The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1646: Yinghao gathering

The seat of the square is arranged according to the square, and the upper part represents the representative seat of the Kunlun Supreme One. The left one is Wu Shenzong, headed by Duan Muquan, Di Qingcheng and other more than one hundred disciples. On the right is the Taoist, headed by the elders of Xuan Tu, Sun Wuji. More than 100 people, including brothers and sisters and Wu Siyuan.

The one facing the top is the Cihang Shengzhai, the Qing Dynasty female disciple of the Cihang Shengzhai, led by the elders Ming Hui master, Ji Yanran and other more than 30 disciples.

The disciples who came to the meeting should have seats. Of course, there are also some disciples who follow the ceremony, such as Jia Sidao and Chen Zhikun, the disciples of the second class. After all, the disciples of the middle class are the representatives of the largest number of martial art, and the reserve force of the future. To come to such a conference, it can stimulate the motivation of their cultivation.

When it was time to go to Kyrgyzstan, the Square of the Gods, the sound of guns, the cranes, and the cannons.

But when I heard the air whistling, a golden figure came from the sky, and when I came to the front, I slowly landed, but it was a big Jinpeng bird, but when I saw him shake the wings, it turned into an eagle hook and bald head. The middle-aged person looks like.

The elders of Xuan Tu and others saw this beast, and they were all eclipsed and awe-inspiring.

"Welcome to the Supreme Protector of the Jinpeng ancestor!"

Although Di Qingcheng is a representative of Wu Shenzong, and is also the organizer of this conference, he immediately welcomed.

"Zhao Zhizun has an order. Later, he will personally deliver Lingshi to present the honor to the winning boy. You must disappoint him."

"Today's conference powers are hosted by the Supreme Supreme, and now I will start comparing."

There are not many ancestors of Jinpeng. After sitting on the first seat, they will directly open the topic.

"According to the rules, each martial art can play three people. The winning party can continue to challenge until the other two parties fully agree with the loss, which can be regarded as a victory."

"Now, please ask the three sects to draw lots and draw the jiji signers. As the first battle party, any two parties can fight."

Di Qingcheng announced the rules.

The three sects sent representatives to draw lots. The main cadre was Sun Piaoyu, the holy sage was Ji Yanran, and the Wu Shenzong was Duan Muquan.

Duan Muquan has a white cloak, his hair is hung with a treasure jade, his eyebrows are star-studded, his body is very straight, and he is domineering between the dragon and the tiger. It is the most dazzling star of the younger generation in Kunlun Mountain!

Throughout the audience, even Di Qingcheng, the first martial artist, is blind.

Many female disciples of the Cihang Shengzhai saw that his eyes were straight and straight, and his heart was moving, and his thoughts were spring.

Ji Yanran is also a white plain coat with a face that is blessed with enchantment on his face, but the black, supple blue silk, and the eyes full of wisdom and luster, forever stunned, seem to be faintly covered with a faint mist There is a kind of respect that only dares to look far and not dare to play.

Sun Dao Zong's Sun Piaoyu is a green long skirt. The slender, hot body is perfectly wrapped in the skirt. The beautiful face of the beautiful city, under the cold, exudes endless arrogance. At first glance, it is a thorny rose. It makes people want to stop.

"The two sisters, I haven't seen you for a long time. The battle of today is also the battle between you and me. I will not be as good as the two sisters." Duan Muquan made a gesture of please.

"Yeah, Ji Sheng, Miss Sun, are all beautiful women today, and the brothers have to keep their hands."

Di Qingcheng also quickly inserted a mouth and set a close relationship with the two.

I thought that he was the first apostle of the Pantheon, and the Holy One of Kunlun Mountain was now only able to live under the people, and his heart was extremely depressed.

"When you and I are repaired, how can I get there, how can I take the shots of the brothers, and the hand of the deer is still unknown."

Sun Piaoyu did not have any good feelings for the people of Wu Shenzong. The reason is very simple, because she knew that the battle of the Tianshan Mountains a year ago, Yan Jiu Tian was using the trick to win Qin Hou, Wu Shenzong was a despicable villain in her eyes, naturally also There is no good face.

Sun Piaoyu took a handful of papers and was a blank note. He immediately returned to his position.

Ji Yanran is a singer of the slightest to the paragraph, and took a look at it, also Zhang Bai paper, and immediately returned to the position.

Duan Muquan and Di Qingcheng both asked for a boring, but they didn't have the heart to smoke. The rest of the Kyrgyzstan is definitely their Wushen Zong.

"Smelly, sooner or later, you will get your hands, and then you will know the power and benefits of this."

Duan Muquan snorted.

"Di Shao, announce it."

Duan Muquan smashed his hand and returned to the seat.

"I am now announcing that Wu Shenzong has won the Kyrgyzstan. As the challenged party, the first to appear is the disciple of the Emperor Wuzong of the Wushen Temple!"

Di Qingcheng rang.

But when I saw a dry man who was in his thirties, a man like a crane rose into the sky and steadily landed on the ring. He rushed to the Quartet: "The martial arts priest, 139, Cheng Ying is polite. ""

When everyone saw it, this Cheng Ying was completely unknown. On the 139th, wasn’t it the equivalent of a second-class disciple?

In fact, Cheng Ying is the martial temple, the first squad of the second echelon, repaired as the master of the peak of the late stage of the refining, with nearly 200,000 jin of strength. Send him to play, nothing more than a walk through the scene, by the way, let the second echelon people see for a long time Master Ming Hui, who are you fighting? Asked Di Qingcheng.

"War, we abstain!"

"We have fewer people than our two major factions. Today, only one person is involved in the war. Before the finals, I did not accept any challenges."

Minghui masters combined with the ten channels.

There are few people in Shengzhai, and they are female disciples. She said that the other two sects can accept it. The people have their eyes on the cadres.

"Xuan Tuo elders, you have been a master of Kunlun Mountain in the past. The disciples under the door are also the three most sects, but they don't know if they can send three people to participate in the war. Who can fight with my Cheng Ying brother?"

Di Qingcheng’s words are mixed with extreme disdain.

"Of course, we also played three people, namely Miss Sun Fungyu, Sun Wuji Sheng Shao, and the great elder disciple Wu Siyuan."

"The first battle, I think it is still fighting by Siyuan."

Xuan Tuo elders.

Wu Siyuan’s heart is extremely annoyed. The introduction of the Xuan Tu elders has problems. It has to be replaced by the influence of the military strength and the cadres. He is definitely the first in the fight. To him.

Nowadays, Sun Piaoyu is on the rise, and his status has plummeted. It is very uncomfortable.

"Elders, I am doing my best, let me play for the Holy Spirit."

Wu Siyuan has a lot of strength and wants to come to the world and be shocked. Of course, he will not hand over the foundation now.

"Okay, then let's take this easy start."

Sun Wuji also thought that when Wu Siyuan knew that he was becoming honest, he was happy to play.

After all, the first battle is very important. Whoever wants to win will undoubtedly have a great boost to the morale of the division.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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