The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1617: Qingmu Ding

"From tomorrow, we will enter the Wan Beast Mountain to practice. Qin Lan, you will go with us, and you will open your eyes."

Sun Fengyu looked at Qin Hao and his face showed some smiles.

"Light rain, this is not very good, Wan Beinshan is too dangerous, he wants to hang up, the father must not have my life."

"Moreover, Wu Siyuan, they don't necessarily agree."

Sun Wuji sighed slightly and apparently seemed to be jealous of the Wu Siyuan.

In the minds of Qin Lan, the relevant information of Wu Siyuan emerged. Due to his low status, he did not know much.

Wu Siyuan is the chief classmate of Sun Tiankun Temple. There are four disciples of Class A, belonging to the disciples of four elders of Qingmu, Baishui, Zhuhuo and Xuantu. The names of four are: Wu Siyuan, Wu Sicheng, Tang Lie. No worries.

Sun Wuji is the son of the Sovereign, and has the name of the Holy One, ranking above these four.

However, in fact, according to the cultivation, Wu Siyuan is the strongest person in this generation. It has been repaired to reach the middle of the gods, and the elders of Aoki, who are in the process of Taiyimu, have the invincible ability to cultivate. Above Sun Wuji.

Wu Shicheng, the second-ranked disciple of the first-class disciples, is his younger brother. Since then, Wu Siyuan has become even more powerful. Sun Wuji has seen him and he has to be respected for three points.

There is still a relationship behind this. The elders of Aoki are the great elders of the Taoist sect. They have been repaired as a secret. They are only one step away from Sun Tianyi. When Sun Tianyi did not have a way, the lord was originally the elders of Aoki. Even after Sun Tianqi returned, Aoki had actually controlled the cadres for many years.

Although Sun Jia and Aomu elders are humbly honouring each other in order to do their own work, they are actually wary of each other, especially in this kind of troubled autumn, that is, Sun Tianyi does not dare to tear the skin with the elders of Aoki, so as to avoid the loss of internal fighting and let the people of Wu Shenzong catch A loophole.

"The Holy One wants more, my safety will never make you worry, and I have a recipe here that has a miraculous effect on restoring strength and strength. I can at least guarantee that your supply is no problem."

Qin Hao is full of confidence, and the look of that thick face has a feeling of being as stable as Mount Tai.

For a moment, Sun Piaoyu looked at the gods.

She is a very personal person, but also likes people with personality.

A small miscellaneous person, the disciples at the bottom of the Taoist sect, have this kind of temperament and calmness, which is really rare.

I have to know that I have changed someone else, and I have opened my mouth with my brother. I am afraid that I have already been obedient.

This is a very interesting guy!

"I said Qin Hao, your kid went down to Lushan, and the cooking skills have improved. This courage is also fat."

"Do you know how dangerous it is to be a beast? Do you dare to speak up here?"

"Forget it, you still go back and cook."

Sun Wuji took a look at Qin Yu and still waved his hand.

In his opinion, Qin Hao just wants to follow a name. After all, Wan Beinshan can't enter anyone, but it can be treated by a classmate.

"St. Do not believe me? You taste this!"

Qin Lan took out a box from his pocket and made a mysterious martyr.

"what the hell."

Sun Wuji opened it and saw that there was a small black pastry in it, which was full of rich fragrance.

"This is a pastry made of Kunlun Mountain's second blood oatmeal. Plus my unique secret recipe, I can add dantian gas in three breaths. St. Shao should understand that this means you are in danger. At the time, there is more life."

"You have to promise me to go with me. I can offer you this kind of pastry. Of course, it is indispensable to roast, fry, stew, and savour all kinds of nourishing delicious food along the way!"

Qin Hao looked up and said with confidence.

"There is such a god? Isn't that better than the father's refining remedy?"

Sun Wuji vacated and slammed into the mountain with a total of more than a dozen palms. He almost collapsed half of the mountain. When the dantian gas was empty, he grabbed the pastry road: "Kid, you dare to blow the cowhide, I tear Rotten your mouth."

After that, I swallowed it.

Pastry into the throat, and not to mention the faint sweetness and fragrance of the gas, let people have a taste of the original blood oatmeal, while a burning heat from the Dantian burst out, spread all over the eight classics, the original dry Dan Tianna The feeling of fatigue disappeared, and the spirit of the work was greatly enhanced. The power of the gods increased greatly. The initial blow actually reached the realm of the time of full force. Of course, after the punch, Dan Tian only had about 20% of the breath.

An instant full blow and two to make up the qi, this is definitely the effect of Sanpin Dan medicine, especially the full blow, for his level of master, but can form a counter-kill at a critical time.

In this way, Qin Yu said that there is more life, it is not a false statement.

"Big brother, what?"

Asked by Sun Piaoyu.

"Bovine, cow, this kid is just a ghost, light rain, bring him, Wu Siyuan they have opinions, let's take it."

Sun Wuji no longer hesitates, and does not say that Qin Zhen has such a wonderful returning cake, saying that on the way, if a chef follows, the food is not awkward, but it is also a great thing.

Sun Piaoyu is a foodie, see Big Brother agree, the cold Yurong is filled with the joy that can't be At the same time, when she thinks about killing the beast, she can still have delicious food.

"Qin Hao, you don't have to be afraid, as long as Miss is here, you can guarantee that you are unscathed."

This kind of joy only existed on Sun's face for less than half a second. Her cold eyes were taken back from Qin Lan, and she was cold.

“Thank you for the Holy Lady and Missy.”

Qin Hao bowed his hand and thanked him, but his heart was quite ridiculous. Who protects who?

However, Sun Piaoyu, the great beauty of the cold outside, he must accept it.


With Sun Tianyi's status as a god, how can he deliberately go to the world to raise a baby girl and teach him? I am afraid that it is a fake, just because of Sun Faiyu’s physical fitness.

Sun Piaoyu's physique is rarely seen in the world. If Qin Qin is not mistaken, she naturally has the longevity of Aoki, and the popular point is the five elements of pure wood.

It is a rare occurrence in the millennium to match any pure wood and pure water in the five elements. Because people are born with a good time, etc., each point is not bad, and it is almost the same time as the day of the month. It does not exist.

Look at the Three Realms for thousands of years, but whoever is pure, is not a **** of Dafa!

Pure people are born with the most pure life and property, making them like a natural big trip, treasure house, anyone who owns them, combined with their pure life, will make the cultivation increase.

Strictly speaking, Sun Piaoyu is a tool that can be repaired and multiplied.

Different from the instrument, she is sustainable, the energy source is constantly gathering aura, and it is made into a green wood and is provided to the holder.

Such a treasure can no longer be assessed at the supply level!


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