The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1657: Garbage should be equipped with garbage

"Hey, your chopper will kill people."

Duan Muquan sneered a sneer, and the right hand Jiuyang knife greeted him with fearlessness.


The two knives meet, the powerful air waves, and the four scatters, the entire square has been cut off by more than one inch.

"It's so strong, the cold air seeps into the meridians, so it's so uncomfortable."

Duan Muquan's heart and darkness, watching the black light wave, getting stronger and stronger, the pressure is more prosperous, and Qin Hao seems to still look relaxed, apparently did not make full effort.

"Can you kill people? Duan should be clearer than me."

Qin Yusen smiled, and his temperament increased by two points. The knife gas increased again. Huang Quan’s knife was strong in the steady force, and Duan Muquan had to fight to kill him.

In fact, Qin Hao’s current strength is indeed better than that of Duan Muquan, but it is not easy to say that it can be easily killed.

He occupies an advantage in imposing, psychological, and martial arts.

When Duan Muquan was competing with the "Three Masters of the Main Road", his mentality actually collapsed. Otherwise, he would not be so mad and will let Wu Siyuan make such a scandal.

At this moment, Qin Yu reappeared, Duan Muquan instinct had two points of fear in the psychological, and then Qin Yi broke his knife, and made him feel that Qin Yu is not simple.

Moreover, he used the yin and yang method of meditation, which can not seem to pull the wind, is very versatile, and it is more suitable to be used than a genius, but to be against the enemy, it is self-destructive, stepping Going to a dead end.


Duan Muquan did not know that Yan Jiutian passed him a defective product. He knew that the hard fight was not a Qin dynasty. The left hand swayed a few points to control the looming yin knives in the air, and the secret thorns to Qin’s chest. .


Qin Hao and so on is his hand.

Completely neglect the existence of the Yinyue knife, and hide in the yin and evil spirits, and instantly erupt!

"You are looking for death!"

Duan Muquan also excused himself, and then divided the two forces into the Yinyue knife.

Between the masters, the life is only a few milliseconds.

He bet his own yin knives will go ahead, at least one second to cut off the throat of Qin Yu, so that he has a second breather, escaped Qin Qin's kitchen knife to kill.

Duan Muquan really bet on it.

The yin and moon knives were worn out from the black waves and crossed the throat of Qin Yu!

Everyone looked straight and did not mourn for Qin Yu.

"Hey, the world is still in his Yan family. I thought I could go hand in hand with Duan Muquan. Now it seems that there is no comparable in the roots."

"Qin is dangerous!"

Sun Wuji never thought about it. There are such strange ways of warfare in this world, and I am saddened by despair.

Sun Piaoyu did not answer him. Her heart has been tense to the extreme. At this moment, only the prayers of the Taoists of the past generations can be escaped.

"The cadres are really talented. The strength of this little cook is not under Duan Muquan, but the martial arts are different. The yin and yang fellow initiates, this knives are too sly and too fast, and there is no way to hide."

"It’s a pity that you are born with a life!"

Jin Peng’s protection of the law, shaking his head and sighing.

However, gambling does not necessarily mean winning!

The Qin dynasty did not want to stop, and the yin knives that care about the human heart were cut precisely on his throat. The condensed yin is like a stream that has been thrown into the embrace of the sea, and turned into nothingness. Qin Yu just bowed his head and used his chin to easily catch the Yinyue knife.


At the same time, the knife of the kitchen knife condensed to the extreme, head down, such as the Taishan collapse, the North Sea turned, the entire space has a illusion of being subverted.

"How could this be?"

"I used 60% of the yin. He clearly worked hard with me to make a great effort. How can I get such a strong temper to resist my yin knives?"

"Dry yang body!"

Duan Muquan realized that it was not good, yelling, his hands were round and round, and a golden sun shrouded in Zhou, with a dry rune.

One is a defensive, solid soup!

One is attacking, all is broken!

From the very beginning, Duan Muquan was forced to use the yang of the sun to resist. Perhaps Qin Hao had to spend a lot of time to clean up him, but now, with six points of strength on the Yinyue knife, the remaining 40% To resist the Qin Zhen's full blow, he can block the ghosts.


Black light, golden light intertwined, bursting open.

The eyes of the two thorns are hard to open, everything is too fast, and no one can see clearly what happened.

Qin Hao looked up to the sky, the kitchen knife single-handedly pointed to Duan Muquan, Duan Muquan finally lowered the high head, the arrogance in the eyes faded, the two separated by a distance, no one started.

The two seem to have won or lost.

"Good tyrants, why can't my yin knives break you?"

Duan Muquan made a weak voice between his throat.

"The road has to go step by step, and the rice has to be stuttered. If you don't even cultivate the yang of the sun, you will go to repair the yin. This is not a gift, it is an idiot."

"And the reason why your master is a **** of war, there is a support for the dry sun, and you do not, this is doomed, you can only be a small person in your life."

"He passed your yin knives and thought about why? Because this is rubbish, garbage should be garbage."

"Yan Jiudian seems to have really not treated you as an apprentice~ Qin Lan went to Duan Muquan's side, and looked sympathetic.

When Duan Muquan’s mind emerged that Master taught this practice, he told him that he was so eager to say that this is his own yin and yang fellowship, and that the world is unparalleled, and that the future is his.

Now I want to come, go to the future of your horse, I actually believe in Yan Jiudian.

Duan Muquan always knew that Master is a human being. In order to cultivate the little man who is omnipotent, he is secretly guarded. When Yan Chentian passed his practice, he even touched it. He felt that he thought too much. too much.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was still tricked by the old fox.

"I understand, I lost in my own hands."

"You are not a cook, can you tell me who you are?"

Duan Muquan regretted it too late and asked.

"I don't say it? My name is Qin Hao!" Qin Xiaochong squinted at him, and his pupil was full of strange smiles.

"Even if the yin yang strength that my master passed to me is not the purest, but it is absolutely rare in the world, you can resolve it so easily, and the knife is so sinister and pure, under the heavens, I can only think of one person. ""

"You really are Qin Qin!"

The death of Duan Muquan’s face is even heavier.

"You are very smart." Qin said.

"This is not awkward, not awkward."

"It's just that I really want to know why I have to squander the roots of my old family. Even if it is a commercial dispute, even if the Duan family has set up a white house, it will not be completely destroyed." Duan Muquan asked.

"You really want to know, let it be, let you die and understand."

Qin Lan raised his hand and a silvery luster did not enter the soul of the segment of Mu Quan.


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