The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1652: Who is the first in Kunlun

Wu Siyuan does not know about this?

Of course, he knows, but in order to compare the ratio, in order to reflect the power of his master, he has not considered so much.

He only knows that after this battle, the world will know the name of his Wu Siyuan, and the Taoist sect will once again take him as the center. Sun Yunyu’s brothers and sisters will want to press on his head.

In addition, he has enough abundant Dantian gas, can support three strokes, one package ratio, the remaining two strokes to kill Duan Muquan is enough.

Duan Muquan was completely in shock and fury at the moment. His perfect cheek was cut, and his proud self-esteem was also unremarkable. At least he never put the **** in his eyes. It is.

This is absolutely not allowed!

Today's meeting is his, and all the auras will be owned by him.

Under the anger, Duan Muquan was full of enthusiasm, raising his hand to the sky, the bright sun of the sky instantly fascinated, turned into a light column shrouded in his body, Duan Muquan body strength rose again, the whole person is like an angry tiger, knife The situation has been pushed to the extreme.

"Gangyang gathers a knife!"

In an instant, the sky is a knife shadow, there are thousands of knives in full, each channel is like a sun, ringing and scattered!

As he stretched his arms and snarled, every knife was growing and expanding rapidly until the limit of his strength, and the sky was like a golden sunflower.

Duan Muquan held the "sunflower", vacated and swooped down, and the sunflower pressed down from the source of Wu Si.

Wu Siyuan is still a casual smile, Jiuyang magic is really powerful, but what about it?

I have the power of Jiamu, the world is unbreakable and unbreakable!

There are two more tricks!

Killing Duan Muquan, enough!

The knife reached the top of the head, and the sunflower-like thousand knives instantly merged into one, turning into a golden full moon, smashing down the top of Wu Siyuan.


The knife and the air friction radiate a creepy sound wave, and then the air is like being ignited, bursting out in the air!

The knife was hidden in the flame and vowed to tear all the enemies that blocked it.

A strong and fierce knife, the people present, even the Jinpeng ancestors and so on are all invariable. Under these swords, people are embarrassed, and they have a sense of ants.

Everyone is curious, Wu Siyuan will make a corresponding response, this knife is coming to the forefront, this guy has no posture to start, it is already scared, must be alive to die?

"A dragon and dragonfly!"

Wu Siyuan did not panic, everything was in his budget, Duan Muquan did not make any surprises!

But seeing his arms blue and green coiled, screaming more than!

Waiting for the amazing knife approaching the road, the two hands are lightly combined!

Just a combination, enough!

The two green dragons opened their mouths at the same time, and the left and right sides held the Jiuyang knife!

"Sorry, Duan Shao, you have to deal with the A-cat and the dog, and you want to deal with this less. It seems that the ignition is still worse. Go back and practice it for ten years and eight years."

Wu Siyuan, the armored dragon and scorpion, almost lost nearly 40% of the dantian gas, and he still has about 10% of the remaining gas support, and even the murder of his knife and blood is overwhelming. Almost vomiting blood.

Then how, even if there is only three axes, even if there is still a breath, he has to force it to the end!


Duan Muquan’s knife was broken into two pieces by Ssangyong. The nine-yang knife was broken, and the gas was reversed. On the spot, he stepped back a few steps. Wow spit out the blood.

"Don't be a teenager, what other killings are coming out, let me take a trick and hit you until you are convinced!"

"Today, let you see who is the first in Kunlun Mountain, who is the real peerless genius!"

Wu Siyuan laughed aloud.

Duan Mu was as full of ashes, and his body shivered, and the power of counter-attack was still hovering in his body for a long time.

It’s terrible, it’s terrible, and Wu’s cultivation has reached a level that is completely beyond his imagination.

This knife is the third in the Jiuyang magic, second only to the blow of the life-saving knife. I did not expect it to be easily resisted by Wu Siyuan.

Is it difficult for this guy to step into the secrets?

This is the question mark in everyone's heart.

Wu Siyuan installed more than the refuge, smashing this empty, and quickly made up a few of the medicinal herbs left by the Aoki elders, forcibly responded to one or two of the strength, so that he can at least use the Qinglong Jiamu.

He estimated that Duan Muquan had been paralyzed and could not play any flowers. This game was a steady win.

Duan Muquan is indeed a little scared, he is also afraid of losing, he is also afraid of death.

There is nothing more precious in this world than your own life.

He wants to fight again, but the key is that Wu Siyuan's two shots are an understatement. At first glance, there is no waste of power, and most of them have already stepped into the secret level master.

He is the peak of the late refining, only one step away from the secret, but this step is a thousand miles away.

Duan Muquan did not feel that he had the slightest chance of winning.

I lost today, and I broke through the secrets in the coming days. I can still get back, but if I lose my life, I will be nothing.

Thinking over and over again, the arrogant Duan Muquan, lowered his head and decided to admit defeat!

At this time, a cold voice came over. "Mu Quan, you can't lose, you have to lose, the face of Wushen, you can only die in the ring, you must never spit out any words that admit defeat."

Duan Muquan looked forward to the past, the man is an elder of Wu Shenzong ~ ~ elders face ice, let him unconsciously shuddered.

Yes, he can admit defeat, but can Master agree?

He is a disciple of Yan Jiudian!

How can you admit defeat?

Even if he concedes defeat, he will return to Wu Shenzong, and he is afraid that he will have no more days, and may even be tortured by Master.

"Shou Shao, admit defeat, you are not my opponent, and then fight down, you can only confess, why bother?"

Wu Siyuan sneered, he knows that Duan Muquan is about to collapse. Once he admits defeat, he will win.

"Do not!"

"Can't lose, fight!"

"I am a **** of martial arts, absolutely can not lose to a garbage, a waste!"

Thinking of this, Duan Muquan's hand was placed on the jade of the chest, and suddenly he took off the jade and lifted it to heaven.

Jade broken!

The golden yang to the sun, the showering of the body and mind like a rain!

This is the nine-Yang Yupei that Yan Jiudian rewarded him at this year's congress. It contains the sun and the pure day. It can replenish the loss of dryness in an instant, which is equivalent to Duan Muquan's second life. The degree of rarity can no longer be described in terms of value.

Duan Muquan originally wanted to keep playing with Qin and Qin in the future, and used it for the revenge of his father and brother. I did not expect it to be made now.

Because he has already retired!


Seeing Duan Muquan's instant spirits reached the great perfection, and it was full of golden glitter, such as a sharp knives, exuding the arrogant arrogance of Wutian, Wu Siyuan has an impulse to die.

He now has two or three percent of Dan Tian's gas. I didn't expect to not only scare Duan Muquan, but instead of a stronger opponent, it really fell into a **** life.


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