The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1635: I will come to this beast.

"Master, how can you single out with him? You should let the sovereigns gather the power of five people and kill Tie Xiong."

Wu Siyuan walked to the side of the Aoki elders quietly.

"The power of the five of us can really kill Tie Xiong, but the other monsters will run away, and the two monsters around Tie Xiong will not be there. The devilish woman in the black skirt on the left is the wife of Jinpeng. It is only a million years old black crow, and it is cultivated into five products. The gloomy man on the right who is not snoring and full of face is a 10,000-year-old pangolin, with the ability of earth and earth. Master used to hand over with him. , absolutely five products."

"Not to mention the other dozens of four-star monsters, just one, not what you can resist."

"If we don't follow the rules, that's a dead end, understand?"

The elders of Aoki explained the incomparable dignity to the apostles.

At this moment, he also regretted that he had opened the seal for his own self-interest. Today, the heads-up win is not big, and the consequences are hard to imagine.

"Several elders, now we can fight with Tie Xiong, we are five people, who dares to fight with Tie Xiong?" Sun Tianyi asked.

The four people of Aoki looked at the burly body of the black bear. The thought in the mind was that the last time the black bear mace swept across the invincible scene. They really could fight, but they really did not dare to take the risk. After all, the dead friends are not dead. This is a famous saying of cultivation.

"Wait, I won't fight with you."

Without waiting for a few people to make a decision, Tiexiong shook his head.

"Well? You don't play with me, who do you want to fight with?"

Sun Tianyi’s thick eyebrows are heavy and unpleasant.

They are already the best to fight, don't fight with them, don't fight with their disciples.

"Who is Sun Fengyu, I want to fight with her."

Tiexiong was able to recognize the promise of Qin.

He is not stupid, Sun Tianyi is the last of these few people is the sacred sage of the late sage, in which Sun Tianyi is still a master of the secret period, shouldering with the Valkyrie, second only to the existence of the Supreme, really playing Tiexiong is not sure to win.

But Sun Piaoyu is different. She is only a Class A disciple. The top day will reach the middle of Xianxian. On her point of law, I am afraid that even my own defense will not be broken. It is a minute to kill.

"What, you have to fight with Sun Piaoyu, she is only a classmate disciple, Tie Xiong, you are a decent genius, and a disciple, you still have to face?"

Everyone was almost vomiting blood, and even Elder Aoki could not help but yell.

He knows that Sun Piaoyu is Aoki Ding, and she is going to be killed by this stupid bear. It is simply a violent thing!

He knows that Sun Tianqi knows better, and immediately he sinks his face and shouts: "Tie Xiong, you are awkward, I really thought that I was afraid that you would not be?"

"Oh, no matter how much Laozi, you promised, as long as I win the Sun and the rain, I will bring back Jinpeng's ancestors."

"Mrs. Black Crow and Mt. Alan are both circumstantial, and everyone listens clearly."

Tie Xiong laughed.

Let Sun Piaoyu Tiexiong singled out is already stupid, but also to bring Jinpeng ancestors back, funny? Jinpeng's ancestors were taken by the Kunlun Supreme for the mount, want to be able to come back? At least the person present at the scene asked himself that there is no such face.

"Who, who made this condition?"

Sun Tianxi trembled and looked at everyone. The first one looked at his own son. In his opinion, only Sun Wuji was so capricious.

"Father, don't look at me, this is what Qin said."

Sun Wuji did not dare to take responsibility at this moment, and sold Qin Qin directly.

"Yes, I mentioned it."

Qin Hao nodded and did not deny it.

"Kid, you are just a cook, what qualifications are there to deal with this big event?"

"Do you want to kill me?"

Aoki shouted.

"Do you have a choice? There is at least some hope. Then, how do you think that Xiaoyu is not his opponent?"

Qin Yu poked his head from Sun Piaoyu, and shouted nervously.

"You, you dare to talk to me like this..."

Elder Aoki just wanted to worry, and Tiexiong made a speech: "Hey, it’s not him, I’m too lazy to kill you, killing the lord directly, one by one, breaking your head."

"Let's go, I want to see what you have in this mania?"

"Sovereign, I will come to this beast."

Zhu Hong was tempered and screamed.

Like his apprentice, he is actually a normal, habitual voice.

However, this opening made Sun Tianxi and others happy, and quickly clashed: "The three divisions, you are a Suzaku Xuanhuo, you have to pass the master's true biography, the most suitable for dealing with demons and ghosts, the main road to worship The younger brother."

Zhu Huo is the buddy of Aoki. Sun Tianyi is suffering from a headache. No one can pull out this nail. He volunteered to ask for it. No one knows what kind of realm Tiexiong’s strength has reached. Zhu Huo can try water. It's better.


White water brow wrinkles ~ ~ want to persuade but was stopped by Aoki with his eyes.

Today, the overall situation has been set, the blood war is afraid to avoid it, and sooner or later someone has to try the depth of the iron man. Moreover, Zhu Huo is not on, that is, Sun Piaoyu, between Sun Piaoyu and Zhu Huo, Aoki certainly wants to protect the former, but that is the big complement of Aoki Ding.

At this moment, he even regretted it. He didn't let his baby apprentice get his hand in the morning, and then he wouldn't help himself to force his shot. Otherwise, it would not be so passive now.

"Teacher, there is work."

Aoki is also an archer.

"Master Aoki, I, I am a moment..."

Zhu Huo saw that Xiongxiong swallowed the mountains and rivers, and he could not help but feel guilty.

"Master, you are so old, and quickly tidy up the beast. When you take his five-in-one, then it is a big supplement."

"Can't be jealous, it's dry, the apprentice supports you."

Tang Lie, where the two goods know that Zhu fire is suffering, but also squatting on the side, almost did not suffocate Zhu fire.

At this time, even Aoki did not help him to talk, the apprentice followed the squatting, saying that the water poured out when he went out, Zhu Huo was difficult to ride the tiger, and immediately bite his teeth: "The old man will meet him!"

After that, Zhu Huo’s body shape was a show, and the whole body was a blazing flame. The whole person was like a wish to melt down the scent. The scent of scent was condensed in his hand and turned into two red and hot fire swords. He shouted: “Tai Qing Yu Xu, give My supernatural powers, Yan Jian destroys the devil, the red sword is evil, hehe!"

The two swords are in the void, on the lethality, the Zhuhuo Xuanhuo of Zhuhuo is the only one of the five people in the existence of Sun Tiankun, and the fighting power is very strong. The two swords are out, the jungle of the original cold, like It entered a hot summer.


The two swords are overbearing, and they go to the iron and thorns.


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