The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1669: Nothing is impossible

Four spells together!

An instant force immediately cut off an independent space above the Tianshan Mountains, such as the same golden house, which made the Qin shackles solid.

Although everyone is not immersed in the situation, even if they are standing on the periphery, they can feel the solidity of this array. I am afraid that Tianlei is coming, and I still want to break it.

"Damn, how can Yan nine days be so powerful, what kind of ghost is that bead? You can actually compare it with the three great beads of hell, Bodhi beads, magic blood beads, dragon **** beads, how he got it, this Things should not appear in the mortal world, should not be."

Zhao Cheng looked at the dry Yangzhu, which he was all inexplicable, and his heart was full of doubts.

He had always thought that the mortal world was the last stream, and it is not worth mentioning. Nowadays, I met Yan Qitian’s wonderful flower, and it’s really a good thing.

He secretly exclaimed that yesterday he had not played against Yan Jiutian, or else he was killed, but he really said it was not good.

"Hey, the world is also suffering from a Qinhou, otherwise my Kunlun Mountain will be destroyed by the thief sooner or later."

"Yeah, it seems that Qinhou is still very confident. I can feel the enthusiasm of Yan Jiudian."

Sun Tianyi and Ming Hui Shi Tai are also mutual.

Sun Piaoyu and Ji Ruran are very curious. How can Qin Hao resist this kind of terrible gesture?

Yan Jiutian itself is also curious about this issue.

When his eyebrows and dried pearls reflected a golden flame, Qin Hou was still not shocked, and even had no intention of struggling and resisting.

This feeling makes Yan Jiutian have an inexplicable panic.

Is it difficult for Qin Hou to have a terrible afterthought beyond the weight of his own Jiuyang Shentong?


The flame quickly occupied the entire enchantment space!

The enchantment completely became a golden house, and at first glance, pure gold, there is no impurity.

The figure of Qin Lan has been completely invisible!

The fire of the dry yang from the dry Yangzhu is so overbearing, even if it is a monkey, it has to be ash.

"Haha, Qin Hou, how, in the end, it’s not my father’s defeat in nine days, it’s not the dead soul under my feet.”

"I am the **** of the world martial arts, the martial arts supreme, who dares to fight with me, who dares?"

Yan Jiutian has absolute confidence in his own flame. Under such fire, Qin Hao is afraid that he will die anymore.

Therefore, after killing the strong enemy, the arrogant war in the bones burst.

This is so mad, to know that Kunlun Supreme is sitting on the top, not yet dead?

But in fact, Zhao Cheng really did not intend to fight with Yan nine days.

First, the strength of Yan Jiu Tian has exceeded his expectations. He has no exact grasp of this kind of dry fire.

Moreover, he is about to leave the **** soon, and there is no extra effort to fight Yan Yantian.

Did Qin Hou die?

Everyone's heart is full of doubts.

In addition to the screams of Yan Jiudian in the field, only the strong breathing of the crowd was left.

Qin Lan will never despise the dry sun beads.

As early as in his daughter's country, he saw the greatness of Kunyuezhu. This kind of instrument that the heavens have left behind has already exceeded the cognition of general instruments. In the dry sun, the fire of the Japanese fire can indeed melt. Burning everything in the world.

Of course, except for one thing, Kun Yuezhu.

The sun and the moon alternate, and the yin and yang are interdependent.

The two are indispensable to each other, the dry Yangzhu can never destroy Kunyuezhu, Kunyuezhu can not replace the dry Yangzhu!

When the flame that could destroy the earth was close, Qin Lan silently recited the law and sacrificed the moon.

Yuehua instantly blooms!

Compared with dry sun, Yuehua should be much gentler and spread a little bit.

At first, everyone could not find out, and thought that Qin Hao had already turned into ashes, and no one was lamenting.

Soon, there was a little white in the endless golden light.

Then the white light grew a little bit, completely shrouded in the whole body of Qin Lan!

Qin Lan is like a snowman, easily standing inside the enchantment.

The golden flames around me are not allowed at all, black and white, and the two heavens are squatting in the enchantment.

"Hey, Qin Hao, what if you have Kun Yuezhu's body?"

"Don't forget, it's daytime, it's daytime!"

"I am constantly pouring in Jinyang, and your moon will soon be swallowed up, you will die."

Yan Jiu Tian was shocked and still clamoring for his courage.

At this moment, he has completely fallen into madness.

He only wants to fight Qin Qin, he just wants to have the infinite courage to continue the **** battle with this **** guy.

"What you said is that if you do the same, you can really suppress me during the day."

"But if I am higher than you, can you still have this confidence?"

Qin Xiao smiled and asked.

"Before I am a realm, have you reached the end of the secret? Oh, how is it possible that you are less bragging here, no one in the world can reach the late stage of the secret in a year, across three realms."

"You can never be."

Yan nine days screamed.

Not only does he think that Zhao Cheng thinks so.

His current cultivation is degraded is equivalent to the late stage of the secret.

In the later stages of the mystery, it is really nothing to do with the realm of hell, but it is almost impossible for the mortal world where the aura is extremely scarce.

It is not a possibility that it is one year, that is, one hundred years.

Even if this person is a Qin Hou who once made his hate into the bones, he was frightened!

"Nothing is impossible."

"Jiuyin Changsheng is the third most important, autumn Xiaoxiao!"

The Qin dynasty looked awkward and shouted.

But when he saw his law, the heavens and the earth suddenly became inexplicably bleak, and the flowers of the Tianshan, which had already bloomed, instantly withered and withered, and an inexplicable murderous atmosphere filled the world.

This is an irresistible majesty!

Just like a prisoner of death has arrived at the execution ground, the executioner began to grind the knife on the gauze, just wait for the head.

Unbelievable fear!

A tyrannical eternal energy burst from the Qin dynasty!


In the giant earthquake, everyone saw only a dazzling white light, such as the beginning of the universe, penetrated, everyone feels that they are dead, is the kind of death of the sense of death.

In an instant, I lost any consciousness for a short time.

After the white light!

Zhao Cheng and others finally slowed down a sense of silk, and looked at the two people for the first time.

Qin Yu has left the enchantment and is opposite to Yan Jiutian.

Yan Jiutian's eyebrows and golden light have already collapsed. The extremely white face is full of blood, and his body shivers. His eyes are round and round, and he still can't believe that his most powerful killing has been broken.

"Impossible, impossible, how can you make the third heavy weight of Jiuyin, how can you be higher than I am?"

Yan nine days can not believe the loss of shaking his head.


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