The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1621: Trial start

When everyone listens, they are all eyes bright, what is the existence of the four things in the spirit, that is, Kunlun Mountain can not find many things of four products, this is nothing, the key is the sword in the sword, but that is Whatever the ancestors used in the past, if luck is good, it is possible to get a five-pronged sword.

A five-product sword is equivalent to a one-third increase in cultivation, and can even launch an ancient ban.

There is no doubt that no matter who gets this reward, the cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds.

However, this point is in the eyes of Qin Yu, it is nothing.

The five-product sword is a **** compared with the destiny that he got from the realm of Hongmeng!

As for the spiritual things in the four products, there is not much benefit to his current cultivation. What is really useful is Miss Sun.

Everyone was not nonsense, and wanted to get a reward. He went straight to Taniguchi. At this time, Tang Lie shouted again: "Elder, why can this kid follow it? He is not a classmate."

"There is no rule that class A disciples can't bring their own cooks into Wan Beast Peak?" Sun Wuji sneered.

"Yes, Qin can enter the Beast Peak, time is running out, don't dispute, go quickly."

Elder Aoki glanced at his own disciples, and after thinking about each other, he thought without a thought.

They are tempted by Sun Fengyu to bring this oil bottle into the Beast Peak. Qin Hao’s cooking is good, but after all, it’s up in the lower house. It’s just a mid-master, and Wan Beinfeng. Any one of the three or more monsters can easily tear up the disciples below.

Tang Lie smacked his mouth, and Qin Qin sang a smile without a bad intention. No more, the group entered the mountain.

As soon as you step into the Beast Peak, you enter another world version. The chilly atmosphere is like a tidal wave. The whole forest is groggy. It is like a dusk dawn. It has only a slight brightness. It can be heard from time to time. The beast roared in the mountains.

In the Kunlun Mountains, because of the popular fighting monsters, the existence of the monsters is divided into five grades.

One product is Changlong, the spirit beast under two thousand years.

The second product is a two-year spirit beast.

The three-product year is at least 3,000 to 5,000 years old. It already has an extraordinary demon method, just like the snake that was born in Qinzhou.

When the Qin and the snakes fought in the same year, they also abolished their efforts. When they reached the three beasts, they had the ability to easily kill the master.

The four products are Yanjia's dragon-like snakes, Yan Wei, and the other three major genus. They have the wisdom and arrogance of human beings. They are amazing, can be knotted, and are mostly walking alone. They can resist the gods and martial arts. Usually cultivated between 5,000 and 8,000 years.

The five-featured beast is usually turned into a demon ancestor. It has been cultivated for nearly 10,000 years. After the reign of the great martial arts, he has to detour. As a child, Sun Tianyi’s flow has to be awe-inspiring. He chooses to focus on harmony and does not dare to take the initiative to be an enemy.

In the Wan Beast Peak, there was a Jinpeng ancestor who walked out of the Wan Beast Peak and set off a **** rain on the Kunlun Mountain. This Dapeng bird flutters like a fly, has infinite power, and can vomit ice.

At that time, Yan Jiutian’s cultivation was not as strong as it is now. The Emperor of the Ancestral Temple was still in Nangong Lie, and Sun Tianyi was also there. At that time, in addition to Cihang Shengzhai, the three masters participated in the battle to arrest Jinpeng’s ancestors. The three masters actually couldn’t help the animal, and finally Kunlun’s supreme Zhao Cheng took the ancestors and accepted the mount.

Since then, there has never been a five-character demon ancestor in the Beast Peak. Taniguchi has also strengthened the seal for safety. The disciples will generally choose to operate in the Wanniu Peak with the forbidden zone and the south of the restricted area. It is a forbidden zone. There are too many monsters in the middle and fourth of the North District, and there are still some demon ancestors.

Unless they are led by the lords and elders, the disciples will never dare to step into the halves.

"Old rules, Tang Lie and our brothers and a team, Meng Wu worry you and Sheng Shao team."

"You go east, we go west, and tomorrow before sunset, see who is hunting the most monsters."

"Right, you can always stare at our chefs, but don't let our little lady's baby be lost. The monsters in this mountain are scary."

Wu Siyuan sneered a sigh.

"This will not bother you, and Qin Qin will go."

Sun Piaoyu didn't even look at him and turned and walked east.

There is a big difference between the east and west sides. The east side is a dense jungle, which looks gloomy, but from the more spacious road in the middle, this area is the right way to enter the deep area. On the west is a narrow snowy mountain road. It looks like an iceberg, and it is relatively open. However, the fierceness that emerged during the period reminds us that this is a more difficult passage.

This is actually a blame for Sun Wuji. When I tried it in the early years, I couldn’t stand it, and I was too conceited. I chose the West District with a higher and denser level of the demon animal, so that I formed the habit. These years of trials, they are all The hard bones here, the chances of injury are not big, and I have not won several times.

So that the second-class disciples in the lower house were hiding from Sun Wuji and the gods during the trials. The caused him to fall in the hearts of the people in the lower house.

This time, the trial is even more important. Once the winner has won the prize and got the resources, there will be a chance to shine in the three leagues after fifteen days, and win more classmates of the main army of the lower house. support.

That is to say, once Sun Wuji's trial fails, the status of the entire Sun family will be unstable and replaced by the Evergreen elders.

Thinking of this, he regretted that Qin Qin had come, and there was such a drag bottle. Once he encountered three products and more monsters, he couldn't sleep and distracted. This trial is going to win, but it is difficult.

"Four brothers, you are responsible for protecting the rain and Qin Yu, I am going to clear the road ahead, remember, in the case of three products, the monsters look at the situation, one or two products directly kill."

Sun Wuji confessed that his body shape flashed and disappeared into the snowy mountains.

Meng Wuzhe is as low-key as his master, the four elders and mysterious elders. He doesn’t have much words. He looks very honest. He is the oldest of the class A disciples. He is no longer in the middle of the class. It seems to be second to Wu Siyuan. Can be flat with Tang Lie and Wu Sicheng.

Because he rarely shows the limelight in his life, his sense of existence in the second-class disciples is almost zero. For this kind of good old man who has little value, Wu Siyuan naturally has little interest in making a good deal.

"Qin Hao, follow Master Meng!"

Sun Piaoyu confessed that he was flying away.

Both the brother and the sister know the meaning of the trial. When they enter the Beast Peak, they are all enemies, and they are extremely dignified.

"I will try to go slower, you can follow me."

Meng Wuzhe rushed to Qin Xiao and smiled and deliberately slowed down.

Qin Hao did not want to express the meaning, Meng Wu worry to go a lot, he will not follow suit.


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