and are constantly being swallowed. flame.

A bald-headed fat man stood on the side of the mountain, dancing with a shirt of more than ten feet of mysterious iron spoon left hand, right hand, kept frying.

The iron spoon is afraid of at least tens of thousands of pounds, one by one, and the speculation is like flying. The chef of the kitchen must at least be a master of masters. It is obvious that Kunlun Mountain is far superior to the world and is not a false statement. An ordinary cook goes down to the place. There is a terrible existence between the two.

God read the feelings, this fat man is called Bashan, the master of the kitchen in the lower house of the miscellaneous people, and the head of the fire-headed army. They are called masters by Qin Hao. Bashan is a very kind person, and he cares about Qin Yu, privately. Teaching some exercises, although not on the facade, is already taken care of.

In all the memories, there is no humiliation and no torture in the fire room.

There are still a few brothers who are pouring vegetables behind Bashan, and they are all busy.

A burst of aroma fluttering in the air, the dishes tonight are steamed black cranes, fried fried leopard liver, fried peppers fried mountain hawthorn, braised Linghu red fish, the ingredients used are Kunlunshan trunk roads Spiritual beast, planted spirits and vegetables.

Because the Kunlun Mountains have sufficient aura, the deliciousness and novelty of the ingredients and animals are unimaginable. The kind of stir-fry scent, even the Qin dynasty can not help but live.

This kind of food is enough for the world to squeeze his head to the Kunlun Mountains.

Of course, for the disciples of Kunlun Mountain, these days have become everyday, just like the ordinary dishes of ordinary people.

"The chef's meal is fragrant, so delicious."

Qi Daming also took the opportunity to steal a piece of leopard liver, screaming and smirking.

PS: Today's update is over, and tomorrow night. In addition, to your brothers and sisters, recommend your friend Zi Meng You Long's new book "Maoshan Ghost King", super nice.


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